On Appearances (1)

Trinity stares at her in confusion, unable to understand her thinking. It's not what she knows. "If you want me, then why wouldn't you take me? Isn't it the normal thing to do? If you see something you want, you take it. That's what my-, that's all I've ever known to be true anyway."

Amlith frowns slightly. "Please don't you dare insinuate that I'm remotely similar to that beast. An animal that only knows how to take women by force. Oh, I must correct myself. An animal that only knows how to force himself on children. His kind have no place in hell either, frankly."

"I'm sorry, I just assumed it was the same. That look only means one thing to me, so it's habit."

"Trinity…I think you're misunderstanding something. Please look at me, so I can be clear." She looks up and stares strongly at Amlith. "That look does mean what you think it does, so don't get confused. I will not deny my desire or conceal my interest. I want you as my lover, desperately."

"So then what's stopping you? I don't know anything about you Amlith, but I can tell you can have anyone you desire if you want to. I suspect you have no shortage of dolls to play with at any moment. So why would you hold back with me? I know your hospitality has a cost. There's nothing given in this world for free. We all have a price to pay, so what's mine? What'll I give?"

"Trinity dear, I am not such a weak woman as to beg or force anyone to be mine. I collect my debts in many other ways too. So I will not take you against your will, you have my word."

"Can I really trust you? Can I really believe your words or are you just trying to deceive me?"

"Trinity, I vow on my life that I will be a proper and respectful lady to you and respect your boundaries as requested. The day we become lovers will be when you ask me, not a day sooner." She takes her hand in hers and holds it near her lips. "However, when that day comes, I will ensure that you are thoroughly satisfied to the point you'll never want to be without me again."

She gently kisses Trinity's hand and stares directly into her eyes with a seductive, lustful gaze. Such a gaze would've sent her into a panic if it'd come from that man, but with Amlith she feels slight excitement rather than fear. She can already feel curiosity growing but holds back for now.

"Ok, then I'll choose to trust you." Her stomach growls loudly. "So, may we eat now, please?"

Amlith laughs lightly. "Oh my Dear, you must be famished. Please, get dressed and join me in the dining hall. Tit and Tat will bring in a dress for you and help put it on. It's quite beautiful."

"A dress…?" She chooses not to speak her true thoughts and decides to show gratitude instead. "Thank you Miss Amlith…I appreciate your generosity." She offers her a small, simple smile.

"Thank you for being polite and respectful, but no need to try so hard to convince me you're happy about it. I'm aware that dresses and jewelry aren't really your style, and I will allow you the freedom to pick your wardrobe in the future. If you'll accept my offer, that is. For tonight however, I ask that you indulge me. Would that be ok Trinity, or is it too disagreeable to you?"

Trinity still isn't sure what to expect, but she can feel that Amlith is being genuine. "Ok, I'll wear the dress Miss Amlith, but only for tonight. I would like to hear more about this offer too."

"I will answer all your questions and explain everything you need to know Trinity; over dinner." She stands and with another snap of her fingers, the servants appear before her, dress in hand.

"Please allow us to help you dress for dinner Miss Trinity." They again get right to work on her.

"I look forward to seeing your finished look Trinity Dear. Please don't keep me waiting long." With a final seductive grin, Amlith exits the room, leaving the ladies to do their duties and such.

The servants soon leave. Trinity has many questions about where she is, and the Death Queen situation. However, above even those, she now finds herself wanting to know most who Amlith is and why she's so interested in her. She's nervous, but that much more curious of her for now.

'I don't trust her Sis.' A cautionary voice speaks once again directly into Trinity's mind.

Trinity is alarmed by the sudden voice, but quickly rejoices when she recognizes it. "Shiori?!" She looks around, wanting to confirm if she's being deceived or someone's playing a sick joke. However, she's alone in the room, and so she chooses to believe it's real. "Shi, are you ok?"

'I don't know…I'm not even sure where I am. It's empty here, and even more grey than home.'

"I don't know where you could be, but I promise I'll find out Shi. I'll free you soon, I swear."

'I believe you Trinity, I'll wait for you, as long as it takes. I'll keep you safe when I can too.'

"Thank you Shi. Why don't you trust her though?" She doesn't get an answer and Shi falls silent.