
(Levar Point of View)

There are a lot of clothes so this might take a while. There seems to be a lot of just the one size and some that are smaller and bigger but there are only two or three clothes in each of those piles unlike the 10 that are in the other pile and those clothes look like mine as if they are my size but it's hard to find clothes that form me from my height and how skinny I am. "Well, this does look like it will take a while so how about I go back into the room and try on the clothes, and while I am doing that I can ask you questions? I only ask because I don't know a lot about you so if I am going to stay here like how you have offered me, I would like to get to know you better."

She blinks a few times, seeming surprised by my question. "Sure. We can do that."

I grab the clothes and I head inside the room. I start with the smallest clothes but those aren't going to fit, that is clear. "So how many siblings do you have?"

"One, Frey."

I grab the biggest as I try them on. "You guys seem close."

"We are. We argue sometimes but we make it work."

"I think all siblings do that." The biggest clothes don't fit the best but I can wear them. I grab the pants as I see the boxers fall. "You got me boxers I see." 

"Yes, I did. I hope they fit. I mainly just had to go off the pants to get what I would think are the right size."

My face turns a little red. I know that it's not that she is looking for my nonexistent dick but still, she got me underwear and male underwear at that. I guess she really thinks I am a man. I guess she will really hate me when she finds out the truth. Endless I get the surgery before she can have a chance to see my nonexistent dick. I wonder if other trans men say their nonexistent dick and not just their pussy. I know I have it. I hate even thinking about it. Oh wait, I can't get surgery, if I am living here she will know. Why didn't I think of that? Why am I thinking of that now? And now I feel dysphoria. I hate this. I should just put the boxers on. "I will see if they do." I put on one of the boxers and they fit quite nicely. They feel better than the ones I have at home. I do keep my underwear on so I don't get blood on them but they do still feel nice. "They fit."

"That's good."

All of the boxers are the same size so I put them to the side for me to keep. "Why did you spend so much money on me? After all, we could have just gone to my place and grabbed my clothes." I start trying on the pants.

"Police are everywhere so it would be hard until they have cleared out the area."

I guess that makes sense and she is the expert with the police. "So what are you as a police officer?"

"I'm a trooper. I am part of the state police."

Most of the pants fit me so I am going to assume the rest do as well. Now the shirts. I start trying on the shirts. "Is it hard?"

"Not really. I mean, now it has gotten busy but there is always something I can do. There is more to do than we have people but that is also because some don't want to take on some cases."


"The ones with the mafia that are around here."

I know a lot of people from there. They sometimes give me drunk conditions on everything they have done. They don't seem so scary when they are in the strip club but from what they have done, I know they are. I understand why the police would be scared. "Are you scared of them?"

She pauses for a moment. "I know they are dangerous but if I have time I will do my best."

"Do you own anything that you wouldn't have otherwise?"

"Yes, I do."

"Like what?"

She pauses for a moment. "Bulletproof vest, guns, and a tracker."

A tracker? Why would she need a tracker? "Why a tracker?"

"So if I ever go missing, I can be found."

That makes sense. Most of the shirts fit me, so I am done with that. "By the way, where should I put my clothes?"

"There should be a dresser that you can put them in. How about, I'll make us some dinner while you do that?"

Is it around dinner time already? Wow. Time flies. This is the first time I have had three meals in a while. This is new. "Sure. I will be out when I am done."