Her Show begins...

Eido was trying her best to not get psyched out by Senshi's words. She began to walk on stage, taking a deep breath as she looked at the Sub-mind looming above her. It was like she was considering every option she had, she didn't know what to do.

Ven watched from the back stage's roof tops. watching as Eido began to sing and dance. Not seeming to let the revelation fake her out. "Ven, I don't think she's letting Senshi get to her... We have to ruin her performance." 

"Well... This will be the second time I've accidentally ruined someone's performance in this city." He quipped before dropping down, using Heartbreaker to fire two shots into portals and destroying the speakers. He landed to the floor with a loud thud, pointing to Eido with a grin before turning to the crowd.

"I'm sorry but due to unforeseen Rabbits. We're gonna have to cancel this show to bring you a fight against the Spider idol herself!"

Eido began to twitch, staring at the sub-mind in front of her. 

"Get out of here! This isn't your show! This is my stage! My Domain! My Life! You aren't getting it this easy!" She yelled, her heart beginning to race faster and faster. Suddenly, multiple strings began to shoot towards Ven, piercing his hand.

"Ah, that woulda hurt If I felt pain." He snickered, clutching Heartbreaker as he charged, using a portal to get behind Eido and launch her against the Sub-mind heart, causing it to let out a small beep as it began to beat.

As the fight between Eido and Ven began, Avis and Vinea were playing as loud as they could, getting the audience to leave in an orderly fashion as Senshi helped get people away.

Eido swung a nearby moon prop at Ven, who used a portal to drop above Eido, firing shots at her which she blocked with her heart's power: Spider's Web. Allowing her to create and manipulate webbing however she pleased. 

Eido began summoning spiked webbing, placing it around herself like barbwire. "Just leave me alone! I just want to play my last song and leave! I want to be happy! Just let me have this!!" She yelled as the sub-mind began to beat faster.

Tid-bit control of Ven's eye, using it to help pin point where to strike. Eido created a polearm, moving in as Ven and Eido began to brawl at close range. "I can't let you have this heart. I've seen what its owner did... I ain't letting anyone control it."

She rolled all 4 of her eyes, kicking Ven back. "I don't care if I have to die to protect it. Panila wanted me to do this, and I don't care what, She's my only friend now! Senshi betrayed me, made me this... Miserable, tiny thing! I had a life! I Loved her! And this is what I get?!"

Ven backed off, lowering his gunblade. "You don't have to kill everyone and bring back a dragon, though?"

Eido laughed, throwing her pole arm to the side and charging at Ven. "You won't get it! I'm a star! I was meant to be big! I wasn't meant to be this!" Ven took a deep breath as Tid-bit began to scan for an opening. 

"See ya in the afterlife, Spider idol Eido."

He said as he teleported behind her and went to stab her back before using a portal to stab her heart from the front, causing her to drop dead.

"Alright... How do I get this thing out?" Ven asked himself before Tid-bit began vibrating his eye. "Ven you're getting a call..."

He sighed and picked up, it was Rat who looked annoyed. "Ven, get outta there. We just found out Eido had a bomb placed in as a back up plan." 

"WHAT!?" He yelled before running for his life. in about 1 minute, Ven got out to see a blinding explosion, blowing back into Senshi, who caught him with a wavering smile as she stared at the Hall.

Senshi began to break down into tears, knowing her best Friend... And more, Was dead. Ven was busy celebrating with Avis and Vinea over the fact that they won't die. "...And yeah! I stabbed her heart!"

Senshi froze up a moment, turning back to face Ven. "Where did you stab her!?" Ven's shrugged, pointing to where his heart was. "Right here... Why?"

Senshi froze as she saw purple mist beginning to rise from the hall. Rat's eyes widened, shouting loudly: "WE NEED TO GO, NOW!" Senshi quickly explained: "Eido's heart isn't were a normal Demi human heart is! It's lower! She faked her death and..." 

Suddenly a loud crash was heard as a gigantic hand emerged. "Seeeeenshiiiii! Where aaaare yoooou?" A familiar voice yelled in a soothing voice, despite the clear spite behind those words, her voice having an electronic cackling to it.

Ven looked stunned, turning back to see Avis and Vinea panicking. "She's... Not dead..." Tid-bit says as she takes control.

Rat let out a sigh, rubbing her temples as she turned away from the group. "No. It's much worse... She's officially a domain leader."