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(Levar Point of View)

I end up losing track of time as I watch Radovedni Taček. I didn't even see Asaka until she was next to me. I pause my show as I look at her. How long was it? I'm sure she will tell me or give me something to go off of.

"Did you fix whatever you were needed for?"

"Yes, I did. It was just some common criminals on the run."

"That's good. That it was easy that is. Not the criminal."

"So what were you watching?" I didn't think she would be interested in it but I can tell her. I just hope she won't judge.

"It's a Slovenian cartoon. I used to watch it a lot when I was younger and I found it again so I thought I would watch it. It is in Slovenian so you won't understand it."

She smiles at me. "Well you can go back to watching it. I'm going to get Frey settling in for the night."

I look behind her and I see someone else. I didn't even see them. I should have been paying more attention but who are they? "Who are they?"

"They are my younger sibling." Wow. I wasn't expecting that. They don't look like it. Asaka motions for her sibling to follow her. "I should let you get back to your show." They both leave. 

I wonder if they have their own room. Wait. I never got a name. What is their name? I should have asked. I mean it's good to know that she has a family and they seem to get along which is good. They seem to be closer than me and my sister. I wonder if my father has gotten rid of her yet. He always had a short temper towards everyone. I should go back to watching Radovedni Taček. I go to play it again when another thought comes, what if she is watching this as well right now? That's if she is still alive. We used to watch this together all of the time. It was the only time everyone was quiet. She most likely knows Russian still but what about Slovenian? I know it's our native language but what if she forgot it? I don't know why I am thinking about her so much. I should just go back to watching my cartoon. I play it as I try to not think anymore about my family. I don't need to think about that. I don't live near any of them for a reason. 

After some time, I feel the couch move. I look over slightly and I see Asaka has sit down. She seems to be watching with me. I look fully back at the TV. Why? It's not like she can understand it, endless she does. Slovenian isn't a common language though. I can't think of why she would know Slovenian. Maybe she is just watching this. She seemed like she understood. 

When the episode is over, I go to turn the settings back when Asaka stops me. I look up at her. Why did she stop me? She looks down at me.

"What are you doing?"

"Well, I had to change the settings so I could find Radovedni Taček so I was going to change it back."

She looks at me confused. "What is Radoverdi Tacek?" That's not how to pronounce it but that's also not a real word. I hold back the chuckle that I almost let out.

"Radovedni Taček is what the show is called."

"Oh? What does that translate to in English?" I guess she doesn't know Slovenian or at least is learning it.

"Curious Paw, I believe."

"From what I have seen that makes some sense." 

"Do you not know Slovenian?" I know this might seem dumb but I can't tell. Maybe that is because I want to talk to someone in Slovenian. After all, not many people know Slovenian endlessly, they have lived in Slovenia but still most of us know English. I know me and my sister were taught English a year after speaking fluently and once we got the basics down, Russian.

I see her smile at me. "No but I want to learn." I look at her confused. Out of any language, why Slovenian? After all, I might be the only person she will ever talk to who knows Slovenian. Would it just be to say that she knows many languages? Does she know other languages?

"You do? Why?" 

I see her pause for a minute but I wait for my answer. "It would be nice. After all, you grew up learning Slovenian so I guess the best way to put it would be that I want to learn so I can talk with you in my native language."