16:leap of faith

Florence took over after the Sheets lost the match against Chelsea 0:4.

They put great pressure on Atletico Madrid in the face of a midfield consisting of Deco, Ballack, and Lampard.

Spain's upper-class teams, known for their technical prowess, are helpless against Chelsea.

After struggling in the first 20 minutes, they completely gave up control of the midfield.

There is even no coordination at all in the middle, with various 45-degree angle passes, or bottom passes, or direct long passes to Aguero and Forlan.

His footwork and teamwork seemed to have completely disappeared in this game.

Let Aguero break through and leave the rest to Forlan to shoot.

The reason is that the midfielder is not strong enough and cannot protect Simao and Rodriguez.

But Flores doesn't like the Argentinian, and he doesn't even like Aguero very much. Maybe it's because both of them are Argentine?

Assistant coach Sandy stopped the game and arranged offensive and defensive drills, especially set pieces.

It was Lindy's group's turn to attack first.

Special arrangements are made to practice corner kicks and set kicks at near points and far points respectively.

Simao takes the penalty, and Aguero, because of his height, is basically looking for opportunities in the penalty area.

Most of the time, Atletico Madrid's free kicks and corner kicks will go to Forlan, Thiago, Garcia and others.

However, more of their goals relied on the performance of Forlan and Aguero in the frontcourt.

The first drill was the closer point, but Simang seemed to be in poor condition and improved a bit on the first kick.

The football drew a beautiful arc and fell into the small penalty area where the goalkeeper was.

Flores was a little angry. Simao's status this season was up and down, and he couldn't even take corner kicks in training. He was about to roar.

The figure of the oriental man appeared in everyone's eyes. When the football flew high above the front point, he appeared in mid-air like Air Jordan.

His body jumped high to meet the football, and his waist was already above the head of defender Domingos.

Then, the header was very straight, because the ball was very fast, and goalkeeper Asenjo rushed into the goal before he could react.

Lindy was also a little surprised. He just relied on instinct to grab a front spot.

When I saw the football flying slightly higher, I wanted to give up.

However, he suddenly remembered the skill he had just acquired [Leap of Faith], and suddenly wondered if [Leap of Faith] could achieve this height.

However, Lindy did not give up. He faced the ball and jumped hard!

It was an unprecedented experience. Time seemed to be frozen. The flight path of the football in front of me was clear and clear.

He was the only one in the whole sky, and under his feet, everyone was staring at him.

Lindy could even hear his own heartbeat clearly. He slightly adjusted the position of his head and hit the football hard!

In this way, a shocking goal was born.

Not only the players on the field, but Flores also held his head in his hands and opened his mouth so wide that he could stuff a tea egg!

Sandy on the side looked at the physical test data in his hand again in surprise and confusion. Could it be that the test was wrong?

Several other coaches looked at Lindy's incredible leap as if they were looking at God.

And it was this goal that made all the players on the field look at this Chinese man with admiration.

I saw Aguero walking from the crowd and patted Lindy on the back, "You are the most awesome Chinese player I have ever seen!"

Simang looked at Lindy, with no hostility in his eyes.

They respect the strong, especially their teammates. "Oh my god, I never thought someone could jump so high. Why don't you go play basketball? Sorry, I don't mean anything else. I think we can work well together in the future," Lin said. !"

After speaking, Ximeng extended his hand and shook Lindy's hand, indicating that he recognized the other party very much.

Fran looked at Lindy in surprise, "Oh my God, Lin, I feel like my job is going to be taken away by you."

As the captain, Lopez also stood up, smiled and hugged Lindy, "Young man, you are welcome to join!"

Without the guidance of the head coach, everyone was impressed by Lindy's performance today. They eagerly hope that this young Chinese can join the Atletico Madrid family. After all, the league results this season are so bad.

After speaking, Ximeng extended his hand and shook Lindy's hand, indicating that he recognized the other party very much.

Fran looked at Lindy in surprise, "Oh my God, Lin, I feel like my job is going to be taken away by you."

As the captain, Lopez also stood up, smiled and hugged Lindy, "Young man, you are welcome to join!"

Without the guidance of the head coach, everyone was impressed by Lindy's performance today. They eagerly hope that this young Chinese can join the Atletico Madrid family. After all, the league results this season are so bad.

Even Paul Assuncao has to admire this young Chinese for being on an equal footing with him on the defensive end with his tackling skills and experience.

What's even more valuable is that he actually has the ability to use a battering ram, which is rare.

Often this kind of header is done by the famous guards with swords, that is, tall defenders.

It seems that there will be a midfielder with a knife.

"It seems you are right, Flores." The sudden voice behind him startled Flores, and when he turned around, he saw that it was the club's president, Enrique Cerezo.

With a helpless look on his face, he spread his hands and said, "There is no other way. The best way to join a team is to prove your strength. It seems that this year's salary budget may have to be reworked. What do you think?"

Cerezo was noncommittal. He was already very familiar with the coach's little thoughts, and he was here to ask for money.

"The total budget remains unchanged." After saying this, he left gracefully.

If he doesn't leave, we may have to start discussing the transfer budget during the winter break.

"Let Lindy come over. I'll consider the salary issue first." Flores couldn't wait any longer.

When Lindy was called off, he probably already understood.

He should be the player that Atletico Madrid needs now. The period when Rodriguez is about to leave is a relatively difficult period of pain for Atletico Madrid.

He secretly gave himself a goal in his heart. He wanted to become Atletico Madrid's starter and he wanted to make his debut in the Champions League.

He wants to go to the stage of his dreams to prove that he can do it and that the Chinese people can do it!

"Lin, you can call your agent. The chairman just saw your performance, and I have to say, it's really surprising." Assistant coach Sandy said with a smile.

Sure enough, even though he thought so in his heart, he was still excited to get confirmation from his own mouth.

I finally get to play on the same team with stars like Aguero, Forlan, and De Gea, and more importantly.

This is La Liga, and I will encounter the Madrid Derby in the future!

And that dream team 3 that scares the whole world!

Perhaps it is too early to say that the future is already in one's own hands, but the opportunity has already come to Lindy.

In the past five days, he only slept less than 7 hours a day.

In the past few years, I got up on time at 6 o'clock in the morning to train.

All of this finally paid off today, "Let me take your dream and run with all my strength!"

Faced with the distrust and slander of Alcor coach Ander!

Faced with discrimination by Western media, Eastern media does not understand!

Finally, Lindy did not wait for the dawn. He turned himself into the light and dispelled the darkness that enveloped him!

Ps: There are still two games in Group B of the Champions League. Free agents can transfer at any time. They can participate if they have not been registered for the Champions League before..