chapter 51 worries

Teacher Li watched with a mixture of pride and concern as Long Su threw himself into his studies with an intensity that bordered on obsession. 


The young student's dedication was commendable, but the toll it was taking on his well-being was becoming increasingly apparent.



After a full week of seeing long su act like this, Teacher Li decided to do something about it. 


One evening, as the last of the students filed out of the library, Teacher Li approached Long Su, who remained hunched over his texts, his eyes bloodshot from hours of study. 


With a gentle hand on the student's shoulder, Teacher Li broke the silence that hung heavy in the air.


"Long Su," he began, his voice imbued with the wisdom of ages, "your dedication to your studies is a testament to your character and your commitment to the path you have chosen."



Long Su looked up, his gaze meeting that of his teacher, a flicker of uncertainty dancing within his eyes.



"However," Teacher Li continued, his voice laced with concern, "the pursuit of knowledge, like all things, must be balanced with the needs of the mind and body. 


A candle that burns too brightly will soon flicker and fade, its light extinguished by the very flame that once gave it life."


listened to Teacher Li's words, his brow furrowed, the wisdom of his teacher settling upon his shoulders like a mantle of truth.


Yet, even as he acknowledged the importance of balance and self-care, the weight of the news he had received from Zhang Han continued to press down upon his heart, a relentless reminder of the tragedy that had befallen his family.



In the face of such overwhelming sorrow, Long Su had sought refuge within the realm of academia, the pursuit of knowledge offering a temporary run away from realityand respite from the harsh realities of his life.


By immersing himself in his studies, he could distance himself from the pain and heartache that threatened to consume him. 


Teacher Li sits down next to Long Su, his gaze level with that of his student, his eyes filled with the warmth of understanding.


"You must remember to nourish your spirit and allow yourself moments of rest and reflection. For it is within those quiet spaces that the seeds of wisdom take root, and the heart finds the strength to continue on its chosen path."



With a gentle smile, Teacher Li placed a reassuring hand on Long Su's shoulder, the gesture a wordless testament to the bond that had formed between them. 


"Remember, Long Su, that the greatest warriors are not those who never falter, but those who find the courage to rise again after each fall."



Long Su considered his teacher's words. He felt the weight of exhaustion that had settled upon his shoulders begin to lift, replaced by a newfound sense of resolve.


The words 'those who find the courage to rise again after each fall' reverberated within Long Su's mind.


striking a chord that resonated deep within his heart.


In the days since he had received the devastating news from Zhang Han, Long Su had found himself mired in a sea of sorrow and guilt, his once-unwavering determination threatened by the tempest of emotions that raged within him.



As he reflected on Teacher Li's words, Long Su was struck by the realization that he shouldn't allow his grief to consume him.


The pain and heartache will serve as shackles that have kept him from fulfilling his duties in the future.


For a full week, he had neglected to enter his seed world or check on the progress of his army. The weight of his sorrow made even the simplest tasks seem insurmountable.


With a heavy sigh, Long Su met Teacher Li's gaze, his eyes reflecting a newfound sense of resolve. "Thank you, Teacher Li," he said, his voice filled with gratitude and conviction. "Your words have reminded me of the path I must walk and the duties I must fulfill."


Long Su paused, his brow furrowing as he considered the confession that lay heavy on his tongue. "I have been struggling to find peace these couple days," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "Studying until exhaustion has been my only solace, a means of escaping the harsh realities that have plagued my waking thoughts."


Teacher Li listened with an empathetic ear, his eyes filled with understanding and compassion.


Every one who walks the path of the Lord's will have the same difficulty of killing the enemy or being prepared to be killed. 


This path will one day consume you. 


"We all must find our own ways to navigate the storms that beset us," he replied, his voice imbued with the wisdom of ages. "But remember, Long Su, that even the fiercest of tempests must eventually subside, and in their wake lies the promise of a new day."



With a final nod of understanding, Long Su closed his books. The teacher's words made hischaotic mind clear. 


Long Su retreated into the solitude of his thoughts, and the intricate tapestry of his past and present began to unravel before him.

The duality of his existence, as both the scholarly Long Su and the royal heir Fu Su, created a chasm within his heart that seemed impossible to bridge.

On one side lay the memories of a life lived within the opulent confines of the imperial palace, a world where the lines between familial bonds and political machinations were blurred beyond recognition.

Fu Su had been raised to serve the empire, and his every action was guided by a sense of duty and obligation that had been instilled within him since birth.

His relationship with the First Emperor had been defined by a complex web of expectations and responsibilities; the love between father and son was inextricably bound to the fate of their dynasty.

On the other side, Long Su grappled with the weight of his own experiences, his heart consumed by the desire to avenge his parents' tragic deaths.


As the two sides of his identity warred within him, Long Su found himself struggling to reconcile the conflicting emotions that surged through his veins.



with eyes full of worries that looking toward teach Li and said, "Teacher, will a father ask his son to die if this son is a disappointed and failure one?"