chapter 34 : cousin

From a distance, Long Su and Chen Shuirong observed the escalating situation near the village.

The senior student's forces were dwindling, and the sheer size of the Blood Clan was proving to be a daunting challenge. It was clear that without intervention, the senior student would soon be overwhelmed.

Long Su scanned the battlefield, weighing the risks and potential rewards of stepping in to assist the embattled senior student. "Our forces are superior to theirs," he declared, his voice steady. "We could launch an attack from behind, catching them off guard. If the senior student sees our reinforcements, she'll likely shift her focus in our direction, allowing us to gain points while also saving a fellow student."

Chen Shuirong listened intently, her concern for the senior student's well-being evident in her gaze.

Although she knew the senior student could call for a teacher's aid, the thought of her losing everything she had worked for in the Demi-World dungeon weighed heavily on her.

"We could use my wild wolves to disrupt their forces," Chen Shuirong suggested, her voice filled with determination. "Then, with the archers and wolf riders, we can create an opening for your skeleton units to penetrate their formation."

Long Su considered her words, a hint of admiration crossing his face. He knew that Chen Shuirong's suggestion was born not only from strategic thinking but also from her innate desire to help others. With a decisive nod, he agreed to the plan, and the two began to prepare their forces for the daring rescue mission.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, the battle began to unfold. The wild wolves were the first to engage, their agile forms darting through the chaos to harass the Blood Clan forces, sowing confusion and disrupting their formation.

With the enemy forces momentarily thrown into disarray, Chen Shuirong's archers and wolf riders swept in, their precision strikes taking down enemy units and creating an opening in the enemy lines.

Seizing the opportunity, Long Su's skeleton units surged forward, their swords and shields cutting a path through the heart of the Blood Clan formation.

As the tide of battle began to turn, Bai Qilan, her spirits lifted by the sight of reinforcements, rallied her remaining forces and pressed forward, fighting with renewed vigor.

The air was thick with the sounds of combat. With every passing moment, the fate of Bai Qilan and her units hung in the balance, the outcome of the battle teetering on a knife's edge.

Yet, even in the face of uncertainty, Long Su and Chen Shuirong stood firm, their resolve unbroken, as they fought to save a fellow student.

The battle raged on, a whirlwind of steel and fury, as the combined forces of Long Su and Chen Shuirong clashed with the Blood Clan. With their formation broken and enemies at their front and back, the tide of the conflict turned against the Blood Clan.

Panic swept through their ranks, and soon, many of their units began to flee the battlefield, desperate to escape the onslaught. Long Su and Chen Shuirong, seizing the opportunity to regroup, called their forces back to the safety of the forest's edge.

As the dust of battle began to settle, Bai Qilan took stock of her saviors, her gaze first falling upon Long Su. Wearing the uniform of a first-year high school student, he stood tall amidst the chaos, a sense of calm and determination surrounding him.

Bai Qilan couldn't help but feel a pang of shame at being rescued by a younger student, but she quickly pushed the thought aside, knowing that she owed her life to these brave individuals. "Thank you for rescuing me," she said, her voice steady despite the turmoil of emotions within her.

As Chen Shuirong approached, Bai Qilan's eyes widened in recognition. The girl standing before her, clad in the same school uniform, was her cousin, Chen Shuirong. The shock of the revelation left her momentarily speechless.

"Cousin Bai!" Chen Shuirong exclaimed, her surprise mirroring Bai Qilan's own.

"Cousin Chen," Bai Qilan responded, a wave of relief and joy washing over her. The two cousins embraced their reunion, a bright spot amidst the chaos of the battlefield.

As the two began to catch up, their conversation flowed naturally. However, a sudden pain shot through Bai Qilan's leg, causing her to wince. Glancing down, she saw the source of her discomfort: a deep sword wound on the back of her left leg.

Quickly regaining her composure, she gestured for her forces to follow as they moved towards the cover of the forest, the pain in her leg a constant reminder of the precariousness of their situation.

Long Su and Chen Shuirong, their faces etched with concern, joined them, their focus now shifting to planning their next move and ensuring Bai Qilan's safety.

In the familiarity of the temporary encampment that Long Su and Chen Shuirong had called home for the past several days, a sense of tension hung in the air. Chen Shuirong was tending to Bai Qilan's injury; her touch was gentle and reassuring as Bai Qilan recounted the harrowing events that had led to her current predicament.

Bai Qilan spoke of the city they had targeted, their initial success in overtaking three villages, and their plan to surround the city. But as they prepared to lay siege, the city's gates flung open, and a sea of civilians armed with wooden sticks surged forth, the city's army close behind.

The city lord, driven by a relentless desire to annihilate their forces, had employed a ruthless strategy, using civilians as cannon fodder in his quest for victory. Even as Bai Qilan and her comrades had fled, the city lord had pursued them with unwavering determination, determined to eradicate the threat they posed.


Even as Bai Qilan and her comrades had

Long Su listened intently, his mind racing as he processed the new information

The news that the city had been left virtually unguarded was like a beacon of opportunity, a final chance to claim the city for his World Seed.

With the end of the Demi-World dungeon imminent, he knew he had to seize this opportunity, even if it meant risking everything he had worked for.


Rising to his feet, Long Su addressed Chen Shuirong, his voice steady. "I need to go out alone. You will stay here with your cousin."



Chen Shuirong looked up at him, her eyes filled with worry and concern. "Long Su, we've stayed together all this time. Why leave alone now?"

Long Su met her gaze, his eyes reflecting a steely determination. "I need to attempt something, and I may have to use the rescue signal to finish it. I can't take you with me and force you to lose everything you've worked for."

Chen Shuirong opened her mouth to argue, but the look in Long Su's eyes stopped her short. It was the same look her father had worn when he embarked on dangerous missions—a look that brooked no argument. With a sigh, she relented.

"Please be careful," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Long Su nodded, offering her a small, reassuring smile. As he turned to leave, his mind was already focused on the task ahead. The weight of his decision bore heavily upon him, but he knew that he had to take this chance for the sake of his future and the potential rewards that awaited him if he succeeded.

Chen Shuirong and Bai Qilan stood at the edge of the forest, watching as their male companion disappeared into the dark shadows.

Chen's hand trembled as she clenched her fist, feeling frustrated with his insensitivity. "Why do men never understand how we feel?" she muttered to Bai, who nodded in agreement. They both sighed