Like It Or Not

On the walls of the house, skeletons were hung and there were too many of them.

All around the house, there were skeletons.

Pablo looked everywhere and he moved towards one such skeleton.

He handed the lantern to Nike and reached out towards the skeleton.

"Don't touch it, sir. They might be cursed." Nike spoke.

"Quit being afraid. They are just skeletons. All our bodies are like this. And these are not adult ones."

Pablo placed his hands on the skeleton and he ran his fingers all around it.

"They are dirty. Some kind of blackness they have."

Pablo looked closer, seeing how they were hung on the walls.

"Oh. This is nice."

"What?" Sera asked.

"They are hung by an invisible force. Something is keeping them from falling on the floor and sticking them to the walls."

"Must be the ghosts. They are angry, sir." Melon shared her mind.