chapter 27 Demi-World 4

Following their successful confrontation with the red bats, Long Su and Chen Shuirong pressed onward into the depths of the Blood Clan Demi-World.


The landscape around them was a canvas of eerie crimson hues, a stark reminder of the dangerous realm they were traversing.





As they ventured further, they encountered more creatures with the same blood-red skin—a chilling characteristic that seemed to be a hallmark of the inhabitants of this strange and forbidding place.


Each encounter left Blood and body parts everywhere, but Long Su and

Chen Shuirong didn't feel anything for killing these animal's. 


Efficiently coordinating their skeleton militia and human soldiers to face the relentless onslaught of adversaries.their confidence grew With every victorious battle.


As they navigated through the unfamiliar terrain, the two students couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between the Demi-World and their own. 


The air was thick with a palpable sense of danger, and the twisted, crimson-tinged flora seemed to reach out towards them like gnarled, menacing hands. Despite the unsettling surroundings, the pair pressed on.


after yet another grueling skirmish with the relentless red-skinned animal's, both of them found themselves standing atop a hill for a full day, their eyes tracing the contours of the horizon. 


It was then that they noticed something different—a sight that stirred a glimmer of new changes within them. In the distance, nestled within the vast expanse of crimson wilderness, lay what appeared to be a human village.



The village stood as a stark contrast to the surrounding environment, its structures defying the menacing crimson hue that dominated the landscape. 


The sight of the settlement was like a beacon of hope to increase their point, drawing the two students forward with renewed vigor.

With newfound enthusiasm, they urged their units to pick up the pace, eager to reach the village. 



As they drew closer, the village's features came into sharper focus. Buildings made of sturdy wood and stone stood in neat rows. 


The village streets were bustling with activity, and the air was filled with the sounds of life.



Long Su and Chen Shuirong exchanged a look of excitement and trepidation as they stood on the precipice of a new chapter in their adventure. With their units at their sides, they prepared to enter the village. 




But as they stood on the outskirts of the village, a sense of realization dawned upon them as they observed the scene unfold before their eyes. 


Five or six distinct human armies, each adorned in unique costumes and colors that hinted at their diverse origins, were converging on the settlement. 


The air was thick with tension as the forces moved in a coordinated formation, signaling an imminent assault on the village.


Long Su's gaze swept over the advancing armies, his thoughts whirling as he scrutinized the details of the tableau.


A flicker of recognition danced in his eyes as he identified the distinctive armor of several lords standing at the rear of the armies.


The sight of these figures, observing the proceedings with an air of detached command, confirmed his suspicions—this was no ordinary raid for point but a calculated attack orchestrated by individuals of power and influence.


The village was not an innocent settlement in need of protection but rather a stronghold of the blood clan, and everything in this Demi-World is a true enemy for all humanity


The lords overseeing the assault were not attacking an innocent village but rather were preparing to engage in a battle against a common foe.


With this newfound understanding, Long Su and Chen decided to hold their position on the outskirts of the battlefield, choosing not to interfere with the conflict at hand. 


They would wait and observe the outcome of the struggle, hoping to gain a clearer picture of the complex web of alliances and rivalries that existed within the Blood Clan Demi-World.



As the armies closed in on the village, the two young leaders watched intently, their units standing by their sides. 


They recognized that the battle before them would serve as a valuable lesson in the intricacies of warfare and diplomacy.


Once the dust had settled, they would approach the victorious lords, offering their respect. 


As Long Su and Chen Shuirong stood on the outskirts of the battlefield, their eyes bore witness to a scene that stirred a maelstrom of emotions within them.


Amidst the chaos of the assault, they saw not only warriors adorned in the reddish skin that had become synonymous with the Blood Clan.


but also the elderly, women, and children—innocent lives caught in the crossfire of a struggle they neither initiated nor understood but its the sin when different Species meet and their endless conflict for wealth and land


A knot of discomfort formed in their stomachs as they grappled with the grim reality of the situation. 


The sight of vulnerable individuals, whose only crime was being born with the cursed red skin, being cut down by the relentless armies of the lords, left a bitter taste in their mouths. 


It was a stark reminder of the often-inescapable collateral damage wrought by warfare, a harsh lesson on the brutal nature of conflict.



Yet, even as their hearts ached for the innocent victims, their minds were plagued by the implications of what would transpire if they chose to intervene.


They envisioned the potential consequences of staying by their sides, the possibility that their friends and families, residing in their home , would be subjected to the same fate at the hands of the Blood clan warriors  


The very people they sought to protect could be the ones to suffer if they allowed their emotions to cloud their judgment.



The inner turmoil intensified as they struggled to reconcile their instinctive desire to protect the defenseless with the cold, hard reality of the situation. 


The Blood Clan individuals, regardless of age or gender, were agents of the Blood Clan, a threat that had to be neutralized to ensure the safety and security of their own people.



As the battle raged on, the cries of the fallen echoing in their ears, Long Su and Chen Shuirong found themselves trapped in a whirlwind of emotion and doubt.

Their hearts ached for the innocents lost, and their minds wrestled with the grim necessity of the actions being taken. 


Yet, as lords, they understood that the path to peace and stability within the Demi-World was paved with difficult choices and painful sacrifices.

With heavy hearts but unwavering resolve, they allowed the lords' armies to continue their onslaught, each fallen figure a weight on their conscience. 


As they watched the dust settle on the battlefield, they knew that they would need not only strength and cunning to navigate the treacherous landscape of the Demi-World but also the fortitude to make the difficult decisions that would ultimately ensure the safety and prosperity of their people as the future lord of mankind

weakness was and will forever be an inexcusable transgression. Where , the strong thrived, and the weak were cast aside, left to face the consequences of their shortcomings