chapter 60 : blood barbarians

The tides of battle turned against the Barbarian forces, and a palpable shift overcame their hulking leader.


An eerie, verdant light began to envelop his muscular form, creating a spectral aura that pulsed with an otherworldly power.



In a grotesque display of transformation, the once-humanoid Barbarian metamorphosed into a monstrous, hair-covered behemoth, evoking the primal might of a colossal gorilla.


His very presence commanded attention—an indomitable force that demanded both reverence and fear.

Long Su, his focus honed to a razor's edge, scrutinized the creature before him, the details of his status panel etching themselves into his consciousness:


[Barbarian Leader]

Level 2

Strength: 20+10

Spiritual Power: 20+10

Physical Strength: 20+10

Concentration: 20+10


Blood Guard: The gift from the Blood Clan, transforming normal creatures into half-blooded kin.

Blood Monkey: Utilize all the blood within your body to transform into a bloodthirsty Blood Monkey for 10 minutes.


As the gravity of the situation settled upon Long Su, he recognized the Barbarian leader as the pinnacle of a second-level creature

a formidable adversary whose strength dwarfed even the mighty Zhang Han.

Coupled with the enigmatic ability of the Blood Guard, this battle now teetered on a knife's edge.

"Zhang Han," Long Su inquired, a tremor of concern betraying his otherwise stoic demeanor, "can you defeat him?" The unspoken implication hung heavy in the air—their survival hinged on Zhang Han's prowess.

"Fear not, Your Highness," Zhang Han replied, his voice a bastion of unwavering loyalty and determination. "I shall emerge victorious, though the battle may be takes some time ."

Long Su, buoyed by Zhang Han's confidence, steeled himself against the uncertainty that loomed before them.

Yet, the specter of defeat lingered at the periphery, a haunting reminder of the unforgiving nature of war and the fragility of their mortality.



As the colossal Barbarian leader barreled forth, the earth trembled beneath his monstrous bulk,

his every step a thunderclap that echoed the fury of the storm to come.

Zhang Han, undaunted, held his ground, his blade glinting in the waning light like a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness.



As the enormity of the moment bore down upon Zhang Han, his spectral gaze hardened, the weight of their survival resting heavily on his broad shoulders.

Time seemed to slow as the tide of battle shifted in a flash of searing light.

The air crackled with primal energy, a maelstrom of green smoke, and the tantalizing aroma of barbecue coalescing around the Barbarian leader.

With a suddenness that defied comprehension, the hulking figure vanished, only to materialize before Long Su

a massive fist hurtling towards his face.

In that fleeting instant, Long Su's resolve was tested, his poise unyielding in the face of such raw aggression.

With a flash of steel, his long sword met the oncoming onslaught, the resounding clang of metal upon metal echoing the unexpected turn of events.

The Barbarian king, unaccustomed to such defiance, faltered, disbelief etched upon his face.



The opening was all Zhang Han needed.

In a blur of motion, his blade arced through the air, the glint of steel a harbinger of death. 


The barbarian king's head was sent careening skyward, a grotesque display of the brutal nature of warfare.



As the violence reached its crescendo, the aftermath left the old priest and his Barbarian brethren to grapple with their loss, their shock a palpable shroud that enwrapped the battlefield.


In the deafening silence, the truth of their defeat settled upon their shoulders, and the stark reality of their fallen king was a haunting reminder of the fragility of life and the unforgiving nature of war.



"Gua Li Gua Ji... @%×=#..."


As the priest danced, a scarlet light suddenly flashed.


Their own king was killed by the opponent in a despicable way in the sacred duel. 


After passing the red light of the priest, all the barbarians rushed towards Guan Hai and Zhang Ye with red eyes.


"Finally, they all come!"


Long Su hurriedly summoned all the remaining 800 skeleton soldiers and a few thousand skeleton militia in the territory.


Although the skeleton militia had very low attributes in all four aspects and could only serve as logistics troops.


the barbarians on the opposite side, even though they are all at a secondlevel but also of average strength, which was just right for long enough to serve as human shields.


On the other side, Zhang Han went straight in the direction of the priest.


"Squeak... snap..."


Zhang Han used his high speed to transform into a shadow of death that killed everyone in his sight. 


With the flash of cold light in Zhang Han's hand, the barbarians' bodies were immediately separated.


Facing Zhang Han's relentless pressure, the priest did not show any panic on his face.


Somehow, Zhang Han felt a sense of vigilance in his heart.


Swish! Swish! Swish!


The next moment, three black shadows flashed. 



The moment the three shadows appeared, Zhang Han immediately retreated.


Boom! Boom! Boom!


With a huge roar, Zhang Han looked over and saw that there were suddenly three terrifying humanoid creatures in the place where he had just left.


The three people were naked, with bulging muscles and tangled veins, and their eyes were like those of wild beasts. As soon as


The three humanoid creatures appeared, and the killing intent spread all around.


Long Su, who was guarded at the back, looked at them with worried eyes, and his heart also sank when he saw the three monsters.


[Blood Barbarian]


Level 12 


Strength: 20+8


defense: 20 +5


Speed: 20 +3


Will: 20+1




1. Giant Strength: After use, Blood Barbarian's strength is increased above his own level.


Their string, like Zhang Han, exactly 

This was the first sentence that flashed through my mind after seeing the information about the Blood Barbarians.


Unexpectedly, the small barbarian tribe that Long Su found it on the first day thought he could easily hide such a killer weapon.


Outnumbered and outmatched, the scene before Long Su was dire.

Zhang Han, though a formidable warrior, claimed victory against the Barbarian leader through a combination of cunning and opportunism.

Now, facing the raw might of the Blood Barbarians, their situation had taken a turn for the worse.

"Why fight on their terms?" Long Su mused, the wisdom of his father's words echoing through his mind.

"If a hundred cannot defeat them, then let a thousand be our answer."

With these words, a brilliant, luminescent light flared, and an army of 20,000 skeletal slaves materialized at Long Su's side,

their lifeless ghostly eyes trained upon their master.

"Destroy them," Long Su commanded, his voice ringing with authority.

The Blood Barbarians, their bestial roars rending the air, charged forward, leaving Zhang Han in their wake.

The skeletal slaves, undaunted by the fearsome display, surged forward to meet their foes, their bones shattering upon impact with the mighty barbarians.



The cacophony of battle filled the air, the relentless tide of skeletal minions crashing against the immovable might of the Blood Barbarians.

Though the slaves fought with unflinching loyalty, their fragile forms were no match for the raw power of their adversaries.

As the battle raged on, it became increasingly clear that the skeletal army, vast though it was,

could not overpower the savage might of the Blood Barbarians.

Zhang Han, moving alone in the chaos, could only watch as the forces of Long Su were slowly, but surely, overwhelmed.



Despite their numbers, the skeletal slaves were no more than mere pawns in this game of war; their brittle bones were no match for the unchecked ferocity of their foes.