Playing chase

Arriving at Calidra at midnight was something Gwyneth had expected.

With the help of the coachman, Gwyneth stepped out of the carriage sighing deeply as she let her gaze wander to the large manor. It was well-lit, with sentries stationed at every turn.

Calidra was a far region of Descaera that was governed by Duke Gerald.

Was he maybe in the manor? She scoffed at her own pitiful hopes.

"You are welcome, Your Highness." Two head guards approached her, bowing respectfully.

A faint smile crossed Gwyneth's lips. She was aware that her presence had come as a surprise.

"Her highness has come to see the Duke's family." Madison addressed the guards with a modest but courteous bow.

"Oh!" The guards exchanged surprised glances before putting on fake smiles and turning back to Gwyneth and Madison.

"They are currently busy with some detectives." The first guard beamed.

"It would be best if you come in. The cold isn't friendly." The other proposed, bowing his head once again.

Even though Gwyneth was annoyed by their response to Madison's remarks, she was at least appreciative that the Duchess was trying to find her uncle.

She pursed her lips. "Very well then."

Without saying anything more, they were led into the manor and shown to her chamber, which was her usual place to stay when she came to visit.

Sighing heavily as she pulled on her nightgown, she gritted her teeth at the sudden cold that sank into the chamber. "Madison, please shut the window."

Madison quickly obeyed. Aside from making sure her princess had eaten, she had also thoroughly cleaned the chamber.

Gwyneth made her way to the bed and sat down with a small groan. She detested riding in carriages for long journeys because she despised being stuck in one place for an extended period of time.

"Knowing that Gerald has people who love him eases my burden." She said, clutching her dress hesitantly. "Duchess Clarissa must be very upset. Far more than I am."

Madison smiled. "However, the guards seemed discreet."

"Clearly, whatever investigation is underway is being kept under wraps." Gwyneth climbed into her bed, smiling comfortably. "It is my brother's fault."

Madison nodded. "I have been informed by the maids that tonight is their break and everyone else is attending the Lord's manor for a lavish soiree."

Gwyneth closed her eyes, yawning in exhaustion. "I will join them for breakfast in the morning. For the time being, you may retire to bed."

"Yes, Your Highness." Madison bowed respectfully and exited the room, leaving it in total silence and darkness.

"You really love the dark, don't you, my lovely Sunshine?" Came his voice. Rich, smooth, and overflowing with alluring mischievousness.

He appeared in the chamber next to the window, which opened wide right away propelling an intensely frigid breeze into the room.

Closing the window and drawing the curtains to block out the glimmer of night that split into the space, Sirius turned his radiant blood red eyes to his Sunshine.

Taking slow, powerful steps towards the bed, he dragged a sunflower out of his coat holding it gently.

"Are you awake, Sunshine?" He leant into the bed, one knee against the surface, and pushed himself towards her, his face hovering above hers.

Flames of wild desire and adoration flashed in his blood red eyes. Examining every square inch of her beautiful features. Her round face, small pointed nose, sharp jawline, full heart shaped lips, her pale, milky skin....

His crimson lips tightened. He was always baffled. Always lost. Always intoxicated.

His Sunshine..... She was everything but pure.

How could she be pure when she had venom in her veins?

She was untainted. She was his.

Slowly, his long fingers graced her cheek twitching in response to the heat that sent blood rushing to his groin.

A deep, primal hiss escaped his throat. "Hell!" And his fingers moved slowly to her chin, trailing around her sharp jawline tenderly, followed by a deep swallow that bobbed his throat powerfully.

At that exact moment, Gwyneth's eyes popped open. She grabbed his wrist, took out a butter knife she had stashed in her dress, and shoved it to his throat.

"Did I not tell you to stay away?!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, driving the knife into his skin.

Without conscious thought, he raised his head, a sinister grin forming on his mouth that matched the menacing light in his eyes. "I am deaf to those harsh words, Sunshine."

Gwyneth's pupils dilated. "What is your purpose in my life? If you want to kill me, just do it already."

"Shush." Sirius grabbed her wrist and snatched the knife out of her hand.

"I have no desire to kill you." He cooed, staring at her fingers. "However, searching for your uncle is akin to suicide."

He rested his jaw on her palm, blinking innocently. At least that was what he thought. To Gwyneth, he looked like a beast seeking solace in the hands of a half-crazed beast. Yes! She saw herself as a beast!

Her eyes narrowed into slits. "Stop it. Stop talking." She wrenched her hand away and snatched back the butter knife.

"Lovely." Catching her wrist again, Sirius pinned her against the bed, a playful smile lingering on his lips as he took in her horrified expression. "Humans are just one of the most repulsive entities that exist for chaos. All I do is take their miserable lives. Nothing more."

Gwyneth shuddered. "Why are we having this conversation?"

Sirius cocked his head. "You are afraid."

"Let go of me!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, shaking her body vigorously.

Sirius merely gazed with amusement. Loving the way her hair splashed and waved harshly.

How beautiful. How endearing. He thought.

She was struggling beneath him with all of her strength, but he made sure to tighten his hold around her wrists, making it difficult for her to move her arms in the way she desired.

"Enough." He hissed, bringing his face close to her.

She stopped dead in her tracks. Staring at him with wide eyes filled with fear, her lips parted in awe.

Sirius quirked his lips. He slowly unwrapped her wrists, heaved himself off the bed and looked around the familiar room. "Just ask if you want to play chase, darling."

Gwyneth who was about to bolt from the room stiffened at his words. Gripping the door knob tightly, she held her breath struggling to control her legs, which were eager to race out.

The door was wide open! All she had to do was run! All she had to do was run away from him!

"If you are able to escape this manor before I am able to capture you, I will follow your wishes and leave your life." His voice rose, full of sinister anticipation that made her skin crawl.