chapter 57 barbarians dungeon

A smile played on Bai Qilan's lips. "By the way, Long Su, your thinking is quite normal for a first-year student," she observed, her tone laced with amusement. " but for students like us in third year, we're supposed to arrive independently. Nevertheless, I'm glad I could guide you here today."


A wave of understanding washed over Long Su, his initial confusion giving way to a tinge of embarrassment. 


He couldn't help but cover his face, lamenting his lack of familiarity with the school's unwritten rules.


In no time at all, the two found themselves standing beside the imposing dungeon gate, nestled within the heart of the city.


An air of anticipation surrounded them as they joined the gathering of second- and third-year students, each eager to explore the mysteries that lay beyond the towering entrance.



Teacher Li emerged from the crowd, a stack of cards clasped firmly in his hands.


His voice rose above the murmur of the assembled students, imbued with a sense of urgency and concern. 


"Take these cards, one card for each of you," he instructed, his gaze sweeping across the sea of young faces. "Should you find yourselves in danger, use these card to teleport outside the dungeon . This tiem no teachers will rush to your aid as normal dungeon."


With a solemn face , Teacher Li began to distribute the cards among the students, the weight of their significance palpable in the air.


As the chatter of anticipation filled the air, Teacher Li beckoned his students closer, with the other teachers following suit. 


An air of solemnity settled upon the group, their collective curiosity tempered by the gravity of the task that lay before them.


With a deep breath, Teacher Li began to unveil the nature of the dungeon they were about to face. 


"Today, you will enter a closed world, a realm molded by the Blood Clan for their sinister purposes."

" Within this domain, they have nurtured a slave clan, a humanoid and brutish warriors known as the Barbarians."


A shudder seemed to ripple through the assembled students as Teacher Li's words conjured images of a nightmare world. 


"These barbarians may resemble humans, but their minds are consumed by a monstrous hunger, their thoughts driven only by the primal urges to kill and devour."

A murmur of unease arose from the group, their nervous energy mingling with a growing sense of determination.


"To the Blood Clan, these vicious warriors are the epitome of their power and play tools" Teacher Li continued, his voice steady amidst the rising tension. 


"Yet, the blood clan with their arrogance, they have left this vulnerable relam fall in our hands "

" In the wake of their last attack, not only did they lose powerful Demi-World controllers, but the thus small world of the Barbarians has been left weakened and exposed for use."


The weight of the opportunity before them seemed to hang heavy in the air as the students absorbed the implications of their teacher's words.



"For the next three days, you will have the chance to enter this dungeon and confront the savagery within."

" Whether you choose to eradicate the Barbarians or conquer their world, the choice is yours. But remember, time is of the essence—after three days, this dungeon will disappear, and the opportunity will be lost."


Teacher Li's gaze swept across the faces of his students, his eyes betraying a hint of concern beneath his unwavering resolve.


Teacher Li's voice dropped to a solemn register as he imparted a final, weighty revelation to his students. "Before you venture forth, there is one more crucial detail you must understand. Although you will only have three days within the dungeon, the ramifications of your actions will resonate far beyond this brief window."


A palpable tension rippled through the assembled students as they leaned in, their attention rapt upon their teacher's words.


"In the wake of the Blood Clan's devastating attack, today's expedition into the dungeon holds even greater significance." 


"Your performance, your choices, and your tenacity will have a direct impact on your future prospects."


"The results of today's endeavor will influence your scores and determine your eligibility for the most prestigious universities in the land of the dragon kingdom"



With a gravity befitting the moment, Teacher Li directed his students toward the ominous dungeon entrance.


"Now, it is time for you to enter the dungeon, but remember to proceed in an orderly fashion." 


"Your fate awaits within the shadows, and the path you forge will echo throughout your lives."


As the students absorbed the weight of their teacher's proclamation, they exchanged glances, their expressions an intricate tapestry of trepidation, determination, and newfound understanding.


"Above all, be cautious. Your lives are priceless, and no victory is worth the cost of your safety."



— — — — 


Long Su stepped into the Barbarians' dungeon, an eerie and unfamiliar world unfurled before him.

A dense, sprawling forest stretched out in all directions, its verdant canopy casting dappled shadows upon the mossy ground below.

Here and there, small mountains rose up from the earth like slumbering giants, their peaks vanishing into the haze of the horizon, an ever-present reminder of the untamed wilderness that surrounded him.

"Surviving in a place like this would either make you strong or break you," Long Su mused, his voice tinged with a mixture of awe and apprehension. 


"Every moment spent here would be a test of one's strength, resilience, and adaptability."


The unyielding terrain seemed to demand physical prowess as the price of survival, and its unforgiving landscape was a testament to the savage brutality of the Barbarians who called it home.


The very air was thick with a sense of primal ferocity, as though the land itself was a reflection of the monstrous inhabitants that roamed its shadowy depths.



Even as Long Su found himself captivated by the untamed beauty of his surroundings, he knew that time was not on his side.


Teacher Li's warning echoed in the recesses of his mind—he had but three days in this alien realm, and every moment was precious. With the sun preparing to emerge from its slumber, heralding the dawn of the first day,


Long Su knew he would need to act swiftly and decisively if he hoped to reap any benefits from this perilous venture.


As he surveyed the imposing mountains and the labyrinthine forest that covered everything, 


The air around Long Su crackled with energy as a shimmering portal opened beside him, a doorway between worlds that beckoned his trusted companion forth.


As the gateway stabilized, the figure of Zhang Han stepped through, his ghostly eyes scanning the alien landscape with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation.