chapter 69 return to the village

Long Su's voice cut through the heavy silence, his tone laced with urgency and resolve.

"Zhang Han, gather the army "

" Skeleton Commander, assist him. We must fall back to the barbarian village with all haste."

"I will obey the order," Zhang Han and the Skeleton Commanders replied in unison,

their voices strong and unwavering in their dedication to their leader's command.

The students, their expressions etched with confusion, exchanged uncertain glances. One of them spoke up,

his voice tinged with curiosity and concern. "We've won the battle. Shouldn't we keep moving in the northern direction?"

Murmurs of agreement rippled through the group, their eyes searching Long Su's face for an explanation.

It was Xie Jin who broke the silence; his gaze locked onto Long Su with an air of understanding.

"The safest place is often the most dangerous," Xie Jin mused, his words measured and thoughtful.

"We don't know the true extent of the enemy forces, but it's certain that more are heading our way."

" By returning to the barbarian village, we can use their own forces against them, no?"


Long Su's eyes glimmered with admiration as he regarded Xie Jin, a hint of approval coloring his serious expression.

"You are correct, Xie Jin. The barbarians still possess sixteen thousand units and an unknown number of blood warriors"

" Upon discovering the aftermath of this battle, they will surely regroup and launch another attack"

"This time, we must draw them out by sending a small contingent to the north, luring them into our trap."

The students listened intently, their expressions shifting from confusion to comprehension as the wisdom of Long Su's plan became evident.

As the army mobilized Long Su did take anything from the dead bodies

ever the strategist, recognized the importance of leaving the battlefield untouched.

The scene of devastation, littered with the remnants of his skeletal army and the fallen barbarian forces, served as a cunning ruse to deceive their adversaries.

It painted a portrait of a hasty retreat, a desperate flight towards the north in the wake of a crippling defeat.

To further solidify this illusion, Long Su commanded the a small party of the remaining skeletal slaves to march northward

their footsteps etching a trail of deception that would lead their pursuers astray.

With the barbarians hot on the heels of this phantom force, the students and long su

would use the very path the barbarians had taken to journey back to the barbarian village

their movements cloaked in a shroud of misdirection.

As Long Su had anticipated, the barbarian forces, commanded by the blood barbarians

converged upon the battlefield from two directions.

They surveyed the scene with wary eyes, taking in the gruesome aftermath of the clash.

Amidst the chaos of shattered bones and fallen warriors, they discovered the footprints that seemed to beckon them further north, a tantalizing breadcrumb trail left by their elusive quarry.

Fearing that their enemy would slip through their grasp once more

the barbarians hastened their pursuit, the urgency of their mission a palpable weight on their shoulders.

Unbeknownst to them, their frantic chase only served to play into Long Su's cunning strategy.

Meanwhile, Long Su and his team had arrived at the barbarian village undetected, their passage unmarked by any hostile encounters.

Even in the midst of this tense situation, Long Su's attention to detail remained unwavering.


As they settled into the village, he took the time to instruct his skeletal minions to prepare a fire

ensuring that his human companions could partake in a warm meal amidst the hostile surroundings.



The journey back to the barbarian village had been a testament to the endurance and determination of Long Su's team.


Their feet pounded against the ground in a rhythmic symphony of grit and resilience, their muscles burning with the exertion of their prolonged flight. 


Despite the unrelenting pace, they pressed on, their lungs heaving in the cool air as they navigated the treacherous terrain.



The morning sun cast a warm glow over the barbarian village, bathing the settlement in a serene, golden light.

Despite the tranquil atmosphere, a heavy weariness hung over Long Su and other students, their bodies aching from the relentless trials they had endured. 


The allure of rest was a siren's song, its soothing melody a promise of respite from the relentless struggle for survival.



Entrusting the defense of the village to the steadfast Zhang Han

Long Su and the students sought the solace of sleep within the quiet confines of the village's dwellings.


Even as their eyes fluttered closed, their minds were plagued by the weight of their circumstances and the specter of uncertainty looming large on the horizon.



Though Long Su possessed the ability to enter his world and immerse himself in cultivation through the use of faith points

he knew that such a course of action would prove ill-advised in their current situation. 


The passage of time would become a distant abstraction, and the risks of losing touch with the unfolding events were too great to justify such a gamble.


As a result, neither Long Su nor the other students dared to delve into the depths of their inner worlds, choosing instead to brave the unknown with eyes wide open.



Time slipped away as they slumbered, their weary bodies relishing the fleeting moments of tranquility. 


The sun's ascent marked the passage of hours, its golden rays illuminating their dreams as the world beyond continued its inexorable march.


When at last they stirred, roused from their fitful slumber by the waning light of day, the first tendrils of apprehension began to unfurl within them.



As the students emerged from their rest, their eyes sought out the familiar, reassuring figure of Long Su.



the first words broke the silence, the voice belonged to none other than Xie Jin. "Good morning, Brother Su," he said, his tone warm and sincere. 


Over the course of their trials and tribulations, the bond between Long Su and his students had grown strong

with each passing day feeling as though they had known one another for years rather than mere days.



The rest of the students offered their own greetings, their voices a harmonious blend of respect and camaraderie as they settled in beside Long Su.


The atmosphere was one of unity, with the shared experiences and perils they had faced forging an unbreakable connection between them.



Seizing the moment before it could slip away, Long Su addressed the group with a clear and unwavering voice. 


"Before we proceed, I must express my gratitude for the trust you have placed in me, entrusting me with your gold coins. I have taken note of the amounts and vow to return them to you as soon as possible."



Xie Jin was quick to rise from his seat; his passion and conviction were evident in his words.

"No, I will not accept repayment from the very person who has saved my life,"

he declared, his declaration a testament to the profound sense of loyalty and kinship that had blossomed amidst the chaos.



A chorus of agreement echoed throughout the group, with each student affirming their shared sentiment and steadfast refusal to accept repayment.


The solidarity displayed by Long Su's students was a heartening reminder of the power of unity and trust, even in the face of adversity.



Sensing the depth of emotion that permeated the air

Long Su deftly shifted the conversation towards a more pragmatic matter.

"We must remain vigilant for another four hours before the dungeon officially closes,"

he explained, his voice a beacon of reason amidst the turbulent sea of uncertainty.

"Once the deadline come , the blood clan's machinations will lose their power over this realm."



As Long Su spoke of their impending departure from the dungeon, a palpable sense of anticipation filled the air.



Though their journey has been fraught with danger and uncertainty, they will finally leave this place.