
(Frey Point of View)

I keep looking over at Levar as he slowly or well not so slowly once the action actually starts, and he seems almost traumatized. This may be too much for him. Well, they can actually be lovey-dovey with each other and I can leave them to it. I go back to watching the movie. I can feel some movement but I don't look over at them. I have hear Asaka say something but I'm not really paying attention to hear what she said. After a few minutes, I don't feel Levar shaking anymore. Guess Asaka was able to help her boyfriend. Which is good, after all, I don't want him shaking the entire time I am trying to watch the movie. It's good to see that my plan has worked. Hopefully, this isn't like some kind of romcom or a book where the lovers are clearly in love but don't get together until halfway through and then there is something that happens to break them up, just for them to get back together again. I would hate to watch that. 

After the movie is over, I shut it off as I look over at Asaka. Wait, Is Levar asleep? He fell asleep? He was scared shitless not that long ago and he fell asleep. He is going to have nightmares. Luckily I won't be here for that.

"Did he fall asleep?" I whimper, trying to get close to Asaka so she can hear me without waking up Levar. After all, this is going well so it should stay like that.

"By the looks of it, I am going to take him to bed." I can hear how quiet she is being in response.

"Once you do that, can you take me home?"

"Yes, I can." Perfect, then they can have some alone time.

I watch Asaka leave with her boy. I get on my shoes, after all, that is all I really had with me. Oh, wait, never mind. I should grab my dirty clothes as well. I wait for Asaka to come back. Once they get together everything will work out and I might have more responsibilities. I should be able to deal with it. 

"Do you want to leave that bad?" Oh, so we are making comments now.

"Not really but I think you two should have some alone time."

"Thank you and I'm sorry for how I acted earlier, I just can't lose him but to make it up to you, you should take a break for a few weeks."

A break? That was the opposite of what I thought would happen. "I could tell you don't want to lose him but a few weeks break, are you sure?"

"Yes, I am. Plus, you are still a child. I will tell everyone that you are on a mission that I have given you if anyone asks."

"Thank you. Even though you are a dick most of the time, you still have a heart."

"I know. It makes me good at my job, now let's go."

"Okay. Now, you are trying to get me out."

I let out a giggle as I see her roll her eyes at me. We head out into her car and I get into the passenger seat. I lean back slightly. I'm glad that we can still joke around. But is she really giving me a break? I'm glad I can get one but what would I do? Most likely sleeping. Sleeping sounds nice. But a few weeks? I can't sleep that entire time. Maybe I should read or something. I never really have time to do anything normally and if I do, I do something for school. After all, sometimes I forget to do assignments so I need it but a few weeks of extra credit, they wouldn't let me do that, would they? I guess I could ask. Then my grades would be a lot better than they are. I wonder if I could get all of my classes up to 100%. After all, this is the last semester until summer break but then I normally work but I guess by then I wouldn't be on this break anymore, right? I mean that does make sense. After all, I still have over a month. 4 weeks is more than enough for a break. She did mention that I am still a kid. Is that what she sees me as? a kid? I'm not that young plus, I am better than most of her men and I own a home and a lion. What kid has a pet lion? Sure, I found the lion as a cub after I killed her owner and I have kept her since but still, no kid would do that. 

"So which is your place?"

I look up at her and then the road. "Just turn right, keep going until you leave town, and then to the left there is a driveway you need to go up and that is where I am." She nods her head as she drives. After a little bit, I said, "why did you call me a kid?"

She looks over at me. "Well you are under 18 and you aren't in college but you are in school still."

"I am two years away and I can graduate next year."

"You are still a child. You had to mature faster because of our father and me. I shouldn't have let you join the mafia. I should have let you be a kid." I can hear her regret in her voice as she tightens her grip on the wheel. I look away from her.

Does she want me to be a kid that bad? Why? Sure, I wish I had a better life but I have a better life now since he died. I am better. I'm not a kid. Sure, I do wish I could have been a kid but I wasn't able to so I'm not. I have matured faster than anyone else. I know that I should have been a kid but I have accepted the fact that that happened. I'm not a kid anymore. I'm older than that. I don't need to be treated like a kid. I'm not a child.

When we get to my place, I step out and look at my place. It's a cabin that is in the woods but not far in the woods. There is a lot of space. I see my lion, Zoe. I smile slightly at her. 

"I will tell you when you can come into work, until then, stay home. Enjoy your time off. Make sure you rest. I know I have put a lot on you so rest."

I pause for a second. "I will."

I walk inside. I immediately get tackled by Zoe. I smile at her as I give her pets.