
"Ah… ah, ah, yes, that's the spot. Harder."

"…" x4

"Sister Lin, your expression is kind of lewd."

"Xu Ling'er, say that when you get your turn. I remember you fainted yesterday from overstimulation."


"Alright, don't waste time here, it's my turn now."

"Xing'er, you're being too bold, are you not?"

"Say that after you climb down, or are your legs too weak."

Lu Fan looked at the girls arguing in front of him and he had to say that it was quite a sight.

Who wouldn't want to be surrounded by girls in yoga pants and sports bras? It was quite the collection starting from the overly mischievous Li Lin who had quite the body. Her modest features seemed to be more pronounced in her sportswear.

She was not small in any way, but compared with the others, she seemed a bit lacking in… personality.

An Xing'er was… just perfect. Han Li could still not understand how that worked. It was like every clothing she wore complimented her. She'd look sexy if she wore sexy clothes, she'd look prim and proper in a suit, she looked sporty in sportswear, and man did those yoga pants make her look flexible.


Han Li looked away before his body got excited.

Xu Ling'er was also in a different league. If An Xing'er was the best representation of feminine beauty, then Xu Ling'er was the embodiment of Feminine capability. She looked… competent even in the very sense of being female.

That doesn't make sense. All Lu Fan knew was that he would be hard-pressed to decide who among them had more charm as a woman.

This was especially true since Xu Ling'er had grown up well ever since she started working with him. She no longer had to worry about money at this point. She could very well laze around for the rest of her life and her bank account would just grow on its own.

The beauty of Compounding was thus profound.

Lu Fan was finding it harder to say how between the two was better.

An Xing'er was a beautiful flower that he'd protect, while Xu Ling'er was like a proper wife, beautiful and capable. It was hard to decide.

Lu Fan decided to think about these things later. He was not even eighteen yet, what was he worried about?

He looked at Chen Lu who had already fallen asleep and a smile formed at the corner of his lips.

He had spent the past two weeks teaching the girls the technique that he had created and the results were showing.

The technique focused on internal martial arts, meaning that it was suitable for the girl's fragile build, but that was no longer the case after two weeks of practice.

The technique starts easily with simple yoga and Pilates techniques that soon turn into Qigong and Tai Chi techniques. There were elements of Aikido and other soft techniques but they all turned into a pretty hardcore self-defense technique that Lu Fan designed specifically for the girls.

That was what they had been practicing for the last two weeks.

Lu Fan had convinced them that it would be easy, and it was at the start because he added attributes to all their tags, but it got harder from there.

Unlike him who had a comparatively infinitesimal threshold for acquiring tags, the girl had to work hard for them.

They were already complaining of sore muscles after three days and Lu Fan was forced to start looking for incentives to motivate them.

Money was not an option. All these girls were filthy rich, and Lu Fan knew that they did not need him to give them money, and with their current skills, there was hardly anything that could motivate them so much.

Thankfully, Chen Lu was on his side and helped him solve that problem.

Lu Fan did not know how she did it but that was ok.

It was better not to know.

But from then on, they demanded that he massage them after every session. And that was exactly what he was doing right now.

Don't underestimate the [Masseur] white talent. Their moaning was one thing, but the effect of the talent was evident. Their sore muscles were gone and he never heard them complain about it.

But that was the basics.

A simple massage was enough to clear their meridians and adjust their bodies, making future practices easier and their bodies more adaptable. It surprised him.

While they might not have an ungodly body like his, the girls were no longer much worse than the average male athlete in terms of physique. Combine that with their mastery of the Internal Martial Arts Technique, Lu Fan feared for whoever pissed these girls off.

"Don't rush her, I used some acupuncture techniques on her this time. Let her rest for a while. Come on this table."

Yeah, he also learned some medical skills too. Practicing martial arts was dangerous and Lu Fan had to equip himself with all the necessary skills.

The delicate girls aside, his mother was among the group. He would hate himself if something happened to her because he was not prepared enough.

But it seemed that it was unnecessary. He had bought attributes for the technique after the girls got past the entry-level and maxed it out. Now, they only needed to continue practicing and the technique would just unlock itself as they perfected the technique.

The [First Aid] white talent was very helpful as it helped him in more than first aid. The simple acupuncture methods used for first aid were already enough to make Chen Lu look several years younger, Lu Fan wondered what it would be like if he specialized.

But that was not possible at this point.

Medicine was good and all, but he still had yet to accomplish what he had set out to do. It would be dumb if he got derailed because he knew too much and was distracted.

It was better to do things step by step. At least he had to wait till he completed high school so that he could decide on his future path.

Following An Xing'er was no longer as lucrative.