chapter 31 wolf-hunting 2

The wolves continued their advance towards their location. Long Su focused his attention on the pack, his gaze piercing through the darkness to reveal the attributes of the wild wolf. 


[Wild wolf]

Strength: 5 

Defense: 4

Speed: 4

Will: 5


1. fear: low will units have 30% chances to enter into a state of fear.


His eyes widened in concern as he took in the creatures' formidable strength and will attributes, both maxed out at level 5. He knew, without a doubt, that they would need to use formation to arrange their unit all because the power of will , that need to use your strategy to overcome the pack, and anything less might spell their doom.


Many thoughts coursed through Long Su's veins as he swiftly began to execute his plan. With the wolves still at a safe distance, he summoned the remaining spear-wielding skeletal warriors and positioned them in a tight formation, their backs to his own. 


He knew that a united front would be crucial to their survival, and he intended to make the most of their combined strength.


Simultaneously, Long Su called forth the special 100 sword-and-shield skeletal militia, their bodies shimmering into existence in the firelight.

With the strength potion coursing through their bony frames, they formed the front line of the formation, creating an imposing barrier of iron shield


Long Su turned to Chen Shuirong, his voice steady and resolute. "Chen Shuirong, summon your archer units and have them defend our flank. Trust in me, and I promise we will win this ordeal without effect us in the remaining time in the dungeon."


Chen Shuirong's gaze met his, her eyes searching for his for a moment before she nodded in agreement. 


In this special Demi-World dungeon, their school-issued watches not only recorded their points but also served as a lifeline—a means to call for rescue from their teachers, though at the steep price of sacrificing all their hard-earned points and being forced to exit the dungeon.



With her heart pounding in her chest, Chen Shuirong summoned her archer units, positioning them to defend the formation's vulnerable flank. As she did so, her thoughts raced, torn between her trust in Long Su's plan and the fear of what might happen if they failed.


She knew the consequences of their situation were dire, but she also recognized the determination and resolve in Long Su's eyes. He had a plan, and she would stand by him.

Her voice, though quiet, carried a steely determination that echoed Long Su's own. "I believe in you," 

She said, with a look of determination, that her own units have only one role. 

And its purpose was to defend the vulnerable rear of the formation and ensure that no wolf could exploit any weakness in their defenses.


As the final preparations were made, Long Su surveyed the scene before him, his heart pounding in his chest. The air was heavy with tension, and the silence was broken only by the crackling of the fire and the distant howls of the wolf pack.

He knew that they had done all they could to prepare for the inevitable clash, but a nagging sense of doubt gnawed at the back of his mind.


What if their formation wasn't enough? What if the wolves' fear aura proved too much for their summoned units to withstand? Long Su pushed the doubts aside, steeling himself for the battle ahead.


He knew that they had to stand firm, face the pack head-on, and give it their all in the fight for survival.


With their formation in place, Long Su and Chen Shuirong stood shoulder to shoulder, one focusing his attention own the front side and the other focuses the opposite direction

eyes locked onto the approaching wolf pack. 


The night air was electric with anticipation, setting the stage for a desperate struggle between life and death. As the wolves closed in, their howls grew louder and more fearsome. 



As the tense standoff stretched on, the patience of the wolf pack finally snapped. With a chorus of ferocious howls, the beasts surged forward, their muscular forms hurtling towards the skeletal formation like a tide of death.

Long Su, anticipating the charge, reacted swiftly, his eyes narrowing in concentration as he issued a series of commands.

"First line, kneel and raise your knives!" he called out, his voice ringing with authority. "Second line , advance and protect the first!"

The sword and shield skeletons obeyed without hesitation; their movements were precise and coordinated. As the first wave of wolves closed in, the front line of skeletons dropped to one knee, their blades held aloft in a defensive stance.


Almost simultaneously, the second group of skeletons stepped forward, their shields forming a protective barrier around their kneeling comrades.

The first wolf to reach the formation, a massive creature with ravenous eyes, barreled headlong into the wall of shields. 


With a sickening crunch, the wolf's momentum carried it onto the upraised blade of a kneeling skeleton, the sharp edge slicing through its abdomen with ease.

The wolf let out a pained yelp as its intestines and blood spilled onto the forest floor, staining the ground beneath it.


Simultaneously, the other wolves in the front line met a similar fate, their bodies impaled on the waiting blades of the kneeling skeletons.

The air was filled with the cacophony of pained howls and the sound of tearing flesh as eight wolves were cut down in an instant, their lifeblood seeping into the earth.



As the first wave of wolves recoiled from the skeletal formation, their numbers decimated by the coordinated defense, a second group of wolves circled around to attack the formation's rear.



Arrows hissed through the air, their sharp tips glinting in the moonlight as they rained down upon the charging wolves. 


Though the projectiles lacked the power to kill the beasts outright, with their skilled marks, piercing the wolves' tough hides causing them to falter in their charge.


The barrage of arrows gave the spear-wielding skeletons precious time to turn and brace for the impact.



The clash was brutal, with several spearholders falling prey to the wolves' powerful jaws and rending claws. But the skeletal warriors held firm, their bony frames standing resolute against the onslaught. 


With a series of swift thrusts, they impaled the attacking wolves, their spears piercing the beasts' bodies and ending their ferocious assault.

As the dust settled, the aftermath of the initial clash became clear. 


The combined efforts of the skeletal formation and the archer units had taken a heavy toll on the wolf pack, with nearly twenty wolves lying motionless on the forest floor.


Their blood stained the ground, a grim testament to the intensity of the battle that had just unfolded.



Despite their losses, Long Su knew that the fight was far from over. The wolf pack still outnumbered their group, and their ferocity seemed undiminished by the casualties they had suffered. He surveyed the scene before him, his mind racing as he considered his next move.