chapter 29 village 2

Long Su and Chen Shuirong arrived at the village, where they find themselves stood before a peculiar statue.


The statue was a meter-high depicting a human figure, with its most striking feature being the long, sharp fangs that protruded from its mouth.


An unsettling wave of emotions washed over them as they stood in the statue's presence—a strange mix of hatred and an overwhelming desire to destroy the figure surged from within their world seeds.



This visceral reaction stemmed from the intrinsic nature of their world seeds, which served as a method of defense against the destruction wrought by the forces of the dimensional world towards the blue star


As the chosen lords of these seeds, Long Su and Chen Shuirong were inherently attuned to the impulses that now compelled them to confront the ominous statue.



It was curious that the senior students had not attempted to destroy the statue themselves. Their reasons, however, were well-founded.


The seniors feared that any attempt to demolish the effigy might raise an alarm, drawing the attention of nearby city to investigate the problem and potentially compromising their mission.


Moreover, the statue itself exuded an aura of power, its defenses on par with those of a level 2 creature. Any assault by a lesser force would prove futile, further emphasizing the importance of caution and restraint.


As Long Su stood before the statue, the emotions within him intensified. The seed of of the world  within him seemed to resonate with his feelings, fueling his desire to confront the unsettling figure.


Without warning, a black banner erupted from his world seed, unfurling itself and reaching out towards the statue. The banner came to rest atop the head of the fanged figure.


As the black banner enveloped the statue, a dark halo formed around the effigy, shrouding it in an eerie, otherworldly glow. The spectacle bore a striking resemblance to the enigmatic dragon blood trees that stood within Long Su's world, a fact that did not escape his notice.

A sense of unease began to gnaw at Long Su as he studied the uncanny scene before him. He could not help but feel a strange disconnect from Chen Shuirong, who appeared unfazed by the unusual occurrence.

he broke the silence, his gaze locked on the shrouded statue. " class mates Chen, don't you see anything strange happening with the statue?" he inquired, a hint of concern in his voice.

Chen Shuirong, who had been observing the scene with a sense of detached curiosity, seemed taken aback by Long Su's question. "The statue? I only feel a strong desire to destroy it, nothing more," she replied, her brow furrowed in confusion.


The difference in their perceptions left Long Su feeling even more unsettled. The similarities between the statue and the dragon blood trees from his world seed were too profound to ignore, and he could not help but wonder if this was a sign of something more significant at play.


Intrigued and somewhat unnerved by the strange similarities between the black halo around the statue and the dragon blood trees in his world seed, Long Su felt compelled to investigate further.


He recalled the impenetrable defensive barrier surrounding the dragon blood trees that had prevented him from making contact with them. This time, however, the situation seemed different.



With a mixture of curiosity and apprehension, Long Su took a step towards the statue, his hand outstretched.


He braced himself for the possibility of another barrier, but to his surprise, his hand passed through the dark halo without resistance.


A sudden rush of information flooded his mind—a torrent of knowledge and memories that were not his own.



As the information flooded Long Su's mind, he struggled to make sense of the deluge of knowledge.


The black banner, he discovered, was the Daqin banner—the very same one he had encountered in the small palace during his earlier contract with the small palace.


Long Su almost forgot that he had this thing inside the palace. It welled up within him as he recalled his inability to acquire the banner, just as he had been unable to purchase commanders for his skeleton units at the war academy.



The banner possessed the remarkable ability to claim territories and incorporate them into his seed world.


It could capture four villages, two towns, and even one small city, folding them into the expanse of his domain.


The buildings within these territories would retain their original functions, offering invaluable resources and strategic advantages.


A normal soldier barracks, for instance, could be used to summon skeleton soldiers to bolster his forces and many different buildings will have different attributes and abilities once they include inside the world Seed



Yet, as Long Su dove deeper into the intricacies of the banner's powers, he was reminded of a fundamental truth.

In the Lord's world, nothing came without a price.


To include even a single village within his world seed would require a staggering amount of faith points—half a million, to be precise , one million form a single town amd finally 3 million for the city


The enormity of the cost made his heart sink, and he reluctantly relinquished the idea of harnessing the banner's abilities.


Just as Long Su prepared to withdraw his hand from the dark halo, a familiar chime echoed in his mind—a sound he hadn't heard in a long time ring in his head


[Ding! I found a village, Do you want to absorb it?]

The sudden message sent a jolt of surprise through him.