
"Hey Lu Fan, wait for me."

Fatty Tang rushed as he followed Lu Fan after their P.E. class. He was still struggling with his breathing but he still had to rush after Lu Fan.

"What are you rushing for and the next class is Mr. Wang and his incorrect Math?"

"Why aren't you rushing? The exam is around the corner and your grades are still tragic."

"Don't look down on a bro, bro! Plus, even if I fail to enter uni, I can go home and start collecting rent."

"Damn second generations. So, what did you want?"

"I wanted to talk to you about the gaming department. The venue has become too small and we need more machines."

"Are you stupid?"

Lu Fan looked at Fatty Tang with a stink eye as he continued walking.

"Hey, what's with that look? The department belongs to your company."

"So does the production team, the library, the fashion team, and many others. I don't go around giving them money."


Fatty Tang could not refute that. The gaming department was one of the most popular among the young and he had managed to recruit some fine talent. The only thing that made him helpless was that games consumed more than they earned.

Events and online tournaments were rare and most of them were packed. The fact that they were newbies hardly helped their case.

"Can I at least use my money? I tried to but Li Lin refused to let me."

"And she was right. That is my company. While you were the one who assembled and trained the team, they still belong to META. So don't bring your money into it."

"Then why aren't you giving us the funds? Xu Ling'er told me that you have a lot of money. More than you know what to do with."

"She told you what now?!"

"No! She didn't tell me tell me, she was talking to Li Lin but I just happened to hear it."

"…. Stalker."

"NOOOO! That is not stalking, I just haven't found the right chance to talk to Li Lin yet."

"Soy boy. You even got'em tits to prove it."

"LU FAN. I dare you to say that again. I'll…"

"You'll what?"

"I'll start looking for ways to make more money."

"*Sigh* Have you ever tried streaming your gameplay? Have you tried making tutorials? Have you tried building a community? Holding an event? Do all that then come to me if you still don't make money."

"But these things spend money, they don't make money."



"Are you stupid? Let's not talk about this. Just go and talk to Li Lin about this and she will guide you. Take it as an excuse to get close to her."



"Wait! Don't leave just yet."

"What? Is there something else?"

"There is a friend who told me about something called Bitcoins. He said that they will be hitting the market soon and I should buy as many as I can. I wanted to know what you think about this."

"Oh, it's around that time. You should listen to your friend."

"You already know about it? Are you gonna buy some?"

"Yeah, but buy at most 100 at this time, then you can forget about them until I tell you to sell."


Fatty Tang was left there in a short daze.

"If I buy them, they are mine. Why should I listen to him?"

He shook his head but he still did not have any plans of going against Lu Fan. Lu Fan had surprised him too much.

While Fatty Tang thought that Lu Fan was Chuuni, it would be a lie if he said that he did not know what he was doing.

Who would imagine that the liveliest company in town belonged to a teenager? The sad part was that the owner did not look that powerful.

Fatty Tang could only stop thinking too much about it, or else he might get a stomach ulcer. Just the other day he was the tycoon of class. Even now, he was still the publicly acknowledged rich guy, but he no longer felt as proud.

The sum of Lu Fan's wealth was several times bigger than both his parents' net worth.

The sad part was that there were two others just as rich. Fatty Tang sometimes felt like Lu Fan was leaving him out of the group while they made money.

'Would it be different if I was a girl?'

"What am I thinking?"

*shivers, Achoo!*

"What the hell was that? Can I still catch a cold?"

Lu Fan did not know about Fatty Tang's weird thoughts. He would have… well, nobody knows what he would have done, but he still had more important things to do.

The Educational Platform had already gone online and he had given it the name METAcademy and he was currently heading to the principal's office to see if he could get the school to start using it.

There were still a lot of things that the platform needed, but it was ready for high schoolers to start using.

There was still a long way to go before distributed computation was a thing, but he had already started preparing for it.

With Bitcoins hitting the market soon, blockchain technology was bound to rise and at that time, METAcademy would be the only platform fully equipped to use these resources to their full potential.

The servers that he had currently could only support a few schools and he wanted to give the school a chance to gain some reputation. It was also a good way to advertise the platform.

His plan was pretty simple actually. There was An Xing'er in his class who was bound to score full marks in the exam. He was also bound to score the same, but that was not as shocking as the whole class passing with above-average marks.

Lu Fan was ready to start buying attributes for all the students in the class just to ensure that they all passed. That shock factor is what he was after.

Imagine a whole class of 300+ students passing just because they started using a platform. That was exactly what he wanted.

At that time, the platform would advertise itself, saving him billions of dollars.

But that was nothing compared to the attraction value the platform would have to those big players. That is what he wanted.

*Knock knock.*

"Come in."