chapter 35 : fog

Emerging from the forest, Long Su immediately summoned his entire military forces of 100 special Sword and Shield Skeleton Militia, forming an impenetrable barrier around him. Their gleaming blades and sturdy shields created a formidable wall.


The remaining 400 Sword and Shield Skeletons were organized into three teams, each consisting of 100 units, strategically placed in front of Long Su, with a fourth team stationed behind him.


The 300 spear-wielding Skeletons followed closely, their long spears glistening under the light as they moved in unison. Lastly, the 300 Slave Skeletons, intended as meat shields, were deployed at the front lines.


The army advanced, their footsteps echoing through the trees as they journeyed towards the village.


As they drew nearer, Long Su ordered the Slave Skeletons to lead the way, their disposable nature making them ideal for testing the village's safety. When nothing untoward happened to them, Long Su gave the order for the rest of his forces to follow.


Walking through The wooden houses that were empty of people for about a week which gave them a more terrifying characterfront of trepidation , he pressed on, his eyes fixed on the prize. His disciplined army moved as one, their unwavering loyalty a testament to Long Su's leadership.


Upon reaching the village center, the sight of the humanoid statue with fangs loomed before him, filling Long Su with determination. He knew that the fate of his World Seed hung in the this statue and he was prepared to do whatever it took to claim this village.


With the village now under his control and his forces standing at the ready, Long Su took a moment to look deep into the statue before him.


As his hand made contact with the fang statue, a strange voice echoed within his mind.


[Ding! I found a village. [Do you want to absorb it?]


After confirming his acceptance with his spiritual thoughts,


The statue began to melt down, releasing a dense white fog that started to spread out from his body, enveloping the entire village.


The fog acted as a barrier, sealing off the village from the outside world and Transfer long su and his entire units outside the village

Suddenly beeing kick out of the village shock him. Long Su was about to move inside the village again but the moment he tought the white fog , a powerful force repelled him, making it impossible for him to make contact with the fog and sending him flying in tye opposite direction

As Long Su found himself thrust a great distance away, his loyal units rushed to his side, forming a protective barrier around him against any impending threats. They stood unwavering, their skeletal forms a testament to their devotion to their commander.

Rising from the ground, Long Su's face was etched with shock as his gaze settled upon the peculiar ball of white fog that enveloped the entire village.

The ethereal mist shrouded the once-familiar landscape in mystery, its eerie tendrils weaving through the air like spectral serpents.

Above the fog-shrouded village, a series of enigmatic Arabic numerals began to manifest in the air, starting at thirty and steadily ticking downwards: 28, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25... Long Su's gaze was transfixed on the mysterious countdown, his mind racing with anticipation as each number melted away into the next, drawing ever closer to zero


As the countdown reached its end, the world around Long Su began to transform. The village, once bathed in the white fog, started to fade, leaving behind only the shadowy outlines of buildings and structures on the ground. The once vibrant and detailed landscape was now reduced to a flat, monochromatic version of itself, devoid of any life or color.


The shock of the transformation left Long Su momentarily stunned. He glanced around, taking in the surreal, dreamlike quality of his surroundings.


With a sense of determination, he turned to face his skeleton army, his expression resolute. Knowing that he needed to enter his world, he gave a firm command to his troops: "All units, stay in formation and defend my position."


The skeletons, ever loyal and disciplined, responded with a unified nod, their bony frames standing at attention as they prepared to carry out their orders.


Long Su took a deep breath, steeling himself for the task ahead. With his army standing guard, he knew he could go and see if any changes had happened inside.


Upon entering the World Seed, Long Su was greeted by a sight that differed greatly from the familiar, empty expanse that usually surrounded his small palace and the four military buildings. Now, a village remarkably similar to the one he had encountered outside sat within the confines of his World Seed, a mere 15-minute walk away for a normal human.


Being the owner of the World Seed, Long Su possessed the ability to travel anywhere within it in an instant. With a single thought, he found himself standing before the newly incorporated village. As he approached, a wealth of information flooded his mind:


[Broken Village]

Level: 1

The shelter of all undead-type units.

Number of houses: 45

Effects after repopulating the village:

1: Produce 10 to 15 skeleton slaves every day.

2: Produce 1 to 2 skeleton militias every day.

3: Produce 45 golden coins every day.

4: Produce 45 points of Daqin faith.


A surge of satisfaction washed over Long Su as he considered the potential of the village.

The ability to generate faith points and free Skeleton Slaves and Skeleton Militia daily would be a tremendous asset. Even though the number of faiths was small, sometimes small numbers could be better than nothing.


Even though Long Su had been a lord for almost two weeks, he still only had about 23 Daqin faith points. All because his faith came from the skeletons which limited faith production ability,

But you should know that for the undead, quantity could often triumph over quality in both the physical and spiritual battlefields.


Wasting no time, Long Su ordered 90 slave skeletons to inhabit the village. He watched as they entered the houses in pairs, the village coming alive with the presence of its new occupants.


With a sense of accomplishment, Long Su left the World Seed and returned to his army,

ready to march towards the city with renewed determination. The addition of the Broken Village to his World Seed had provided Long Su with a valuable resource and a strategic advantage.

Even if he didn't get the city with just the village, he could consider himself to be taking one more step forward than his classmates.