chapter 68 : barbarians pursued 3

The students' faces were a canvas of confusion; their brows furrowed as they tried to fathom the significance of Long Su's unusual request.



"Why do you need gold coins?" one of them asked, a hint of desperation in his voice. 

Murmurs of agreement rippled through the group, their voices tinged with fear and uncertainty.

"That's right," another chimed in, "our soldiers are no match for the barbarians. Even our general fell before them." 


Amidst the doubt and apprehension, Xie Jin's calm voice rang out like a beacon of trust.


"I have fifty thousand gold coins," he said, his unwavering faith in Long Su a testament to the bond forged between them. "You can have them all."



The others, emboldened by Xie Jin's unshakable conviction, as long as they can survive then losing gold coins will not matter

Life is more important then gold coins, if they lose their life then no matter how much gold they have they cant spend it

followed suit, each offering their gold coins to Long Su without hesitation.


In total, a staggering 110,000 gold coins were gathered, the precious currency now a shimmering symbol of hope in the hands of their trusted leader.



As Long Su made his way to the World Seed, a renewed sense of determination filled the air.


The students watched, their hearts pounding in their chests seeing him enter his seed world

Long Su swiftly exchanged every gold coin for a single type of skeleton.



With his plan set in motion, Long Su returned to the dungeon he didn't take more then 3 mints from intering and existing the world seed

his eyes fixed on the battlefield, waiting for the precise moment to unleash his paln. 




The air was filled by Elder Etug's triumphant cry, his voice a menacing rumble that struck fear into the hearts of the students.

"Lowly humans, I've finally caught you!" he bellowed, his form towering amidst the seven bloody barbarians that flanked him.

"Blood warriors, move in and capture them alive!"

Zhang Han, his face stony with resolve, disengaged from the fray and moved to Long Su's side.

"Your Highness, we must retreat," he urged, his voice tight with concern.

"Seventeen blood barbarians are too many. If they don't fight together, I cannot hope to defeat them all."

A small, enigmatic smile played at the corners of Long Su's mouth, his eyes alight with a glimmer of cunning.

"Do not worry, General Zhang. I have a plan." His voice was a soothing balm, a beacon of certainty amidst the storm of chaos.

"First, you must infiltrate the ranks of the skeleton soldiers. I will create an opportunity for you to strike at the blood of barbarians."



Zhang Han, a paragon of loyalty and duty, nodded solemnly. "As you command, Your Highness." 


Without hesitation, he dove into the tumultuous sea of skeletal warriors, ready to lay down his life in service to Long Su's vision.


Soldier need only to follow order


Under the merciless onslaught of the bloody barbarians, the skeletal army crumbled.


Led by Elder Etug, the barbarians tore through the militia, their merciless efficiency a chilling testament to their prowess on the battlefield. 


The students watched in horror as their defenses were decimated

the skeletal soldiers offering only a fleeting resistance before succumbing to the barbarians' might.

Amidst the chaos, a lone blood barbarian crushed the bones beneath his feet, raising his hand to strike down another skeletal foe.

But, to his astonishment, a bony hand shot out from the shadows, grasping futilely at his shoulder. 


Whirling around, his eyes widened in disbelief as a veritable ocean of skeletal slaves materialized from the darkness, their numbers stretching as far as the eye could see.



Elder Etug, the students, and even Zhang Han were struck by the bewildering scene, their minds racing to comprehend the sudden turn of events.


But, for Zhang Han, comprehension dawned like the breaking of a new day. In that moment, he understood the true genius of Long Su's plan.



The skeletal slaves, their numbers an overwhelming tide, surged forth to engage the bloody barbarians on all fronts.

As the barbarians fought back, their attention divided, and Zhang Han saw his chance.



With Long Su's brilliant strategy and the skeletal slaves serving as the ultimate distraction

Zhang Han could strike at the barbarians with surgical precision, exploiting the momentary lapses in their defenses. 


With his unrivaled attributes and the might of the One Man Army skill at his disposal, he could end their lives in a single, decisive blow.



As the battle raged on, hope flickered anew in the hearts of Long Su and his allies

their eyes fixed on the fierce form of Zhang Han as he carved a path through the chaos.


Amidst the whirlwind of clashing bones and raging blood barbarians

Zhang Han emerged like a vengeful specter.

His powerful form cut through the chaos with unerring precision, each step imbued with the lethal grace of a master warrior.

The first blood barbarian, drunk on his own destructive frenzy, was oblivious to Zhang Han's presence until it was too late.



With the skeletal slaves numbering over 110 thousand, even their passive resistance served as a formidable obstacle for the blood barbarians.

It was a veritable sea of bone and unyielding determination, a relentless tide that threatened to engulf their foes.



As the barbarian mindlessly slaughtered the skeletal slaves, a sudden, piercing pain lanced through his back, shocking him out of his bloodlust. 


The bloody barbarian, focusing his attention on the killing of skeleton slaves, felt a little pain in his back when he saw a headless body in front of him. 

' Look at these muscles that look like mine, and look at the hammer weapon in his hand that looks like my weapon. Wait, this is me.' 


With this surreal realization, the bloody barbarian's life was extinguished, his existence snuffed out in a single, brutal strike.



In rapid succession, Zhang Han descended upon the second, third, and then the remaining blood barbarians.


Like a grim reaper, he claimed the lives of fifteen of these formidable warriors,

leaving only Elder Etug and his two bodyguards as the last vestiges of their once-mighty force.



Elder Etug, a cunning and calculating priest, had always relied on his wit and intelligence to prevail. 


His physical strength paled in comparison to that of the other barbarians, even the women among them.

However, in the midst of the frenzied battle, he found an unexpected joy in the visceral act of killing. 


His blood sang with the thrill of combat, and for a fleeting moment, he lost himself in the chaos.



But as his bloodlust reached its zenith, a dark shadow fell upon him. 


A long, gleaming black sword sliced through the air, its silent song of death a chilling omen.


Before Elder Etug could even cry out for aid, his voice was silenced forever, his life's blood staining the ground beneath him.



In a mere 12 minutes, Zhang Han had single-handedly decimated the remaining barbarian forces. 


His prowess on the battlefield was a chilling testament to his strength and unwavering determination