chapter 58 fighting barbarians

In the froest of the Barbarians' domain, Zhang Han stood beside Long Su, his gaze taking in the dense forest that surrounded them. 




After a moment's consideration, he turned to address his lord, his voice tinged with a sense of urgency and conviction.



"Your Highness," Zhang Han began, "I must advise caution as we prepare to engage our adversaries within this forest battlefield." 


"The dense foliage and uneven terrain present significant challenges for our archers and spearmen, who require more open ground to wield their weapons effectively."


Pausing to ensure his words were given their due weight, Zhang Han continued, "In light of these conditions, I suggest we restrict our forces to sword and shield warriors, whose close-quarters prowess will prove invaluable in these tight confines."


"Moreover, I recommend a more measured deployment of troops; a contingent of approximately two hundred should suffice for our immediate needs."



Long Su, recognizing the wisdom in his trusted general's counsel,


nodded in agreement. "Your insights are invaluable, Zhang Han," he acknowledged, a hint of gratitude in his voice. "Proceed with the summoning of the troops you deem necessary."



With a solemn bow, Zhang Han accepted the responsibility granted to him by his lord.


The trust placed in his judgment was a testament to the vital role played by skilled generals in the early stages of conquest. 


By delegating the oversight of military matters to capable subordinates, lords like Long Su were free to focus on the broader concerns of their domains, secure in the knowledge that their forces were in reliable hands.



As the chosen warriors began to materialize around them, 


With their armor gleaming dully in the filtered light of the forest, Long Su took a moment to appreciate the strength and efficiency of his growing army. 


With Zhang Han at his side and a force of dedicated soldiers at his command, he felt confident in their ability to overcome the trials that awaited them in the shadows of the Barbarians' dungeon.


Amidst the hushed gloom of the forest, an eerie silence descended as skeletal soldiers materialized, their forms adorned with dull iron breastplates and wielding level 1 iron shields and swords.

The sudden intrusion of these otherworldly warriors sent the forest's avian denizens scattering, their panicked cries piercing the stillness that had once enveloped the woods.

As the skeletal legion assembled, the tranquility of the forest was shattered by the guttural cry of a barbarian, his voice tinged with primal fear and fury.

One of the skeletal soldiers stood triumphantly over its fallen adversary, the barbarian's grotesque, lifeless head impaled upon the cold steel of its blade.

Though this first engagement had ended with a swift and decisive victory for the undead soldiers,

the barbarian's dying cry served as a chilling harbinger of the battles yet to come.

His anguished screams echoed through the forest, alerting his fellow tribesmen to the presence of a formidable and otherworldly foe.

Despite the tense atmosphere, Long Su remained composed, his keen senses alert to the sounds of combat and the acrid scent of blood that permeated the air.

With a glance at Zhang Han, Long Su granted him the responsibility of commanding their formidable army, entrusting the outcome of the battle to his trusted general's capable hands.

"Five-man formation, turtle area defense," Zhang Han bellowed, his orders resonating throughout the ranks of the 200 skeletal soldiers.

The undead warriors moved with disciplined efficiency, each unit of five soldiers forming a tight, cohesive formation, their positions carefully orchestrated to ensure maximum protection and support amongst their ranks.

From an aerial vantage point, the skeletal army's organized advance resembled a meticulous choreography, an intricate dance of death orchestrated by Zhang Han's strategic acumen. 


Though each unit moved independently, their cohesive formation allowed for swift communication and coordinated strikes.


 Their every action is guided by the collective will of the group.

As the battle raged on, more than 20 skeletal soldiers made short work of their barbaric adversaries.


dispatching over a dozen of the savage warriors with chilling efficiency.


The grisly spoils of war were claimed as the soldiers hoisted the severed heads of their fallen foes, a macabre testament to the casualties inflicted upon the Barbarians.



The gruesome spectacle of barbarians wielding the leg bones of their fallen brethren as makeshift weapons served as a reminder of their savage nature. 



