About Me

The Demon was in the air.

On his right hand, Pablo was held by his hairs.

The man didn't complain at all and the Demon stayed flying.

They both were very high in the air and some kilometers below them, the army of the Forza kingdom was flying.

The two Angels, Andrezj and Cupid were left at the Forsaken Village and Pablo couldn't do anything to take them with him. The most he did was to convince the Demon to let them live.

Pablo looked down and he only saw some black dots. He was so high in the air, he couldn't even see the soldiers.

He glanced at the Demon who was ten times bigger in size from him and shook his head.

'Glory city will die today.'


Inside the city.

Quilin and Tank were fighting and neither one of them gave up.

Tank was on a mission and Quilin was on his own mission.

Both men were equal in strength and they were not even bruised yet.

"You are strong." Quilin said.