chapter 33 : female student

As the days blended together, Long Su and Chen Shuirong settled into a comfortable routine, each moment bringing them closer to the end of their Demi-World adventure. 


Every sunrise, they set out to purge the forest of its monstrous inhabitants, their teamwork and skill efficiently eliminating threat after threat.


The small mountain had become their sanctuary, a place to rest and recover amidst the chaos of their grueling routine. 


Mornings were spent breaking their fast, followed by rigorous exercises to keep their bodies and minds sharp. 


Their afternoons were dedicated to hunting monsters, with their summoned units working in tandem to defeat everything around them in the forest .

As dusk fell, they would gather around a crackling fire, sharing stories and reflecting on the day's victories before surrendering to the embrace of sleep.



The turning point came in the morning of the fourth day when Chen Shuirong, driven by curiosity, decided to investigate the depths of the mountain cave. 

This curiosity come because in the middle of the yesterday night strongly a wolf emerge form the depths cave and attacked the bowman who was patrolling the cave, thankfully the patrolling soldiers kill it quickly

The investigate in the depths of the cave come without any result so Chen Shuirong forget it and continue her and Long su normal hunting life

But in the middle of the night another wolf emerge from the deep part of the cave. Recognizing that this cave is the source of the wolf

The mountain itself will bred wilf every day the chance to Benfield from the situation, she wasted no time in using the seal card to claim the area for herself, transferring it to her world seed.


Using the seal card against a cave area, you can transfer this area to your own seed world, and anything inside it will be yours. 


After using the card, Chen Shuirong gets 


[Mountain Wolf]


generate buildings after use: Wolf Cavalry mountain camp


Wolf Cavalry Camp: It can train, 

1: Wolf Cavalry.

2: Mountain Wolf 




Having these units allows her to play better with her archer and armed units, so she can play from three directions. 

Long Range, Cavalry, and Infantry




In the days that followed, the fruits of her discovery became apparent. The Mountain Wolf unit was now under her command, granting her the ability to construct a Wolf Cavalry Camp.


This new addition to her forces provided her with a strategic advantage, allowing her to deploy a diverse range of units that could attack from multiple directions.



While Chen Shuirong's forces grew in versatility, Long Su's army swelled in numbers. Over the course of six days, his ranks had expanded to include 400 sword and shield skeletons and 300 spear-wielding skeletons.


Chen Shuirong's forces now numbered 10 wild wolves, 3 Wolf Cavalry units, 30 archers, and 50 infantry.



On the last day of their adventure, the small army set out towards the village. 



Long Su's army moved as one, a formidable force of 100 sword and shield skeletons, 100 spear-wielding skeletons, and 200 slave skeletons forming the vanguard.


Chen Shuirong's units flanked them, their diversity a testament to her strategic prowess. 


As the small army pressed onward towards the village, a sense of unease began to permeate the air. One of Chen Shuirong's Wolf Cavalry units, its senses heightened by the fusion of man and beast,

pulled up alongside her, its voice grave with concern.

"My lord," the wolf cavalry rider called out, their voice carrying a sense of urgency. "There is the scent of blood on the wind and the distant sounds of combat. A battle is taking place nearby."



Chen Shuirong and Long Su exchanged a glance, their expressions darkening as they considered the implications of this sudden development. 


Over the past few days, they have taken great care to scout the surrounding area, ensuring that no threats lurk nearby. The news of a battle caught them off guard, raising concerns about the security of their position.

"How could we have missed this?" Long Su muttered under his breath, his brow furrowed in concentration.


He turned to Chen Shuirong, his voice low and urgent. "We must investigate this immediately. Our plans hinge on our ability to secure the village, and we cannot afford any surprises."



Chen Shuirong nodded in agreement, her gaze sweeping over the landscape around them as she considered their next move.


With a quick gesture, she summoned her archers to the front of the formation, their keen eyes and swift arrows ideally suited for scouting the unknown threat.


As the archers fanned out followedby thw wolf cavalry, the rest of the army stood at the ready, their weapons drawn and their senses alert.




In the midst of the chaotic battle that had unfolded an hour earlier, a female senior student named Bai Qilan found herself in a desperate situation.


Her allies units had fallen one by one, their forces decimated by the relentless onslaught of the city guards. With less than fifty units remaining under her command, she and other senior students made a difficult decision to retreat, hoping to regroup and fight another day.


As she fled the battlefield, the chaos and confusion caused her to lose her bearings, leading her on a wayward path through the unfamiliar terrain. 


Fate, it seemed, had a cruel sense of humor, for her misguided flight eventually brought her to the outskirts of a seemingly peaceful village.

However, Bai Qilan's luck was about to take a turn for the worse. 


As she approached the village, a swarm of hundreds of Blood Clan units poured out from within, their crimson banners fluttering menacingly in the breeze. 


Her heart sank as she realized that she had stumbled into yet another conflict, with her small force of fifty units now standing between the Blood Clan warriors and the village they sought to claim.

Though Bai Qilan had twenty second-level units under her command, 


She knew that it would still be a challenging battle against the sheer numbers of the enemy force. Time was of the essence, and she knew she had to act quickly if she hoped to survive.



As she prepared to engage the Blood Clan, a chilling realization washed over her: another group of enemy units had emerged from the direction of the city, cutting off her only avenue of escape. Bai Qilan found herself trapped between two enemy forces.



With her back against the wall, Bai Qilan steeled herself for the fight for her right to increase her points. 



She will not use the rescue signal until the last minutes.