Strings Of Love

Paige stared quizzically at him, wondering what he meant by making things clear. Instinctively, Clinton's lips curved into a smile as he shrug to his feet. He strolled off to the living room and soon returned with a brown envelop.

Settling back in his seat, he drops it infront of Paige. She looked at the envelope before her then to Clinton, a questionable look on her face.

"Open it." He urged her.

Paige stared at him for some seconds before picking the envelope. She pulled it's content out- bringing it to view. Reading the first sentence, her eyes traveled to Clinton who was already staring at her.

" We solely manage our finances, and we stay out of each other's business. For the contract duration, We can discuss it." He said while Paige returnes her gaze to the paper. Intuitively, her eyes fell on the dated duration of her time to her second life which was boldly inscripted on her arm.