chapter 52 words


"Teacher, will a father ask his son to die?

If the son was disappointed and failed,



As Long Su's words hung heavy in the air, Teacher Li felt the weight of the young man's pain and confusion settle upon his shoulders.


As far as he knows, Logn Su is an orphan and both his parents died a long time ago,

Did the young long su from the beginning in his mind , to think his parents died because of him,

so that why he doesn't look like so happy that he had a city for less than a month when he awakened his seed world?

This sudden event was unexpected for him, and he will start thinking about his parents again


With a sigh, Teacher Li closed his eyes, his mind reaching back through the years when he was younger and his imparted life with his family


"A father's love for his son is a bond that transcends the boundaries of life and death," he began.


His voice was imbued with the weight of his years. "It is a love that is both selfless and unyielding, a beacon of hope in a world that often seems consumed by darkness."


Opening his eyes, Teacher Li met Long Su's haunted gaze, his heart aching for the pain that he saw reflected within them.


"A true father would never ask his son to lay down his life," he continued, his words imbued with a quiet conviction."


"Instead, he would give his own life to protect his child, to ensure that the light of his legacy continues to burn brightly, even in the face of despair."


As the two students and teacher shared a moment of quiet understanding, Teacher Li knew that Long Su's spirit had been rekindled by his words.


Long Su pondered Teacher Li's words. He felt the fog of uncertainty begin to lift from his mind, the words of his mentor casting a new light upon the shadows of his past.


With each passing moment, the memories of his life as Fu Su began to surface, the emotions and experiences that had defined his existence as the First Emperor's eldest son washing over him like a tidal wave.



Long Su could feel the weight of Fu Su's love for his father, a devotion that had been tempered by the expectations and responsibilities that had been placed upon his shoulders from birth.


He remembered the countless hours spent studying, training, and striving to become the son that his father desired, the heir who would one day lead their dynasty to new heights of glory.



As the memories continued to unfurl within him, Long Su felt a pang of empathy for the man he had once been, the pain of Fu Su's self-doubt and inner turmoil echoing within his heart.


He knew that if the First Emperor had truly wished for his son to take his own life, the order would not have been delivered in such a cryptic and uncertain manner.



The words of General Meng, once a source of confusion and mistrust, now seemed to resonate within Long Su's mind, the seeds of doubt that had been planted within him beginning to take root.


Perhaps, he mused, there had indeed been more to the First Emperor's final message than he had initially realized, a hidden meaning that could only be unearthed by delving deeper into the memories and experiences that defined his past.



Long Su wrestled with the emotions and thoughts that swirled within him, Teacher li seeing like this he walked out alone from the library


Though the path ahead was shrouded in uncertainty, he felt a newfound sense of determination take hold within him, the spirit of Fu Su, the devoted son and heir, reawakened by the words of Teacher Li and the echoes of his past.



With a final nod of gratitude to his mentor, Long Su rose from his seat, his gaze filled with a quiet resolve.


As he made his way towards the library, the moonlight casting his shadow upon the palace walls, he knew that he was walking not only as Long Su, the scholar and survivor, but also as Fu Su, the devoted son and heir to a fallen dynasty.




After a full week of soul-searching and contemplation, Long Su finally found the resolve to enter his seed world once more.


As the familiar sensations of power and responsibility washed over him, he felt a sense of trepidation mingled with relief, the complexities of his dual existence momentarily set aside in favor of the tasks at hand.



As his vision cleared, Long Su found himself seated upon his obsidian throne, his gaze sweeping across the chamber that had become a sanctuary of sorts in the tumultuous days since his awakening.


The familiar sight of Zhang Han and the remaining skeletal warriors brought a sense of comfort for their unwavering loyalty



Yet, as he took in the scene before him, Long Su could not help but notice the changes that had occurred in his absence.


The hundreds of skeletal swords and shields that had once adorned the walls had vanished, replaced by only four figures kneeling before him in a show of reverence and respect.



Among the assembled warriors, Long Su could sense a palpable air of anticipation, their undying devotion to their leader made manifest in their disciplined postures and the gleam of their polished armor.


As he examined the three unfamiliar figures, Long Su noted the distinctive red and dark hues of their armor, the colors in stark contrast to the muted tones of Zhang Han and his fellow commanders.


"Sinner General Zhang Han meets his Highness, the oldest son."

"A hundred-man commander greeting his highness, the oldest son."

"A hundred-man commander greeting his highness, the oldest son."

"Five-man commander greeting his highness, the oldest son."


With a sense of awe and uncertainty, Long Su heard the echoed greetings of his skeletal vassals, their reverence for him imbued with a fervor that bordered on the fanatical.


As each of the warriors pledged their fealty, Long Su felt the weight of his responsibilities settle upon his shoulders once more, the mantle of leadership a burden that he bore with a mixture of pride and apprehension.



As he considered the significance of the new arrivals, Long Su could feel the stirrings of his inner conflict begin to resurface, the memories of Fu Su and his own quest for justice vying for dominance within his heart.


Yet, as he gazed upon the unwavering loyalty of his skeletal warriors, Long Su knew that he must find the strength to carry on, to honor the trust placed in him by those who had followed him after his death and beyond.



"Rise up," with an acknowledgment word, Long Su rose from his throne, his gaze sweeping across the assembled warriors with a renewed sense of determination.



He would find the courage to face the trials that lay in wait and perhaps, in doing so, discover the answers that would lay his inner turmoil to rest.