
(Asaka Point of View)

I keep watching him until he is done. I see him look at me and then the clothes. I think he likes them. I hope he does. I mean of course he will, they are close to the clothes he has at his place so how could he not? Unless he doesn't like the clothes he has.

"Well, this does look like it will take a while so how about I go back into the room and try on the clothes, and while I am doing that I can ask you questions? I only ask because I don't know a lot about you so if I am going to stay here like how you have offered me, I would like to get to know you better."

What? I blink a few times, trying to process what he said. He wants to get to know me? Why? Does he like me back? Or does he think something is up? I should accept as it will be the only way I will know and I will be able to lie as I won't see him so this could work and I can get my story straight. "Sure. We can do that."

I watch him grab the clothes and head into the room. "So how many siblings do you have?" Okay, so we are starting with family. Understandable. That is something I went deep into when I was looking him up so I should tell the truth. 

"One, Frey."

"You guys seem close."

"We are. We argue sometimes but we make it work." But isn't that normal? I mean sure mainly our solution isn't but that's not what I am focusing on.

"I think all siblings do that. You got me boxers I see." He found the boxers. That's good. He seems surprised. I guess that is reasonable but if I am going to get him clothes he also needs underwear so it makes sense. 

"Yes, I did. I hope they fit. I mainly just had to go off the pants to get what I would think are the right size."

"I will see if they do." I wait for a response. "They fit."

"That's good." Good. I grabbed the right size. It was a little hard since boxers aren't what I normally try to buy and the scaling is different. 

"Why did you spend so much money on me? After all, we could have just gone to my place and grabbed my clothes." Well, I did go to your place and look through his clothes.

"Police are everywhere so it would be hard until they have cleared out the area."

"So what are you as a police officer?" Good, topic change. Even if it's not completely, this is easier. 

"I'm a trooper. I am part of the state police."

"Is it hard?"

It's been a while so I am going to hope that it is the same. "Not really. I mean, now it has gotten busy but there is always something I can do. There is more to do than we have people but that is also because some don't want to take on some cases."


"The ones with the mafia that are around here." And because I know the most about the mafia so I can keep this going with how having to really lie. 

"Are you scared of them?"

I didn't think of this. I don't really fear them but I do respect some of them, others I would kill in a heartbeat but I would just rather not. If I say I am scared, he might think I am weak, and if I say that I'm not scared we might talk about that more which will be more time wasted so then I won't have to keep lying. "I know they are dangerous but if I have time I will do my best."

"Do you own anything that you wouldn't have otherwise?"

"Yes, I do." Some here but not a lot. I do have an entire place just for all of my stuff so I definitely do and there is a lot.

"Like what?"

Should I tell him what is here or not? I guess I could. "Bulletproof vest, guns, and a tracker." Well, the tracker isn't here but in his phone but some differences. 

"Why a tracker?"

"So if I ever go missing, I can be found." and not so I know where you are when you have your phone on you. I could put a tracker inside of him so I always know where he is but if he finds out he might be scared or hate me so I won't. 

"By the way, where should I put my clothes?" Is he done already? I'm glad that I didn't give anything away. 

"There should be a dresser that you can put them in. How about, I'll make us some dinner while you do that?" Then when he comes out he will have something to eat. 

"Sure. I will be out when I am done."