chapter 28 the village

As the dust settled around the now-silent village, Long Su and Chen Shuirong found themselves standing amidst the somber aftermath of the battle. 


The once-bustling settlement lay eerily quiet, its inhabitants lost to the relentless onslaught of the lords' armies.



As they surveyed the scene, a group of senior students, accompanied by their units, approached from the direction of the devastated village.


Long Su and Chen, recognizing the opportunity to gain insights from their more experienced peers, took the initiative to greet them. "Hello," they said, their voices echoing through the still air. 


The seniors, surprised by the sudden meeting of first grade of high school, turned their attention to the two students who had chosen to stand apart from the conflict. 


One of the seniors, their gaze fixed on the horizon, spoke with a voice that betrayed the gravity of their mission. "We need to keep moving," they declared, their words punctuating the silence that had settled over the battlefield.


Another senior student, their face etched with a hint of concern, added, "We must take the other village before the city learns of our actions here. Time is of the essence." Their tone was firm, yet they betrayed an underlying apprehension. 


As they spoke, they directed their units to scavenge the battlefield, collecting weapons and valuable resources scattered among the fallen.



As the seniors discussed their plans, one of them turned to address Long Su and Chen, their gaze lingering on the duo. "Little friends, as you can see, we must press forward, and you cannot accompany us nor stand apart as you have done today. Fortune favored you when we eliminated the powerful level 2 creatures before attacking the village. But understand this—your current approach is fraught with peril."



The senior student's eyes flickered briefly at the skeleton army that stood at attention behind Long Su


A hint of curiosity played across their features as they considered the unconventional force. "I do not know how your skeleton army came to possess such numbers and iron weapons, but take heed. With your current strength, attacking a village will only lead to your demise. You must exercise caution and focus on hunting the animals designated by the school, for they offer rewards that can bolster your strength. Your time to engage in more significant battles will come, but for now, it is crucial that you avoid direct confrontation with the villages and bide your time , and now we leave , take care of yourself "



Long Su and Chen Shuirong listened intently, their expressions grave as they absorbed the wisdom imparted by the senior student. 


They recognized the truth in the words, understanding that their current path was indeed perilous. 



As the seniors and their units disappeared into the distance, Long Su and Chen were left to contemplate their next move. 


The lure of the now-silent village tugged at Long Su's curiosity, prompting him to consider the potential treasures hidden within its boundaries.


"Should we visit the village just to check if we can find anything valuable?" Long Su suggested, his eyes trained on the eerily quiet settlement. His voice betrayed a sense of anticipation, fueled by the allure of the unknown.



Chen, ever the voice of caution, raised a valid concern. "What if someone comes while we are in the village?" she asked, her tone tinged with worry. "We would be exposed and vulnerable, caught unawares by any approaching force."


Long Su, eager to explore the village, was quick to offer a solution. "Do not worry, Chen Shuirong. I will send a hundred skeleton slaves to scatter around the village. If anyone approaches, I will be alerted to their presence." 


Driven by a growing desire to visit the village's, he immediately dispatched the skeleton slaves, positioning them strategically around the outskirts of the settlement.


As the slaves fanned out, Long Su's thoughts drifted to the motives behind his insistence on entering the village. 


The Filthy Fath, a rare and coveted resource, certainly played a role in his decision.


 Yet there was another, more mysterious force at play. A powerful, insistent voice had risen from within his territory, compelling him to venture into the heart of the village before him.


This was the first time he had experienced such a phenomenon, and its sudden manifestation left him both curious and mildly unsettled.


With the perimeter secured by the skeleton slaves, Long Su and Chen finally entered the village, their senses alert for any signs of danger or hidden treasures. 


The village itself seemed to hold its breath as they navigated the narrow streets, the eerie silence broken only by the soft crunch of debris underfoot. 


As Long Su and Chen Shuirong ventured into the desolate village, they were met with a haunting scene of desolation.


[filthy point + 1] 


[filthy point + 1] 


[filthy point + 1] 


White light enveloped his body as he walked through the village. 


The once-bustling settlement lay abandoned, devoid of any signs of life. Instead, the streets and alleyways were adorned with the gruesome remnants of the past. 


battle—scattered body parts and pools of blood, a stark testament to the conflict that had unfolded there.


The sight was enough to unsettle even the most hardened warriors, but Long Su and Chen steeled themselves against the revulsion that threatened to overcome them. 


They reminded themselves that the blood and limbs that lay before them belonged to their enemy, the Blood Clan, and served as a grim reminder of the dire stakes at play in the Demi-World.


With a silent command, the skeleton militia and human units fanned out, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any lingering threats. 


The units moved with purpose, their boots crunching on the debris-strewn streets as they systematically searched each house and alleyway. 


The eerie silence of the village was broken only by the methodical footsteps of the soldiers and the occasional rattle of armor as they moved through the shadows.


Long Su, however, felt an inexplicable pull towards the center of the village. He chose not to enter any of the houses, instead directing his focus towards the heart of the settlement.


A strange sense of urgency gripped him, with an insistent voice compelling him to push forward. As he pressed on, Chen Shuirong followed close behind, her gaze never straying from their eerie surroundings.


The air grew thick with tension as they delved deeper into the village, the weight of the darkness that had befallen the once-thriving community bearing down on them. 


Despite the gruesome scene and the lingering sense of danger, both of them continued their advance, driven by a mix of curiosity and determination.


Their resolve was unwavering, but the shadows cast by the abandoned houses served as a stark reminder of the cost of their mission—a burden they would carry with them long after leaving the desolation of the village behind.