Unfettered by the taboos of civilized society, these brutal warriors were known to consume anything from grass roots to the rotting corpses of their kin, their appetites as insatiable as their thirst for violence.



Long Su surveyed the scene with a sense of detached fascination, his mind processing the tactical implications of the Barbarians' savage ways. 


As the battle continued to unfold, the fate of the Barbarian small forces was death.

The skeleton soldiers strengths lay bare on the blood-soaked battlefield.


As the dust settled on the battlefield, Long Su surveyed the aftermath with a keen strategic eye.


Turning to General Zhang, he commended his subordinate's tactical prowess.

"Your leadership has proven invaluable, General Zhang. The effectiveness of your chosen formation is undeniable, and we have emerged from this engagement without losing a single soldier—a remarkable achievement."



Despite his own prior experiences battling wolves and goblins, Long Su recognized the superior approach that General Zhang had adopted. 


Even when pitted against the formidable level 2 Barbarian units, their army emerged unscathed, a testament to the strategic acumen that defined Zhang's command.



General Zhang's calculated decision to employ the "Five-man formation, turtle area defense" strategy had enabled their soldiers to navigate the treacherous forest terrain with unparalleled efficiency. 


By arranging the skeletal warriors in compact, versatile units, Zhang han had ensured that each soldier was able to support and protect their comrades while simultaneously pressing their advantage against the enemy.


The Barbarian forces, unaccustomed to such disciplined tactics, found themselves at a disadvantage as they struggled to adapt to the coordinated onslaught of their skeletal adversaries. 


As Long Su observed the effectiveness of General Zhang's chosen strategy, he couldn't help but reflect on the stark contrast between their current success and the losses incurred during his previous campaigns.


What truly set General Zhang apart, however, was his unwavering calm and confidence amidst the chaos of battle.


With a single, decisive order, he had set the stage for victory, entrusting the execution of his strategy to the soldiers under his command.

In doing so, he demonstrated the true mark of a skilled commander: the ability to balance strategic insight with unflinching trust in the capabilities of his troops.



With a resolute determination, the team forged ahead, their sights set on the heart of the dense woodland.


As we ventured deeper into the heart of the forest, it became clear that we had encroached upon the barbarians' domain.

Wave after wave of small raiding parties assaulted our ranks, their numbers ranging from thirty to sixty warriors each.


Yet, despite their unrelenting onslaught, the skeleton team remained unscathed, a testament to the overwhelming disparity in strength between forces.



Even as I observed the frenzied attacks of these level 2 Barbarian units, I couldn't help but be struck by their seemingly hopeless circumstances. 


Their meager arsenal of crude weaponry and tattered armor painted a vivid picture of their impoverished existence.


It was a sobering sight, one that forced me to question the harsh reality of the world that had shaped these savage beings.


As the cacophony of battle echoed around us, I found myself considering the plight of these barbarians. 


In a world rift's with conflict and strife, they appeared to be people who had been dealt a harsh hand.


With limited resources and a desperate need to survive, their violent nature seemed not a reflection of innate savagery but rather a testament to their relentless struggle against life itself.



I couldn't shake the unsettling notion that the very environment that had forged these barbarians into the savage warriors we now faced was also responsible for their tragic existence.


' Maybe this is why the blood clan can use the Barbarian slaves, because to them, the blood clan is like a god who came to help them out of this environment.' 


As we continued to repel their attacks, I couldn't help but ponder the cruel hand of fate that had led us to clash with these desperate beings—creatures who, 


In their poverty and despair, they were merely struggling to cling to their tenuous hold on survival.


Amidst the clamor of our conflict, a question burned out: "Finally, we have inadvertently ventured into the heart of the Barbarians' sanctuary." 


"This area should be their hunting area. There must be their tribe nearby!"

Zhang Hanspoke while taking his first breath from his leash.



Long Su nodded. In fact, even if Zhang Han didn't say it, he also guessed that the tribe of the native barbarians must be here; otherwise, they would never be attacked so frequently.