chapter 61 killing the priest

The Blood Barbarians, their immense strength unchecked, tore through the skeletal slaves with ease.

The air was filled with the sound of splintering bones and the haunting echoes of lifeless bodies being cast aside. 


Despite their overwhelming numbers, the skeleton army could not withstand the savage might of their adversaries.

Bones shattered and flew through the air as the relentless onslaught continued. 


The Blood Barbarians, undeterred by the sheer mass of their enemies, carved a path of destruction through the skeletal ranks.


Though the slave skeletons fought with unflinching determination, their fragile forms were no match for the unchecked ferocity of the barbarians.



Amidst the chaos of battle, Zhang Han seized his opportunity.

With the attention of the Blood Barbarians focused solely on the skeletal slaves army, he slipped through the fray, his sights set on the priest who stood watching from afar.



The priest, his heart pounding with trepidation, knew that the fate of the tribe was in danger


The Blood Barbarians were the embodiment of their people's strength and resilience, an unstoppable force that had become a beacon of hope for their tribe.


Even their fallen leader, a formidable warrior in his own right, would have been no match for the raw power of these terrifying beings.



As Zhang Han closed in on the priest, the air grew heavy with anticipation. 


The battle between the Blood Barbarians and the skeletal slaves raged on,

a cacophony of violence that echoed across the battlefield.


The fate of the tribe and the lives of all those who called it home were at stake.


The priest, his senses honed by years of vigilance, caught a fleeting glimpse of Zhang Han's advancing form.

His heart pounding, he attempted to alert his followers with a desperate cry, the words distorted by the palpable fear that gripped him.



The surrounding barbarians, roused by the priest's warning, surged towards Zhang Han in a last-ditch effort to protect their spiritual leader.


Yet, even as they charged forward, the priest turned to flee, his instinct for self-preservation overriding all else.



With a flash of white light, Zhang Han's strength surged as he activated his [One Man Army] skill.

His form blurred, a tempest of steel and fury that left the surrounding barbarians in pieces. 


Heads rolled, and the ground was painted crimson as the chaos of battle echoed through the air.



As Zhang Han closed in on the priest, the man's eyes pleaded for mercy, his lips quivering with the force of his fear.

But there would be no reprieve, no salvation from the fate that awaited him.


A flash of silver, a spray of crimson, and the priest's head tumbled to the ground, his body collapsing in a heap beside it.


As the priest's lifeblood seeped into the earth, the red light that had bolstered the barbarians flickered and died. 


Their strength waning, the remaining Blood Barbarians found themselves overwhelmed by Long Su's skeleton soldiers and militia.



The tide of battle had turned, and with it, the will of the barbarians faltered.

Their leaders fallen and now the priest die, their hope extinguished, they broke ranks and fled, their once-fierce battle cries replaced by the haunting echoes of defeat.



Zhang Han, his strength still bolstered by the [One Man Army] skill, turned his attention to the remaining Blood Barbarians.

Their attributes, once a testament to their ferocity, were now halved in the face of his newfound power.


Skeleton soldiers and militia, their numbers seemingly endless, pressed the advantage; their lifeless forms a stark contrast to the vibrant fury of their foes.


One against an army of skeletal slaves, the outcome was inevitable. 


The battle raged on, with the screams of the fallen punctuating the chaos of clashing steel and the wet thud of flesh upon flesh.


One by one, the barbarians fell, their lives extinguished in a torrent of blood and violence.



The Blood Barbarians, their bodies riddled with wounds, could do little to resist as Zhang Han's blade found its mark. 


With a final, desperate struggle, the last of the Blood Barbarians fell; their once-unstoppable might now be little more than a memory.



The battle was won, and the barbarian threat was quelled.


Long Su surveyed the aftermath of the battle, his eyes tracing over the blood-soaked earth and the scattered remains of the fallen. 


The raw destructive power of the Blood Barbarians was evident in the devastation that surrounded him; their ferocity had claimed countless lives on both sides.



With a weariness that belied his recent victory, he uttered a simple command. "Clean the battlefield," he ordered. 


His voice was heavy with the weight of the lives lost. 


His words were met with immediate action as the surviving soldiers began the grim task of clearing the field of the remnants of war.



As the soldiers set to work, Long Su found that Zhang Han had found himself a spot amidst the chaos and lowered himself to the ground, his armor clattering as he sat. 


The exhaustion of battle had taken its toll; his body was leaden with fatigue, and his mind was burdened by the weight of the memories that would haunt him in the days to come.



As he watched the soldiers move amongst the fallen, their movements a somber dance of duty and respect, Long Su couldn't help but reflect on the fragility of life and the fleeting nature of victory.


For every battle won, there were countless lives lost, even if they were just skeletons, but for him, they were his people and part of him. 


As the skeletal soldiers diligently cleaned the battlefield, gathering weapons and anything of value, Long Su and Zhang Han made their way towards the Barbarian settlement.


The air was heavy with the silence that followed the storm of battle, and the weight of the recent conflict was still fresh in their minds.



Upon crossing the threshold of the settlement, a peculiar sight greeted them.


Small, glowing orbs of light floated through the air, their lonely movements ethereal and otherworldly. 


Tentatively, Long Su reached out and touchedthe orbs, causing a small, crimson card to materialize in his hand.




[Blood-Pool Building]

Effect: Allows the construction of a blood pool within your territory.


Blood-Pool: Regularly generates blood essence. Living creatures that enter the blood pool can absorb the essence, potentially enhancing their life level.

Level 0 creatures have a 100% chance to advance one level.

Level 1 creatures have a 30% chance to advance one level.

Level 2 creatures have a 1% chance to advance one level.

Note: Each creature has only one chance to enter the blood pool in its lifetime.



As Long Su studied the card, a sense of disappointment dawned on him. 


The words living creatures were like a luke was laughing at him. 


In his territory, not even a single living creature can be found. 


Having this building is like having gold alone on the island; you can't use it in any way. 


Deep in thought, Long Su examined the Blood-Pool Building card once more, his mind racing to find a way for the skeletal soldiers to harness its power.


The potential benefits were undeniable, but the limitations of the skeletal soldiers' inorganic nature presented a daunting challenge.



As Long Su pondered the possibilities, Zhang Han's voice broke through the silence, offering a distraction from the enigma at hand. 


"Your Highness, the soldiers have gathered everything of use. What are your orders?"


Long Su, momentarily pulled from his reverie, glanced at Zhang Han before issuing his command.


"We shall return to our territory." With a wave of his hand, Long Su, Zhang Han, and their soldiers were enveloped in a brilliant light,

their forms vanishing from the Barbarian settlement as they were transported back to the safety of their own domain.



Within the confines of their territory,


[ Ding…..]