Not Scared

The Demon finally arrived in the Glory city.

He had landed just in front of the King's castle then he walked towards Pablo.

Pablo remained standing in the same place and the Demon stood beside him.

The soldiers, the high dukes, Quilin and Tank, all found fear trembling in their eyes.

A towering being stood in front of them and by all means, it wasn't Human.

"Who… What are you?" Jamal asked, gripping his swords.

They all stepped back as well, creating distance from the Demon.

"Tell them, Human. Tell them the whole story." The Demon won't explain himself so he gave the job to Pablo.

And Pablo would oblige it.

"Listen to me carefully," Pablo spoke, his face devoid of expressions. "Don't speak in between until I am finished."

With a deep breath, Pablo explained everything to everyone.