Her worshipper

Without stopping to think, Gwyneth dashed from the room. Finding the long set of stairs leading to the main yard of the manor, she ran down the hall with all her strength, trying to catch her breath.

Having visiting since she was a young child, she was very well acquainted with every inch of the manor.

She clenched her teeth. Frustration building as she found herself in the kitchen.

"W...what?" She paused, taking a sharp breath. Her chest was heaving so much that she had to rest her palm on it to calm herself down.

She looked around the room, confusion flashing in her eyes. "H..ow how is this possible?" She was meant to be at the yard not the kitchen!

"This is not meant to be a game of hide and seek, darling." Sirius entered the kitchen, sporting a ghastly, eerie smile.

Fear took hold of her heart. She immediately turned to leave, but before she could, she felt a strong grip take hold of her wrist.

"Give up." Sirius hissed deeply, dragging her towards him.

But without missing a beat, she grabbed a glass jar and slammed it against his head.

Sirius let out a deep, agonized groan and closed his eyes, trying to process the pain she had inflicted on him, but he did not move to free her wrist.

"Let go of me!" This time, Gwyneth grabbed a metal bottle, and slammed a forceful blow to his head.

Sirius stayed still letting out an even deeper groan. A deep sound that, in spite of his relentless grip, made Gwyneth stumble backwards.

She watched him, her mouth agape. Blood trickled slowly down his forehead, adorning his gorgeous face in an oddly alluring way that made her gaze linger for a long moment.

As those deep blood red eyes fluttered open, she felt his grip loosen and instantly wrenched her hand away.

"Yes!" