chapter 30 : wolf-hunting

The unexpected message ringing in Long Su's mind bore a clear implication—he had accumulated enough filthy faith points to absorb the village into his seed world.

The realization was accompanied by a surge of excitement, but it was quickly tempered by the daunting prospect of the dangers that would follow such an action.



The senior students' earlier warnings about the nearby city echoed in his thoughts, their words laden with implications of a formidable threat.

If any harm were to befall the village, the city's defence forces would undoubtedly intervene, posing a grave risk to both himself and Chen Shuirong.


Given their current strength, Long Su understood that they were ill-prepared to handle the potential repercussions of absorbing the village.

The wiser course of action, he decided, would be to bide their time, focusing instead on honing their skills and gathering resources by hunting monsters.

The senior students' impending clash with the city would inevitably lead to chaos, and in that chaos, Long Su saw an opportunity to benefit without exposing himself and Chen to undue danger.



As he stood in the heart of the ghostly village, he surveyed the desolation around him.


The once-thriving settlement now lay abandoned, the remnants of its former inhabitants serving as a grim reminder of the brutal conflict that had unfolded there.


With a heavy sigh, Long Su turned his gaze to Chen Shuirong. Her face, though stoic, revealed a hint of the same inner turmoil that churned within him. In that moment, he recognized that they shared not only a common purpose but also the burden of the difficult choices they had to make.


"Let us return to the wilderness forest territory," Long Su suggested, his voice tinged with a mix of determination and resignation. "The senior students' conflict will soon engulf this land, transforming it into a battlefield. As we are now, we lack the strength to partake in their struggle. Our best course of action is to wait and watch.

seizing opportunities as they arise."


Chen Shuirong nodded in agreement, her expression mirroring Long Su's mixture of resolve and caution.


As the weight of their decision settled upon them, they took one last look at the desolate village, their hearts heavy with the knowledge of the trials that awaited them.


But despite the uncertainties and dangers that lay ahead, they found solace in the knowledge that they would face the challenges together, their shared commitment to growth and survival in the Demi-World unwavering.


Together, they began the journey back to the relative safety of the wilderness forest domain, their steps slow and deliberate.


The landscape around them seemed to reflect their inner turmoil—the once-familiar terrain now appearing foreign and foreboding, as if the world itself had shifted in response to their decision.


But with each step, they reminded themselves of the reasons behind their choice, steeling themselves for the battles yet to come.



As they ventured further from the village, Long Su couldn't help but glance back one last time.


The eerie scene—the abandoned homes, the blood-stained streets, and the unsettling statue—all seemed to whisper a haunting reminder of the consequences of their actions.


But Long Su and Chen Shuirong knew that they had made the right decision, and with their resolve fortified, they continued on.


As the day gave way to dusk, Long Su and Chen Shuirong found themselves in the heart of a dense forest, the shadows of the trees growing longer with each passing moment.


The air was thick with the scent of impending nightfall, and the occasional hoot of an owl punctuated the stillness.


Deciding to set up camp for the night, they lit a crackling fire and began preparations for a meal.


Chen Shuirong, a lord in her own right, had her summoned human warrior attend to the cooking under her watchful eye, a reminder of her status and authority.



Long Su, meanwhile, summoned a team of spear-wielding skeletal warriors, their bony frames standing at attention in the flickering firelight.


As the darkness deepened, the skeletal guardians would serve as their protectors, ever vigilant against the dangers that lurked in the shadows.


The night was young, and the unknown threats that lay hidden within the Demi-World would not find them unprepared.



After a simple meal, they each constructed a rudimentary tent, seeking shelter from the encroaching night.


Long Su found himself gazing at the star-studded sky, the celestial bodies twinkling like a thousand watchful eyes. His thoughts turned to the village he coveted, and he resolved to claim it, no matter the cost.


The potential benefits of incorporating the village into his seed world far outweighed any losses he might incur. With a heavy sigh, he surrendered to his fatigue, his eyelids growing heavy as sleep beckoned.



The tranquility of the night was shattered by the distant howl of a wolf, a mournful wail that echoed through the forest.


As the howls grew closer, the sense of impending danger became palpable. Chen Shuirong, roused from her slumber, rushed to Long Su's tent, her face etched with concern. She shook him awake, her voice urgent. "Long Su, please wake up. The wolves are drawing closer, and their howls suggest they're nearly upon us."

Long Su's eyes snapped open, the haze of sleep quickly dissipating as he registered Chen Shuirong's worried expression.


The gravity of their situation was not lost on him; the wolves of the Demi-World were no ordinary beasts.


They were spiritual creatures, possessing both unnatural strength and strange, diverse forms. Even more concerning was their tendency to hunt in packs, making them an even greater threat.


Recalling the red-skinned bats they had encountered before, Long Su knew that underestimating the wolves would be a grave mistake. Even a beginner lord could fall prey to their ferocious power, resulting in countless casualties, perhaps even death.


In the depths of the forest, the shadows came alive as a pack of red-skinned wild wolves emerged from the darkness, their eyes glinting with hunger and malice.

The pack numbered around forty to fifty, their muscular forms reminiscent of horses but larger and more intimidating. The flickering firelight danced across their black and red fur, casting an eerie, shifting glow that only served to enhance their menacing appearance.

As Long Su's gaze swept over the pack, he couldn't help but compare their powerful, robust bodies to the comparatively frail forms of his summoned skeletal units.

He and Chen Shuirong, with their flesh and blood, would undoubtedly be more appealing targets for the ravenous wolves.

The predators' bloodthirsty gazes seemed to confirm his fears, their eyes locking onto the two humans with unmistakable intent.

Chen Shuirong, standing beside Long Su, felt a chill run down her spine as she surveyed the scene before them.

The sight of the wolves—their sheer number and size—filled her with a sense of dread. Her heart pounded in her chest, the sound echoing in her ears as adrenaline surged through her veins.

She knew they were in danger, and her every instinct screamed at her to flee. But she also knew that running would only incite the pack to chase them, and their chances of survival would dwindle even further.

Swallowing her fear, Chen Shuirong drew a deep breath, steadying herself. She turned to Long Su, her voice barely a whisper: "We can't let them surround us. We have to make a stand."


Long Su nodded grimly, his eyes never leaving the pack. The wolves began to close in, their movements slow and deliberate, like a well-orchestrated dance of death. He knew Chen Shuirong was right; their only hope lay in facing the pack head-on.