17:Mr. 20 Million Euros

Inside the Atletico Madrid head coach's office

"Mr. President, I think I need to make this call to you. Flores must be crazy. He is only 20 years old with a weekly salary of 30,000 euros!" Hill (fictional), the club's general manager, looked at Flores His eyes were extremely unkind.

"Imagine, the contract period is three years. If it is renewed, it will increase again, at least 50,000 euros. I will not agree." He tried to get the club president to work with him to put pressure on the head coach. This year's league Performance has dropped visibly, and the Champions League has just been lost to Chelsea. Seeing that this year's broadcast share and game bonuses have dropped significantly, it is a very dangerous thing to maintain such high salary expenditures.

He has even had the urge to cut off all the 6 million transfer fees during the winter break.

Flores, on the other hand, looked relaxed, "Don't get excited, Hill, let's change our thinking. Maxi must leave, but you can't give me the budget for the person I want."

"I know, you want to say that this Chinese is visa-free, but how much is he worth? 100,000? 200,000? I just found out that his previous weekly salary was 300 euros. This is a 100-fold increase!"

"In this way, how about all the portrait rights in the first year, 50% of the portrait rights every year thereafter, no less than three Chinese business activities per year, and no salary adjustment within three years?" Flores looked like Lindy's manager. It was as if the person had already made up his mind, and every clause fell directly into Hill's mind.

Seeing Hill's cunning look, Flores sighed, "I don't know how long I can stay at Atletico Madrid, but one thing I am sure of is that in one year, just one year, this guy's value will soar. I can I saw 20 million euros, what do you think, do you want to make a bet?"

"I agree to a weekly salary of 30,001 euros, but his liquidated damages must be 20 million euros!" After hearing the last 20 million euros, Hill finally made up his mind. In modern football, suitable and capable defensive midfielders are rare. You can get it with money, visa-free for 20-year-olds, 30,000 euros is actually not expensive.

Hill then added, "Although I agree with the weekly salary of 30,001 euros, I still want to ask you, why? No one except us will sign him now."

"Chinese people are a grateful nation. You will know this if you look at Africa now. Secondly, it is not that he needs us Atletico Madrid, but that we Atletico Madrid need him. We need him to tackle like he did in the last game. Fly Ronaldo and shovel Guti.

I hope he can stiffen Atletico's back.

I hope he can work hard to push Atletico Madrid from the middle of La Liga to the top 4.

Atletico Madrid can no longer experience consecutive defeats, sir, we need Lin's spirit! "

At this time, Lindy and the assistant coach also came to Flores's office.

Flores seemed to see the team being able to control the ball in the midfield and play Atletico Madrid's own technical football.

And Hill saw 20 million euros coming to him.

"Lindy, on behalf of Atlético Madrid, I would like to formally extend you an invitation to join." Flores showed the aristocratic etiquette of his Madrid origin, giving Lindy, a Chinese, enough respect. Strive for maximum benefits in negotiations.

"It's an honor, Mr. Flores." Lindy also admired the head coach who was born in Madrid.

"Take a look at the contract I have prepared for you. Of course, if you can pay attention to the face of the club's general manager Hill, it will not be difficult to find that this is really a pretty good contract!"

With that said, he arranged for someone to print out the contract just agreed upon.

Lindy just took the first look and almost couldn't control himself.


Weekly salary of 30,001 euros!

Didn't those media say that I was greedy and didn't deserve 30,000 euros?

Didn't Ander falsely accuse himself of asking for 30,000 euros?

Didn't the domestic media laugh at the fact that he was about to be driven back to the country?

Lindy raised his head and looked at Flores who smiled at him.

Even if Flores does not have a good reputation in later generations, his current actions are undoubtedly helping to clear his name.

This love is owed and must be repaid!

30,001 euros, tens of thousands of euros a year, almost more than 14 million yuan.

Of course, this is a pre-tax salary. Although it cannot be compared with the core players, as a newcomer to La Liga, it is indeed not low.

The contract is for 4 years, with a liquidated damages of 20 million euros, no salary increase during the contract period, portrait rights and other detailed bonus clauses.

Oh, there is also a signing fee of 210,000 euros.

Generally speaking, the signing fee is about 10 times the weekly salary.

But for Lindy, 210,000 euros is indeed a large amount of money.

Lindy immediately understood that this was a compromise clause to obtain a weekly salary of 30,001 for himself.

As for salary increases not allowed during the contract period, that's a joke.

From the day the contract is signed, it is for re-signing, and the salary will still have to be renegotiated at that time.

20 million euros? It's okay, the wealthy locals have already entered the scene, and besides, I don't care about this.

From this contract, he saw his value in the eyes of the club.

"Lin, take a look. If there are no problems, you can sign." The three of them looked at Lindy expectantly.

After Lindy finished signing, general manager Hill officially welcomed him to join on behalf of the club.

He also said that a separate press conference would be held for him.

It is better to pay attention than to retain people, and do things thoroughly.

It didn't cost anything to make Lindy give up. Why not?

At the same time, after receiving Lindy's call, Qin Luoyun resigned from Marca without saying a word.

Instead, he joined El Mundo, Spain's second largest media.

And on the same day, a photo of the contract prepared by Alcor Club head coach Ander for Lindy was released.

It was clearly marked inside, and the weekly salary he gave Lindy was clearly written: 3,000 euros.

The lie was exposed!

There is no 10,000 euro contract extension at all!

Some are just 3,000 euros!

This scandal instantly caused quite a stir in Spanish football, even though Ander was only the head coach of a third-division team.

But five days ago, the Spanish football media ridiculed this Chinese man, and some media even "conveniently" reported it.

Some things in the West will inevitably be magnified once they involve China.

All the media people are calling Alcor Club, and many reporters from Madrid have already rushed over.

scandal? That's news too, and readers love reading it!

Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

The official website of Atletico Madrid was suddenly updated, and the headline news was: Lindy joined Atletico Madrid Club as a free agent.

The content is short but very interesting:

Lindy will wear the Atletico Madrid jersey number 26;

(La Liga allows the introduction of a player by application in the middle of the season. In a parallel world, the rules have been slightly modified. Originally, applications could only be made if the team had less than 25 players or someone was injured.)

Signed for four years;

Zhou Xin: 30,001 euros!

Liquidated damages: 20 million euros!

When everyone was questioning this greedy Chinese, Atletico Madrid stood up!

Under tremendous pressure, Lindy was given a higher net worth than rumored!

Don't you think Lindy's 30,000 euros is a fantasy?

Then I will give him 30,001 euros!

There is also a net worth of 20 million euros!

I have to say that all head coaches have no good impressions of these media!

The reporters who originally drove to Alcor called their bosses and asked for more manpower!

The slap in the face came so quickly, but the uncrowned kings seemed to move their faces forward without noticing.

Oh, please come harder!