Entrance Of Hell

Cupid told Pablo that in front of him, a little girl stood covered with blood from head to toe.

Pablo couldn't see her and that only meant one thing. That little girl was a ghost.

Pablo stayed still and moved his eyes to Sera.

She also had a tense look on her face and she was looking at the empty space in front of Pablo.

'Andrezj told her about the ghost as well it seems.'

Pablo took a deep breath.

'Where is she?'

'Who?' Cupid asked.

'The little girl, of course.'

'She is standing just in front of you. If you move even a little forward, you will overlap her.'

'What's her height? I mean, is she face to face with me or not?'

'She is upto your waist. She is a little girl. You should know.'

Pablo nodded. 'Is she looking at my face? Is she angry?'

'I can't tell. She is covered with blood all over. Her expressions I can't see.'