chapter 64 : missing students 2

Deep within the shadowy embrace of the forest, a startling revelation was about to come to light.


The skeletal commander, his form silhouetted against the dappled moonlight filtering through the dense foliage,


approached with a report that would challenge everything they thought they knew about their brutal foes.



"Your Highness," the commander began, his voice tinged with gravity.


"Our scouts have returned with news of an enemy encampment not far from our position, a mere twenty minutes' march through the woods."


"Their numbers are estimated between eight and ten thousand, but what truly unsettles us is the presence of captives in their midst."



Long Su's brow creased with incredulity, for such a discovery ran counter to everything known about the barbarians.


In their world, all living creatures were viewed as mere sustenance

their unquenchable thirst for flesh driving them to regard even their fallen brethren as little more than a meal.


History books were rife with gruesome accounts of their macabre feasts upon the bodies of friends and foe alike

their savage rituals a testament to the depths of their savagery.


Never before had any account suggested that the barbarians were capable of taking prisoners

their callous disregard for life was a chilling constant in every tale of their exploits.


As the full weight of the commander's words settled upon Long Su and his skeletal forces

they were left to ponder the implications of this unforeseen development.


Could it be that their brutal adversaries were evolving into something more, or was this deviation a calculated move in a game far more complex than any of them could anticipate?


Long Su knew that time was of the essence.

The barbarians, hindered by their prisoners, would be slower in their movements, and this presented a rare opportunity.


Turning to General Zhang Han, Long Su entrusted him with the critical mission, for none other could claim the same expertise and capability in securing victory.

Zhang Han stepped forward, his form cutting an imposing figure as he kneeled before Long Su, an unwavering loyalty burning in his eyes.


"I await your command, Your Highness," he pledged, his voice resonating with a steely determination.



Long Su took a deep breath, the weight of the lives at stake pressing heavily upon his shoulders. "I shall summon every available force from the World Seed to aid in this rescue"

" and I grant you the power to command them as you see fit. "

" Use every means at your disposal to rescue the captive students and return them to safety."

With a solemn nod, Zhang Han accepted the immense responsibility bestowed upon him. "I shall not fail your trust, Your Highness,"

he vowed, his unwavering conviction bolstering the faith of all who bore witness.

As he rose, Zhang Han turned to address the skeletal commanders, issuing orders with a swift efficiency born of years of experience.


Long Su closed his eyes, reaching out to the World Seed with his mind and summoning every remaining skeleton from its depths.


A silent army began to materialize around them, their numbers swelling as the last of their forces answered the call.

The impending battle loomed large, a daunting challenge that would require not only strength but also speed in its execution.


The fate of their fellow students hung precariously in the balance, and the cost of failure was far too great to contemplate.


With their forces united and their resolve unshakable, Long Su and Zhang Han prepared to face the darkness that threatened to consume their world.



The air crackled with tension as the skeletal army advanced, their forms casting eerie shadows in the moonlight.


In the stillness of the night, the only sounds were the soft rustling of the wind through the trees and the relentless march of bones on earth.





Huddled together in the dimly lit confines of their makeshift prison, the six captured students exchanged hushed whispers,


Their eyes reflected a mixture of dread and uncertainty. A chilling silence hung heavy in the air, punctuated only by the distant,


raucous shouts of the barbarians that echoed from beyond the prison walls.

"What will happen to us?" one of the students asked, his voice trembling with fear.



"They will eat us," another responded grimly, his words sending a wave of terror rippling through the group. "That is what they do."



"The school never mentioned anything about the blood barbarians," a third student chimed in, her voice laced with disbelief. "We were never prepared for this."



"When they appeared, even my second-level general couldn't stand against them."


A fourth student confessed, his voice heavy with despair. "They were too strong."

"What we need to focus on now is why the escape scroll didn't work."


interjected a fifth student, her brow furrowed in concentration. "Something must have gone terribly wrong."



"The Blood Clan must have done something to this dungeon," the final student theorized, his eyes darting nervously around the shadowy confines of their prison.


"They must have found a way to block our escape."

The group of students, bound by the shared misfortune of being in the wrong place at the worst possible time

found themselves facing an unimaginable horror

From the moment they teleported into the dungeon, they believed that their combined strength would see them through any adversity.


But as night fell on the first day, a force of twenty thousand barbarians descended upon them, their numbers overwhelming and their ferocity unparalleled.

Despite their valiant efforts to fend off the relentless assault, the students soon found their forces decimated.


their soldiers and generals falling one by one to the relentless tide of savagery.


As the situation grew more dire, they turned to their last hope—the escape scroll—only to discover that it, too, had failed them.


Now, as they huddled together in the darkness, the weight of their predicament bore down upon them, their fears and doubts threatening to consume them.


The once-determined band of students was now reduced to a terrified and desperate group

their only solace found in the fading hope that someone would come to their rescue before it was too late.