chapter 36: city

The small army of skeletal soldiers moved towards the city. 


Maybe because the senior students cleaning the area long su didn't face any wild animals on the road. 


The village was very close to the city; in just half an hour's walking, people could reach it, and with the stone streets that lead directly to the city 


No one will lose his way through it. 


As he and his army moved in one direction,it didn't take long for the city wallto be seen on the horizon. 


Just focusing your eye's, you can see clearly that the front city gate is open. 


'It's a trap' 


This was the only thought of longing toward the city in front of him. 

Everyone who waolk the lords way must must work his mastery of various strategic techniques, always seeking to maximize his success in any important plan. As a student of war, he had studied and employed countless strategies, but three main types seemed to arise time and time again across different battlefields. These were the felling strategy, the book-influenced strategy, and the risky strategy.

The felling strategist relied heavily on their intuition and emotions, often disregarding traditional tactics and formations in favor of following their gut feelings. Their style was unpredictable and could lead to either great success or disastrous failure.

In contrast, the book-influenced strategist was driven by their extensive knowledge of war books, constantly referencing them and adjusting their units accordingly. They rarely strayed from their established ways of thinking and were skilled at applying lessons learned from past battles.

Lastly, there were the risky strategists - those who were willing to take big risks for potentially bigger rewards. They didn't shy away from sacrificing their own forces if it meant gaining a significant advantage over the enemy. Though they were often seen as reckless, their bold moves could turn the tide of a battle in their favor.

In any clash of armies or confrontation of forces, one could expect to encounter these varying strategies utilized by Eveylord and other skilled commanders. The battlefield was ever-changing, and it took a versatile strategist to adapt to its challenges and emerge victorious.

When the city lord wants to kill the invasion human army and uses civilians as meat shields for his soldiers 


For this kind of strategy, it can be used by 

Risky strategist thinking


But no matter what type of strategy the city lord use, he will not leave the city and with everyone and leave it empty. 


But no matter if it's a trap or not, as long as he enters the city, he can use the Daqin banner to include it in his world. Seed 


What about dangerous? Long Su, who already considered himself the winner with taking the village 


If any dangerous things happen to him, he can use the rescue signal, which will cover him from any danger less than level 4. 


With these thoughts, he moves his units organically toward the city, not carrying about the small bats that will fly around his army from time to time. 



North side of the city, a large forest covered the area. 


Thousands of armed units taking the trees as cover were waiting for the perfect time to surnamed the city and capture all the invasion army. 


A small bat flies over one soldier and starts making voices.


"My lord, congratulations! The plan is working as a human lord with about 500 units entired the city." 


The soldier went to a large camp and reported the information from his tamid bats. 


"Good, good. The first blood bag enters the trap. Send more scouts and be careful. If the human army wants to leave, then we will move, but if he just stays in the city, don't move. We need more blood bags to enter the city." 


"Low-life creatures like humans try to capture our land; if it weren't for the strange order from the blood church to gather all high-level strong men and gather them in the capital, then my father will not leave with the uncles , with our family power, just using 10% of our family power can easily capture them all and make the low-life human our plaything." 


"My Lord, if we capture this group of human army's, then when the great master comes back, he will be very happy." 


"I know, but for success, we need to worm them other scouts to be carefuland watch every corner around the city. We need to gather as many blood bags as we can." 


"Yes, my lord," 


As the sloder left the camp, the city lord son set alone with a crepy smile on his face, thinking how proud his father will be when he comes and sees him defeat the human army and capture them as blood bags for him. 




long su stood before the high stone walls and the fully open iron gate, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over him. 


The welcoming entrance seemed like an invitation, but something felt amiss. "It's not enough to leave the city empty, but to leave the gates wide open as well," he thought, his mind racing with questions. "Does the city lord truly believe himself to be the most cunning being in the world, setting such an obvious trap?"


Despite his reservations, Long Su stepped forward, his determination to execute his plan driving him onward. 


As he entered the eerily quiet city, the emptiness seemed to envelop him, amplifying the conflicting emotions raging within. 


The once bustling streets now lay deserted, the absence of life a stark contrast to the thriving city he had once known.


The grand architecture and imposing structures of the city now felt like hollow shells, their magnificence reduced to a silent, haunting beauty.


The cityscape was dominated by a striking contrast of red and black, reflecting the clan's colors and serving as a constant reminder of their unwavering presence.


The streets were lined with towering structures, their facades adorned with intricate designs and patterns, all meticulously crafted in shades of crimson and ebony. 


Blood-red banners hung from balconies and windows, their dark symbols dancing in the wind like whispers of the clan's might.


At the center of the city stood a massive, imposing palace that served as the clan's headquarters. Its towering spires reached towards the heavens, while the massive stone walls exuded an air of impenetrability. 


The sprawling structure was a testament to the clan's wealth and power, its grandeur casting a long shadow over the city below.



The city's affluent neighborhoods were marked by sprawling, mansion-like houses that spoke of their residents' status. 


These luxurious dwellings, with their ornate architecture and meticulously manicured gardens, were a testament to the wealth and privilege enjoyed by the Blood Clan's elite.


As Long Su made his way to the city center, an awe-inspiring sight awaited him. At the heart of the city stood a colossal statue of a fanged, human-like figure, its menacing gaze seeming to penetrate the souls of all who dared to look upon it. 


The statue towered over everything, exuding a sense of majesty that surpassed even the impressive figure he had encountered in the village.


Long Su couldn't help but feel a shiver run down his spine as he took in the sight of the towering figure, its presence a palpable reminder of the Blood Clan's power and authority. 


The statue's fanged visage was a testament to the clan's unyielding might; its features were chiseled with such precision that it almost seemed alive.

With the statue looming over him, 


Long Su quickly gave orders to his skeleton army. "Spear-wielding skeletons, spread out, and secure the area. Sword and shield skeletons, form a defensive circle around me," he commanded, his voice echoing through the city center.


His units swiftly moved into position, their gleaming weapons glinting in the light as they prepared to defend their leader against any potential threats. With his army standing at the ready, Long Su turned his attention back to the statue, reaching out towards it with a steady hand.


[Ding! found a city. Do you want to absorb it?]