
(Asaka Point of View)

As I leave the room with the body, I put it in the cooler for now. I clean up most of the blood. I lock most of the windows and all of the doors leading outside. I put the keys in my pocket. I go to check on my darling when I hear the shower running. I look at the door. I forgot about the hole I made. I am going to need to get that fixed. I should get him some clothes for when he gets out. I head into my room. I pull out clean pants and a sweatshirt. I write him a note to hopefully be able to talk to him without him being scared of me. I could get him a shirt. No, he should be good. No. I should be safe. After what happened, he might want a shirt. I grab a shirt and I head into the bathroom. There is so much steam. He is going to be burnt when he comes out. I set the clothes down and I pick up the kitten. I leave the bathroom, not wanting to bother him. I look at the kitten when I realize I have something on me. Did he just pee on me? This brat. You are lucky my darling likes you. I head to the kitchen. I wash up and then I wipe the little brat. I make sure there is no trace of the pee. I held onto the couch as I watch the kitten. It doesn't look like a cat. I wonder if Frey has pictures of her lion as a cub. I pick up my phone and text Frey.



"Do you have photos of your lion as a cub?"

"Not really, no. Why?"

"Because I found this kitten but it doesn't look like a cat."


I sent them a photo of the kitten. 

"That's definitely a lion."



I set my phone down as I look back at the kitten. He is kind of cute I guess. I should form a good relationship with it to make my cutie happy. I wonder if he has any kind of markings. Like where the main will grow. I start looking around his neck for any fur that is a different color or texture but I don't find anything. I wonder when it will grow in or if he even has a name. What am I supposed to call you? Bart? Darling stealer? It? I mean I am most likely going to call you all of those still even if you have a name. 

I soon see my darling from the corner of my eye. I set the cub down and I look at him. I pet the cub hoping that will show him that I'm not going to hurt him or this little brat.

"Come sit down. I'm sure you don't want to be near me right now but you can sit on the couch with me or in the chair in front of me."

I see him hesitant before sitting down. I can see him playing with his hands. I wait for him to speak. "How many?"

How many? How many what? What does he want to know? "How many what?"

"How many have you killed?" I can't tell him that.

"Listen, it's not like that. This isn't something I normally do."

"Then you should be able to tell me."

That I have killed? I can't tell him that. I honestly don't remember how many I have killed. He would hate me if I told him that. What should I tell him? I can't say one. I mean I did kill the guy that just touched him and I don't regret it. How many people do police officers normally kill in their lifetime? Should I just say how many I have killed today? That would be four. Is that too many? How would I make it sound normal? I guess I can make it up as I go. I look down at the ground. I won't be able to look at him as I lie. "4. That is how many I have killed" I mumble.


"For work mainly. I have seen a lot of injustice so twice now, I have killed someone just because I believe they deserve it. The other two were because I was startled and just starting out."

"When did that happen?"

"I was 18. I had just joined and the others scared me a lot as a prank so when I got scared because of a criminal, I shot. I only hit someone a few times and only twice was it fatal. I still regret it."

"What was the first injustice you have seen?"

"The criminal was well known for killing and then raping them. He went to court several times but was always let go. I hated seeing what was happening so I killed him."

"That's not what happened with the one you just killed."

"I know. But you have to understand. He was part of the mafia. He is part of so many deaths and then he touched you."

"What if it was someone else?"

"I…I probably wouldn't have reacted as bad as I did."

"Why me then?"

I look up at him. I need him to know I am telling the truth. "Because I love you. I don't know what it is but I do. I love you. I need you. I have been craving to hear you call me ma'am again, to hold you again, to just keep hearing your voice, and I really want to just keep you here with me. I don't want you to leave."

"Listen, I see your shock and if it helps, I won't do it again. I will keep my cool. I won't hurt anyone just because they touch you. Just please don't leave. I need you. Please."

"That doesn't make any of this right. I should leave."

"Of course. I understand. How about you name the kitten while I get you something to drink before I take you home?"


I get up, set the kitten on his lap and I head into the kitchen. Hopefully, he has a name for the cub. I am going to drug his coffee and then give it to him. Hopefully, he won't be able to tell.

"There was some coffee left and you seem to like coffee so here you do."

"Thank you." I see him start drinking the coffee. I should ask him now before he passes out.

"What did you decide to name him?"


"Is there a reason why?"

"It means lion and he kind of looks like one."

He is also a lion so that works out perfectly. I see him finish his coffee. Good. It's fast working so it should be working soon. He soon stand up. I walk up to him and I catch him as he falls. "I'm sorry," I mumble as I watch him pass out. I take him to his room. I set him down, cover him up, and then put the lion cub next to him.