chapter 32 wolf-hunting 3

Dust settled on the first wave of the clash.

Long Su's gaze swept over the remaining wolves, whose numbers now diminished to around thirty. 



To his satisfaction, not a single sword and shield skeleton had been lost in the initial exchange.

A bold idea took root in his mind, and he knew that the moment to seize the initiative had arrived.



"All sword and shield skeletons, break formation and charge!" Long Su's voice rang out, his command echoing through the night air. "Destroy the wolves before you!"


In response to their master's order, the sword and shield skeletons surged forward, their weapons held aloft as they broke ranks and charged at the stunned wolf pack. 


The air was filled with the clash of steel and the guttural snarls of the beasts as the two forces collided in a whirlwind of violence.


Chen Shuirong, her eyes wide with surprise, turned to Long Su, a hint of concern in her voice. "Why order the attack? What if you lose your units?"


Long Su's gaze remained fixed on the chaotic scene before them, his expression one of unwavering resolve. "Don't worry," he said, his voice steady. "Just watch. My skeletons are not as weak as you might think."


The battlefield was a frenzy of movement as the skeletal warriors pressed their advantage, their swords and shields flashing in the moonlight.


With each passing moment, the air grew thick with the scent of blood, and the ground became littered with the bodies of fallen wolves.


[filthy fatih + 1] 


[filthy fatih + 1] 


[filthy fatih + 1] 


Not caring about the little filthy faith he got from the wolf's, all his focus was on his own. The skeletal units, empowered by the strength potion and driven by his order, gained the upper hand very quickly.


As Chen Shuirong watched the scene unfold, her concern gradually gave way to amazement.


In what seemed like the blink of an eye, the battle was over. The ferocious wolf pack, once a formidable threat, now lay decimated on the blood-soaked earth. 


The sword and shield skeletons stood victorious, their bony frames drenched in the blood of their fallen foes, a grisly testament to their strength and the effectiveness of Long Su's bold strategy.



The spear-wielding skeletons moved from the back side changed their position to make a protective formation around Long Su and Chen Shuirong, their weapons held at the ready in case any wolves had managed to slip through the front lines.


As the last of the wolves fell, a palpable sense of relief washed over the group, the tension of the life-or-death struggle finally giving way to a cautious sense of victory with Zero casualties. 



Chen Shuirong surveyed the carnage, her gaze finally coming to rest on Long Su.

A small, humorless smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she considered the irony of their situation. "It would have been almost funny if we had lost the dungeon exploration rights at the hands of these wolves," she mused aloud.

Long Su, his expression still guarded as he kept a watchful eye on their surroundings, nodded in agreement. "Yes, after coming so far to fall prey to a pack of wolves, it would have been an unexpected twist of fate."



Despite their victory over the wolf pack, Long Su couldn't help but feel a growing sense of frustration at the loss of four spear-wielding skeletons during the encounter. 



"It's not over yet," Long Su declared, his voice steely with resolve. He turned to Chen Shuirong, his gaze intense. "Chen Shuirong, have your bowmen scout the area. We need to locate the wolf den and eliminate any remaining threats."


Chen Shuirong, her face set in a mask of determination, shook her head. "There's no need for my bowmen. I can handle this." Her voice carried a quiet confidence as she continued, "My father used to take me into the jungle outside the city, teaching me many survival tactics. Tracking animals and finding my way are second nature to me ."


With a practiced eye, Chen Shuirong scanned their surroundings, taking in the subtle signs and clues that were invisible to the untrained eye.


After a moment, she reached down to touch the ground, feeling the indentations and disturbances in the earth beneath her fingertips.


"This way," she said, her voice steady as she began to lead the group, the summoned units falling into formation around them. With a sense of purpose, they moved through the dense underbrush, following the trail that Chen Shuirong had uncovered. 



Long Su watched Chen Shuirong in admiration, her display of skill and expertise further deepening his respect for her. 


Together, they forged ahead, their resolve unwavering as they ventured deeper into the heart of the Demi-World dungeon. With each step, they drew closer to their goal.


They pressed deeper into the dense forest, following the trail left by the defeated wolf pack. The group eventually found themselves at the base of a small mountain. 


The entrance to the wolf den, a dark and foreboding cave, loomed above them like a gaping maw in the mountainside.



With a quick command from Long Su, the spear-wielding skeletons at the first line and sowrd and shield skeletons behind covered the exit of the cave

the spear-wielding units advanced cautiously towards the depths of the cave, their weapons held at the ready in anticipation of any remaining wolves that might be lurking within. 


As they disappeared into the darkness of the cave, the tension in the air was palpable. Long Su and Chen Shuirong stood side by side, their gazes fixed on the cave entrance as they awaited the outcome of the skeletons' investigation.



Moments later, the spear-wielding skeletons emerged from the cave, their weapons lowered. To everyone's surprise, not a single wolf had been found within the den. 


With the immediate threat now seemingly neutralized, Long Su and Chen Shuirong turned their attention to their surroundings, taking in the breathtaking vista that lay before them.



From their vantage point atop the small mountain, they could see the village nestled in the distance and its buildings. 


The lush forest that stretched out beneath them teemed with life—a vibrant ecosystem of flora and fauna that seemed to thrive in harmony.



Long Su's eyes gleamed with recognition as he surveyed the landscape, realizing that this location held the perfect conditions for his next move.


With the village on the horizon and the diverse forest surrounding him, he recognized the potential to create a camp and bide his time, waiting for the senior students to make a move and leaving an opening for him to transfer the village to his world seed.


The area was rich with possibility, and Long Su knew that he stood on the precipice of a critical juncture in his journey through the Demi-World dungeon. 


With Chen Shuirong by his side and his summoned creatures at the ready, everything is ready, just waiting for the right time.