A Spider's Dance

8 years ago.

###### lived a normal life. well, as normal as you could get in the underbelly. She had always loved to preform, and when she got her big break in Dreamy Domain. She knew she was going to make it big. Bigger then any other performer from Pandora. 

That was until she met a little Centipede on the side of the road.

As ####### was crossing the street to get to her day job as a barista, not really having much to do with her time other then practice her performances and work. She almost stepped on a Bug Demi Human, A centipede to be exact. "Oh, sorry ma'am. I didn't see where I was going. Aren't you a bit far from diminutive?" She joked, though the small bug woman looked unamused by the jokes. "Aren't you funny? Can't I take a walk and see how it's like to live in the big city?" The centipede laughed, making ####### crack a slight grin.

"Aren't you funny for a little guy?"

7 years ago.

A###### had never really been a fan of bugs, until she became friends with Senshi. She didn't just tolerate her, she was infatuated with her and her life. Loving the dresses Senshi made in her spare time.

On a random night, in the middle of the central Plaza, the two were sitting on a bench together, it was a colder night then usual. Senshi was sitting next to A######, shivering as her clothes weren't warm enough compared to Diminutive's built in heating. A###### picked up Senshi and placed her in her scarf, smiling down at her. "I-I thought y-y-you didn't like bugs?"

A##### couldn't help but laugh, rubbing her centipedal friend with a smile. "You're not a bug to me. You're like... A friend."

Senshi looked stunned, smiling and snuggling in deeper into the scarf. "I... I like being your friend too."

6 and a half years ago: Outside Diminutive Domain's station.

A#####e couldn't help but smile as she waved Senshi off, as Senshi had more work to do in Diminutive. She looked saddened, but A####e smiled at her. "I would stay with you... But, I just don't like the idea of being in the mist..."

Senshi seemed somewhat annoyed, crawling down from her hand. "I just don't see w-why y-y-you can't come with me? You c-c-could still be an Idol in h-here. A-And leave anytime!" She smiled, still trying to convince A#####e to join her in Diminutive. "Sen... For the last time, I just can't uproot myself and go somewhere I feel uncomfortable. I know I don't like bugs, but I don't hate them... Or you."

Senshi looked upset, scuttling off with an angry sounding insect like chattering. A#####e quickly handed her a ticket. "I-I... Know it's a bit oversized and a long shot, but... This is a ticket to my show in a few months! I mean, Panila and all the other domain leaders will be there... Even Rat! You've done some business with her. C-Could you maybe put in a good word? I could actually become a Leader if I do this. And I want you to be there!"

Senshi stared at the ticket, taking it. But looking even more frustrated. "Do you only want me there to put in a good word with my Boss? So you can get famous and leave me in my little space?" Senshi muttered to herself as she scuttled away.

A#####e stared at her friend leaving, but smiling still, wanting her to be happy... Maybe she just wanted them to be closer then they'd like to admit.

6 years and 3 months ago. Dreamy Domain. Cheshire's Spire.

As A##ch#e prepared herself to go on stage, she took a deep breath. Senshi scuttled up behind with a slightly mischievous smile on her face, having just finished up helping back stage with the 'fake' mist that rolls in for a special effect. "A##ch#e!" She yelled with her tiny voice, drawing her attention as she smiled and got down to Senshi's level. "I... I'm really nervous, Senshi. What if I bomb and they laugh me off stage? What if I can't keep calm. What if I mess up the high notes!?" She said breathing more and more deeper breaths. 

"You're not going to bomb. You're not going to fail. You're A##ch#e... Maybe we should come up with a stage name?" Senshi joking asked, causing A##ch#e to think it over. "You're right! I need a name that makes me sound amazing, big, dazzling, famous!"

Senshi thought for a moment as she began working on a stage name. She then snapped her fingers, tapping her legs like an applause. "What about "Eido"?" 

"Eido? Isn't it... Rather simple?" A##ch#e said with a grin, though actually liking the ring to it.

"Eido... Eido! EIDO!" She chanted to herself before nodding. "That's it! Thanks Senshi! You know... If I do or don't get the leader position... Maybe we can talk more? I think we have some things to work out."

Senshi looked stunned as Eido began to walk onto stage. "It's time for me to begin! Wish me luck!" A##ch#e said as she began to walk away, Senshi quickly trying to stop her but was drowned out by the hoards of cheering fans. 

Eido took her first steps on stage, taking a deep breath. 

"Hello Underbelly Denizens! I am your new favourite Idol, Eido! And I... I will be... P...re..." A##ch#e felt bizarre, taking deeper breaths. The fans began to look confused, even the domain Leaders all wondered what was happening. 

Senshi ran out onto stage, yelling for help: "Ar#ch#e! Ar#ch#e! Are you okay!?" She yelled. 

Eido fell to her knees, 4 spider like arms bursting out of her back as she let out a pained shriek. Her form beginning to shrink as 2 new slits forming under eyes, opening to reveal another set of eyes.

She threw up a thick, viscous webbing like mist as she contiued getting smaller. Senshi screaming for help, but her voice to small to be heard. 

Rat, who was sitting next to Panila with an amused smile, whispered: "And here I thought Wendy's transformation was cruel."

As A##ch#e let out a screech of pain before all that was left was her Idol outfit. Senshi crawled through it, finding Eido, scared and afraid, crying to herself inside her own clothes. "Ar#ch#e... Are you alright?"

"No, you bug! How am I alright!? How could I be alright!?" Eido yelled back, causing Senshi to flinch. "I... I just thought..." She stammered out causing Eido to take a deep breath. "I-I'm sorry... I... Don't know what to do!? Look at me! I can't go out there like this! My life is ruined, over, my dreams are gone!" She clutched her head with one set of her back arms, trying her best not to have a full nervous break down. 

Eido snapped her fingers, ripping out some parts of what was her luxurious outfit and took a deep breath before sticking a hand down her throat, making herself throw up more of the silk like mist. "Senshi... Do you still carry a sewing kit on you?" 

Panila rose up from her chair, beginning to make her way down to observe what happened. Wendy sighed, her icy breath making Rat shiver. 

Panila made a crushing motion, lifting the dress up with chains, causing Senshi to run back behind the backstage. Eido was now wearing a black and blue dress made from her old dress, she took a long breath out, much to Panila's amusement.

"Do you still wish to continue?" The Warden said with a smile. 

"Yes. I won't give up with this minor setback. I will be a Domain leader... At all costs." 

Panila grinned, revealing her sharp teeth and pulling the microphone off from the dress and placing it next to Eido.

"Then give me a show, Arachne."