
(Asaka Point of View)

I watch the episode to the best of my ability, trying to learn anything from this. I'm glad that it is a kid's show, I can at least understand some of it. When the episode is over, I see my cutie doing something. He has left the show. I carefully stop him by holding the remote. I look down at him.

"What are you doing?"

"Well, I had to change the settings so I could find Radovedni Taček so I was going to change it back."

What is Radoverdi Tacek or whatever he said? Was that the show? Was it something else? I would think it is the show. Wait, he changed the setting? I will need to see what he changed and write it down or something so I can go back to this. "What is Radoverdi Tacek?" I see him holding back a chuckle. Did I say something funny? Did I mispronounce it or something?

"Radovedni Taček is what the show is called."

"Oh? What does that translate to in English?" 

"Curious Paw, I believe." Curious Paw? That seems to make sense. After all the characters do seem curious and the main character is a dog so I guess that is where paw comes from.

"From what I have seen that makes some sense." 

"Do you not know Slovenian?" Did he think I did? Is it from how I was watching the show?

I smile at him. "No but I want to learn." he looks at me confused. I guess it could be a little off to want to learn his native language. After all, not many places speak Slovenian.

"You do? Why?" 

I paused so I could think. After all, I can't tell him that it's so I can speak with him and he can be more comfortable. That might be weird after all. Plus, I don't know if he would be. I'm sure I can come up with something, right? He looks so cute waiting for an answer. I guess he is confused. He is so cute. Wait, no, now is not the time. What am I going to tell him? "It would be nice. After all, you grew up learning Slovenian so I guess the best way to put it would be that I want to learn so I can talk with you in my native language." Hopefully, that works.

Why isn't he saying anything? I can't read his face. There must be a lot going through his head. What should I do? What should I say? Did I mess up? Shit. What to do? What to do? Maybe I should let him say his thoughts? What if he doesn't want to speak? Should I offer and see what he says? You know what, I am going to do that.

 "I thought you would enjoy that idea but by your expression you have questions. So go on and ask. I will answer them to the best of my ability."

"Why? Just why?" Okay. That is something I can kind of answer. Just hopefully he doesn't say I am crazy in love with him like Frey keeps saying. Which I'm not. 

"Well, I want to get close to you so I thought that learning your native language would help with that."

He seems to relax. That's good. I'm glad that worked. That would have been bad. "What is your native language?" Where did that come from? Is it because I know his? Does he want to learn for me like I am going to do for his native language? He really is so sweet. I want him even more now.

Well, it would be English but I did learn Japanese when I was young from my father. "Well, it would be English."

"If you don't mind me asking where did you grow up?" Why this question? I mean sure I asked him and I knew beforehand but at this rate, he might ask about my family and how do I tell him that I have murdered my father, my sibling in my protection, my mom is nowhere to be seen, and that I traveled a lot when I was a kid? Okay. Let's focus on this question, where did I grow up?

"Because of what my father's job was, I traveled a lot in my childhood but for the most part I have lived here." That should do well. It's still broad but answers the question. After all, he answered mine, and now a lot more about him.

"Did you even get to settle down somewhere?"

"Kind of. A few times we stayed for longer before moving anything. When I was 16, I was able to stay in one place, here, where I am still living." That is what happened.

"I'm assuming you like this place then."

"I do. Plus, this is easy so I can work."

He nods his head after I am done speaking. I hear Frey coming out of their room.

"Hi. Good to see you two aren't cuddling or anything like that."

Why the hell did they say that? It's one thing around me to say that I am crazy in love but he can't know. It's too soon for him to know. What are they trying to do? Are they crazy? What makes them think that they can say something that might make my darling think that I like him before I say something? I need to keep my composter in front of him.

"Frey. My siblings of mine. If you say that again, there will be issues." I try to hide how mad I am but I can tell that doesn't work. I need to stay calm.

"Listen, I was just saying. I was expecting it with how you…" I cover their mouth. I know what they were about to say and I can't have that. I will tell him when I am ready. I just wish I was faster but I didn't want to hurt them.

"Listen, that is enough out of you. We will talk about this more in private." Frey nods their head before walking into the kitchen.

"I'm so sorry about that. Can you stay here so I can talk to them?"

"Sure. Go ahead. I will be here."

I head into the kitchen. I am so glad that he understands. I know he has a sister so I wonder if their relationship is the same. I walk up to Frey.

"What were you thinking?"

"I was thinking that he knew but clearly not from your reaction and with what you have told me that you have done, I feel like cuddling isn't that bad. If anything it is so much better than what you have done."

"So what? After all, he doesn't know and he wouldn't find out."

"What makes you so sure of it?"

"Because I am. Don't question me. I know what I am doing."

"Do you know what you are risking?"

I pause for a second. Of course, I do. If he finds out he might hate me and I can't have that. "Yes, I do. What about it?"

"Just making sure that you know, after all, I can't have you hurt when this doesn't go with well."

"What makes you think that I will fail?"

"Because you don't seem to have much of a plan."

"Well, I do."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am. Now, I am going to make food."

I start making us lunch, after all, I'm sure my darling is hungry.