chapter 63: missing students

Following a deep conversation with Zhang Han and the summoning of skeletal reinforcements most of the night

Long Su transported himself to the dungeon, his mind invigorated by the promise of a new day. 


Yet, as he ventured deeper into the forest, an unsettling silence pervaded the landscape, the anticipated presence of barbarians curiously absent.



Hours passed, Long Su's frustration mounting with each step, until, at last, a glimmer of revelation broke through the monotony.


One of the three skeletal commanders under his command approached, his tone rife with deference and respect as he delivered his report.



"Your Highness, our scouts have discovered signs of a skirmish ahead. While no bodies remain, the ground is awash with the unmistakable evidence of bloodshed."


Long Su's eyes narrowed, his mind racing to piece together the fragmented clues.

"Were there any indications of scorched earth or other signs of magical warfare in the vicinity?"


The skeletal commander shook his head, his bony form conveying a sense of bewilderment.

"No, Your Highness. Our search of the surrounding area yielded no such findings."


A sense of foreboding crept into Long Su's thoughts as the implications of the discovery dawned upon him. 

No student of their mind would have claimed the bodies of barbarians so the reason why no body where found mean that,the barbarians is thw winery's of the battle

And not a single maek on the grounds means that some of his fellow students had fallen prey to the barbarians, their fate a chilling reminder of the perils that lurked within the forest.


With a steely determination, Long Su knew that swift action was paramount if there was any hope of rescuing the captives. 


"Zhang Han," he called, summoning the seasoned general to his side. " it look like the barbarians captured some students, We must devise a strategy to save them from the barbarians' clutches."


As Zhang Han materialized beside him, Long Su's gaze met the general's.





Within the confines of a grand city, its structures hewn from the very essence of the forest, a looming figure held court in the most opulent of tents.


His commanding presence seemed to draw all eyes; his crimson gaze and fiery locks created a stark contrast against the muted hues of the canvas enclosure.



Seated upon an ornate throne, the man's posture exuded an air of superiority, his piercing eyes surveying the assembled figures with an icy detachment that betrayed a cold and calculating nature. 


His voice, a low, frigid rumble, sliced through the expectant silence. "How the preparation for the human hunt?"


A chorus of eager responses rose from the assembly, each figure vying for the man's attention and favor. 


"The plan unfolds flawlessly, my lord," one exclaimed, his tone laced with reverence and admiration.


"Your inspired strategy shall see every human lord captured and brought to their knees."


Another joined in, his voice quavering with fervor. 


"The Blood Barbarians have been dispatched to each village, sowing chaos and destruction in their wake." 


"The human armies shall fall before our might, crushed beneath the relentless march of our forces."


Yet another spoke up, his words dripping with malice and contempt. 


"Those pitiful humans shall soon be naught and pawns in your grand design, my lord."

" Their free will shall crumble, their spirits shackled to your indomitable will."


The gathering of Barbarian priests clamored amongst themselves, each seeking to outdo the others in their obsequiousness

their every utterance was a calculated effort to ingratiate themselves to their fearsome leader.



A satisfied smirk curled the red-haired man's lips as he listened to their fawning declarations. 


His voice, heavy with scornful amusement, cut through the din.


"The Blood Clan shall never suffer defeat at the hands of these insignificant humans. Should any news arise, inform me at once. Otherwise, leave me to my own devices."


As the sycophantic chorus subsided, the man's thoughts turned to the grand design unfolding across the land. 


How foolish these humans were to believe they could claim his clan's territories with such ease.


Their feeble attempts at expansion were but a fleeting illusion, a carefully orchestrated play crafted by the cunning minds of the Blood Clan.



Soon, the humans would find themselves ensnared in a web of their own making, their pitiful resistance crushed beneath the might of the Blood Clan.


The man's eyes gleamed with cold satisfaction as he relished the inevitable victory, his ambition and ruthlessness a chilling testament to the lengths to which he would go to ensure the Blood Clan's dominion.





A contingent of skeletal soldiers, numbering in the hundreds, surged through the dense forest, their bony feet kicking up clouds of dirt in their desperate flight.


Close on their heels, a ravenous horde of barbarians gave chase, their frenzied howls and thundering footfalls echoing through the verdant canopy.


As the skeletons burst from the tree line into an unfamiliar clearing and treeless land

the sudden openness of the landscape gave their pursuers pause, their brutish minds grappling with the unfamiliar terrain.


Yet  the promise of violence propelled them forward, their bloodlust overriding any misgivings as they surged after their quarry.



Unbeknownst to the barbarians, their fate had already been sealed.

Long Su, positioned on a nearby ridge, observed the unfolding scene with grim satisfaction.


With a nod to Zhang Han, the seasoned general's ingenious plan was set into motion.


A commanding voice bellowed through the clearing, echoing with an air of unyielding authority.


"Release the arrows!" In response, a deadly hail of projectiles rained down from three concealed positions

their lethal tips finding their marks with unerring precision.


The unsuspecting barbarians, caught in the merciless onslaught, fell in droves

their primitive weapons and armor no match for the calculated ferocity of the ambush.


In mere moments, the once-fearsome horde was reduced to a scattering of lifeless bodies, a testament to the cunning and resourcefulness of Long Su's forces.



Having witness to the masterful execution of Zhang Han's plan, Long Su could not help but marvel at the general's tactical acumen.


The carefully orchestrated maneuver had unfolded in two phases, beginning with a small reconnaissance force led by a skeletal commander to lure the barbarians into a vulnerable position.


This cunning ruse had enabled Long Su's archers to unleash their devastating barrage, decimating the enemy ranks with brutal efficiency.


The dust settled over the silent battlefield.