On Appearances (2)

Trinity looks at herself in the mirror, and she can hardly recognize herself. The girl in the mirror is beautiful, has an air of confidence and seems well-matured. Trinity doesn't feel that she's any of those things. She feels like an imposter, so surely she must look like one too. "So weird…."

"Miss Trinity?" a new voice interrupts Trinity's thoughts. "Dinner is about to be served." Trinity turns around to face her and finds a small woman smiling pleasantly at her. "Please follow me."

She turns and begins to walk at a pace faster than expected for her short stature. Her hair is blue and styled in a short bob, and she wears a maid outfit. Though it fits her far more appropriately than the way she'd seen women wear them in those magazines that man kept hidden away.

"The Mistress has asked that I give you a brief tour along the way, as we'll be passing through several halls on our way to the dining hall. Please do your best to keep up and remain poised."

"Yes Miss, I'll do my best." Trinity answers in a similar respect as instructed by Amlith before.

"That'll be Madame Agora to you." She replies curtly, while maintaining a sharp gaze forward. "Unlike Mistress, I'm not trying to win your favor. You will show me due respect. Understood?"

Trinity hadn't expected such a tiny lady to be so commanding, but truly she judged her too soon. "Yes, of course Madame Agora, I'll mind myself going forward. Please forgive me, Madame."

She nods slightly. "I'm glad you seem to have the capability of showing respect. Much better than the usual harlots Mistress parades in and out of here." She stops suddenly and turns to face Trinity with her strict hazel eyes. "Don't let it go to your head though. Do mind yourself."

Trinity nods respectfully. "Yes, I'll be sure to do that, Madame Agora." She smiles at Agora.

"Good. Now, take note of this." She gestures around them, and Trinity notices they're in a big room surrounded by multiple bookshelves on every side. "This is the grand library. You may use it at your leisure while you reside here. In fact, Mistress encourages it. She feels you need to educate yourself on more of the world. I understand you were something of a recluse, Dear?"

Trinity laughs awkwardly. "Not sure I'd say that Madame. More like a prisoner maybe I'd say?" Agora frowns at her and Trinity starts feeling very self-conscious. "Well, recluse is fine I guess."

"I wouldn't say that Madame. Rather, I would say I was more of a prisoner." She corrects her. "You should be succinct and direct when speaking to others and use proper grammar. I don't want to hear 'like', 'I guess' or 'maybe' from your lips again. Be sure of yourself. Am I clear?"

"Uh, yes…Madame." Agora turns back around and continues to walk forward. Trinity quickly follows behind her, despite being unsure of how to react to her response. "Thank you for that."

Agora doesn't reply and doesn't speak again until they arrive to another great hall. "This is the grand saloon. Here you will find all manner of things to entertain yourself with, but do not be excessive. Training your mind and improving your knowledge is your priority. You'll have more time for fun once you've achieved true enlightenment and are more befitting of a proper queen."

"Huh? Queen?" Trinity replies mindlessly, getting her a scowl. "I'm sorry Madame Agora, it's just, you're the second person to refer to me as queen today. I'm just feeling a bit confused."

"Yes, I'm sure. However, you must think before you speak. You should never show your fear or uncertainties. You should also remain poised and confident when in the presence of others." She begins walking again and expects Trinity to follow as before. "Mistress will answer that soon."

"Yes…ok. Thank you Madame." They fall silent again, until they reach a garden. It's beautiful, filled with all kinds of flowers and trees. There's a fountain in the middle, surrounded by four benches. Trinity finds herself slightly in awe at the sight. "Madame…this garden is beautiful."

"I suppose. Though I much prefer the one at the Supreme Lord's estate. Her Highness loves her garden and so always kept it immaculate. Even as her only daughter, the Mistress not so much."

"Is Miss Amlith the daughter of someone very important here?" Trinity casually asks Agora.

Agora stops abruptly and again turns to look at Trinity, but this time with an amused smile. "You have no idea the situation you're in, do you?" She chuckles and carries on as before. "Hurry on."

They pick up the pace, and finally arrive in front of a massive double door. "We've reached the grand dining hall. Down the corridor to your right leads straight to the kitchen. They'll be busy arranging the plates, so I won't show it to you now. But you may go there at any time before midnight to request a meal from our chefs. After, you'll have to prepare it for yourself." Trinity nods in acknowledgment. "Use your words in the future," she scolds. "Now, dinner is served."