After the Moive

(Asaka Point of View)

The movie actually is better than I thought it would be. I thought it would have just been poorly done gore and that's it but no, they actually did a really good job. It's realistic and there are some really good scares in it. I guess I shouldn't be that surprised though, it is Frey who picked but still, I thought they were done with horror movies but I guess not. I might watch this again later. I wonder what my darling thinks of it. After all, if he likes it we can watch it together. 

I look down to see my darling shaking. Shit. Does he not like horror movies? He looks so scared. I should have asked him before I let Frey put on something like this. I didn't think anything about it but he seems to hate it. This won't be played again around him. I can have him pick the movie if we ever have a movie date. Should I comfort him? I don't want him to be scared. I hate seeing him like this. I hate this. I can never let him be scared of me. Never. No matter what. I need to protect him. But should I right now? Who am I kidding? I'm sure Frey has already told him that I like him. I know he said that he only called me baby because Frey told him to as I call him darling but that can't be all of it. Sure he looked extremely embarrassed but still.

I wrap my arm around his torso. He is so small. I feel him jump. Is he that scared? I see him look up to me.

"Darling? Are you alright?" I whisper so just he can hear me and so I don't interrupt the movie. 

He nods his head before resting his head on me. He really does look so cute. I smile slightly as I go back to watching the movie, however, when the next kill happens he pretty much uses my arm as a shield from the movie. He is so adorable. I would if the murder is what is scaring him the most. If so, I will have to avoid that as much as possible. Which means I should also delete those videos since showing them to him will just scare him and I can't have that. I hate seeing him so scared. I just want to hold him close and not let him go. Keep him safe, not let anything happen to him. I can't stand him being this scared. 

I go back to watching the movie, resisting the urge to pull him onto my lap and use my body as a shield. Once the movie is over, it seems like my darling is asleep. I move slightly but I don't see him move. He looks so peaceful. I can't really see his face but that's fine. I'm sure he just fell asleep. He must have needed some sleep. Hopefully, he doesn't get nightmares from the movie.

"Did he fall asleep?" Frey whimpers, assuming to not wake him up, and she also moves closer to me so I can hear her better.

"By the looks of it, I am going to take him to bed." I make sure that I am as quiet if not more.

"Once you do that, can you take me home?"

"Yes, I can."

I pick up my darling and he holds onto me. I let out a small chuckle. He is so cute. I just hope that didn't wake him up. After all, he looks so cute sleeping. I carry him to his room. Sure it isn't actually his room but this is where he will be sleeping, unless he decides to sleep with me, which I wouldn't mind. After I drop off Frey, I should get him some clothes and make sure to grab whatever he will need for his bathroom. I can also get extras and I need to go by this place, pay his rent for the next year, and anything he has to get a copy for here, that way everything is perfect for him, and likes his apartment but bigger and better. I set him down on the bed and I leave. If he was mine I would have kissed his forehead but I'm not going to.

When I get to the living room, Frey is already ready to leave. 

"Do you want to leave that bad?"

"Not really but I think you two should have some alone time."

"Thank you and I'm sorry for how I acted earlier, I just can't lose him but to make it up to you, you should take a break for a few weeks."

I see the shock on her face. "I could tell you don't want to lose him but a few weeks break, are you sure?"

"Yes, I am. Plus, you are still a child. I will tell everyone that you are on a mission that I have given you if anyone asks."

"Thank you. Even though you are a dick most of the time, you still have a heart."

"I know. It makes me good at my job, now let's go."

"Okay. Now, you are trying to get me out."

I roll my eyes as I hear them giggling slightly as we leave. Luckily I know where they live but it is a while away. Hopefully, my darling will be fine. He does have my number so hopefully if he needs anything he will text me. After all, I don't know how long he will be asleep.