chapter 53 general attributes

Long Su regarded Zhang Han and the three unfamiliar skeletal commanders; he couldn't help but feel a surge of curiosity and concern. 


The unwavering loyalty felling that shine of his vassals was both heartening and disconcerting; their devotion to him was a testament to the bond they shared, yet also a reminder of the immense responsibility that rested upon his shoulders.



Turning his attention to Zhang Han, Long Su couldn't help but notice the shadow of guilt that still lingered in the skeletal general's aura—the weight of his past transgressions—a burden that he continued to carry with unwavering stoicism. 

Level: 2 stare 1

Occupation: general

Strength: 20+1

Spiritual power: 20+1

Physical strength: 20+1

Concentration: 20+1

Physical attack: 20 (strength*2 for non-professionals)

Magic Attack: 20 (same as above)

Health: 100 (stamina*10)

Strength value: 100 (same as above)

Physical defense: 20 (stamina*2)

Magic defense: 20 (same as above, excluding elemental defense)

Health recovery: 2 points/S (stamina/5) after 5 seconds out of combat, doubled during



1 - general ' small ' : leading 10 thousand units with increasing of 10 % stringht and defense power

2 - master of arms : leading all type of units soldiers

3 - training: any units can be trained toward higher level under his hand

4 - one man army : gathering the power of every single soldier under his command and increase his power for 10 mints [ limitless]


Seeing the magnificent power of zhang han specially the last skill ,long su couldn't stop his smile from his face

Whit satisfying Look he change his attention at the skeleton behind general zhang


Level 2

Strength: 15

defense : 13

Speed: 15

Will: 17


1 -Formation master : master of army attack and defense formation

2- last man : when leading a units the comander will not die until the last man


Level 2

Strength: 16

defense : 14

Speed: 13

Will: 17


1 -Formation master : master of army attack and defense formation

2- last man : when leading a units the comander will not die until the last man


Level 1

Strength: 5

defense : 5

Speed: 5

Will: 5


1 - team master : knowledgeable of army formation

2- last man : when leading a units the comander will not die until the last man


Tow skeleton have the same attributes of level 2 and the last one is a max attributes of level 1 units

But what suppression long su more was that each man have tow skill


With a mixture of concern and authority, Long Su addressed his trusted commander, his voice echoing through the chamber with a quiet urgency.



"General Zhang, report on the progress of our city's defenses over the past seven days, and enlighten me as to the identity of the skeletal who stand beside you."



Zhang Han, ever the loyal servant, immediately rose to his feet, his posture rigid with disciplined focus, as he delivered his report.



"Your Highness, under your wise order , our city's defenses have been significantly bolstered over the past week. 


The construction of archer towers has been completed along the entire length of the city walls, providing ample vantage points for our archers to rain down arrows upon anyone who would dare to threaten our sanctuary."


As Zhang Han continued, 


Long Su could picture the imposing structures that now adorned the city's fortifications, their elevated positions offering a commanding view of the surrounding landscape.


The general went on to explain that each wall could now accommodate up to six thousand archers without compromising the close-combat capabilities of the other defenders, a strategic advantage that would serve to greatly enhance their overall defensive strength.

Even though for now he only have this archers as a defensive power



"Furthermore," Zhang Han added, "I have invested twenty-four thousand gold coins to bolster our forces, summoning an additional twenty-four thousand slave skeletons to serve as our front-line troops"

" Each of these skeletal warriors has been equipped with a bone bow, an investment totaling thirty-six thousand gold coins, which will grant them the means to engage our enemies from a distance."



As Long Su considered the scale of the undertaking, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the tireless dedication of his commander and the sheer magnitude of resources that had been committed to their shared vision. 

The archers doesn't need any attacks power as long as they can pull the bow and fir it then its enough


Finally, Zhang Han gestured to the three skeletal commanders who stood beside him, their crimson and dark armor in stark contrast to the more muted tones of the surrounding warriors.



"Allow me to introduce the city's newly appointed commanders," Zhang Han announced, his tone reflecting a mixture of pride and reverence.


"These formidable leaders have been produced by the city itself; their loyalty and skill in battle are beyond question. "

" Their presence will undoubtedly strengthen our forces and serve as a beacon of hope for our people."



As Long Su regarded the trio of elite commanders, he felt a surge of anticipation and trepidation, the pieces of his grand design falling into place as the full scope of their defensive capabilities was revealed.


As Long Su listened to Zhang Han's thorough report, a sense of satisfaction washed over him.


The dedication and resourcefulness of his trusted general had proven invaluable in fortifying their city's defenses.

Now he have a general to lead the big army and comanders who can lead small army each one can assign to their own jobs



"You have done well, General Zhang. Your diligent oversight has ensured that our city is now a formidable bastion against those who seek to challenge our dominion."


"Moving forward, however, I request that you allocate only half of our gold coins to the summoning of additional skeleton soldiers." 


"The remaining funds are to be safeguarded within the Palace treasury, where they may be used to address any unforeseen needs that may arise."


Having issued his instructions to Zhang Han, 


Long Su turned his attention to the three skeletal commanders who stood before him.


Their imposing stature and distinctive armor set them apart from their fellow warriors, and the air of discipline and devotion that surrounded them was a testament to their elite status. 


With a mixture of curiosity and authority, Long Su addressed the trio of commanders, seeking to learn more about their origins and the purpose that drove them.


"Honored commanders, I would know your names and the roots from which you have sprung. Are you, like General Zhang, proud descendants of the Qin Dynasty?"



As Long Su's words echoed through the chamber, one of the commanders stepped forward, his voice strong and resolute as he spoke.



"Your Highness, we can't have our own name now; we need to earn our names through gaining merits on the battlefield." 


"Though our memories of the Qin Dynasty have long since faded, our allegiance to the noble Ying family endures, an unbreakable bond forged in the crucible of war and tempered by the fires of devotion."



As Long Su considered the commander's words, he felt a surge of admiration for the spectral warriors who stood before him. 


The Qin Dynastyinstilled within its soldiers a powerful sense of unity and camaraderie. 


This esprit de corps was forged through shared hardships and triumphs; the bonds between warriors were strengthened by their collective dedication to the dynasty's vision of a unified and prosperous empire.




Their commitment to honor and duty reflected the very values that had been instilled in him throughout his life; their dedication to the protection of the Ying family was a mirror of his own quest for justice and retribution.



In the eyes of the skeletal commanders, Long Su saw not only the strength of their resolve but also the promise of their combined might.


To the soldiers of the Qin Dynasty, the Ying family represented the very essence of honor, courage, and duty. 


Their unwavering resolve on the battlefield and their strategic acumen in times of conflict had secured countless victories for the dynasty, each triumph etched into the annals of history as a testament to their indomitable spirit.



Furthermore, the Ying family's dedication to their people extended beyond the realm of warfare.


They were known for their wisdom, compassion, and steadfast belief in the importance of justice and harmony.


These qualities endeared them to the soldiers of the Qin Dynasty, who saw in the Ying family not only inspiring leaders but also champions of the values that bound them together as a nation.



Over time, this deep-seated respect and loyalty evolved into a powerful bond between the Ying family and the soldiers who served under their command.


The warriors of the Qin Dynasty took pride in their connection to this noble lineage. 



In essence, the feelings of the Qin soldiers towards the Ying family transcended the typical allegiance between warriors and their leaders, evolving into a profound sense of kinship and shared purpose that would echo throughout the ages.


This powerful connection not only united the soldiers of the Qin Dynasty in their pursuit of victory but also served as a guiding light in their quest to uphold the values and ideals that defined their illustrious civilization.