Asaka's Life

(Levar Point of View)

What what? She wants to be able to talk to me in my native language. Why? What reason could she have? Why my native language? I mean, that could just be her way of getting close to people but then she must know a lot of languages. After all, I'm sure she meets a lot of people in a day as a police officer. Then again she could be strict with keeping work and home life separate. But still, why me and why my native language? It would be nice but at the same time, she won't really be able to use it anywhere. I mean she did say that she would take me Slovenianal so she would be able to speak it there but most know English. It would make it easier though so that's good but other than that she would just know the language. Does she want to just learn languages just because? Does she have a reason? Should I ask? 

She seems to take my quiet and most likely shook expression to take the time to speak. "I thought you would enjoy that idea but by your expression you have questions. So go on and ask. I will answer them to the best of my ability."

"Why? Just why?"

"Well, I want to get close to you so I thought that learning your native language would help with that."

Well, I guess it would but that seems like a lot of work just to get close to someone. I mean, yes I know three languages but I learned those when I was younger than 10 so it didn't really seem like anything. I wonder what her native language is. "What is your native language?"

I see her pause for a second. "Well it would be English." English. Okay so she most likely grew up around here then but then again a lot of places have their main language as English so there are a lot of places she could have grown up in. 

"If you don't mind me asking where did you grow up?"

I see her pause again. Does she not like talking about herself so much that she has to clearly be thinking about it for a little bit before answering me? Am I asking too personal of questions? "Because of what my father's job was, I traveled a lot in my childhood but for the most part I have lived here."

I wonder how hard that was. After all, I mainly had to live in fear from those close to me but depending how much she moved she might have never been able to make connections. I wonder if that would have been easier for me as a kid. "Did you even get to settle down somewhere?"

"Kind of. A few times we stayed for longer before moving anything. When I was 16, I was able to stay in one place, here, where I am still living."

"I'm assuming you like this place then."

"I do. Plus, this is easy so I can work."

I nod my head slightly, understanding what she means. I hear a door open. I look over where I heard it as footsteps walk towards us. It's Asaka's sibling. I forgot they were here.

"Hi. Good to see you two aren't cuddling or anything like that."

I look at them in surprise. Why would they say that? Do we act like a couple? I know people assume that when a male and female are friends that they are dating but we aren't really friends. I mean, that would mean that I do look like a male but still, we aren't dating. Do friends normally cuddle? I don't think so. Wait, are we friends? I mean she did take me in but at the same time my area is quite dangerous at the moment. Plus, she is a police officer, she is just doing her best to make sure I am safe. Sure, she did take me in but she has made it clear that she wants to get close to me. 

"Frey. My siblings of mine. If you say that again, there will be issues." Asaka sounds upset. Why is that such a big problem? Is it from the teasing? Do siblings normally talk like that? I mean sure me and my sister never got along but at the same we also were focusing on different things. She wanted to make dad proud and I wanted mom to be proud of me. Wait, did Asaka call them Frey? Is that their name? It would make sense. I don't think I would ever threaten my sister but I know she would with me so I guess it might be normal. I'm just so used to my family being a big oddball compared to others but I might not be. Maybe their family is like mine. I mean, that wouldn't be a good thing but I wouldn't be so alone.

"Listen, I was just saying. I was expecting it with how you…" Asaka puts her hand over Frey's mouth before they could finish. How she what? Act? Talk? Clean? Work? What were they going to say? 

"Listen, that is enough out of you. We will talk about this more in private." Asaka hisses out at them. Frey nods their head before walking into the kitchen.

"I'm so sorry about that. Can you stay here so I can talk to them?"

"Sure. Go ahead. I will be here."

I watch as she heads into the kitchen.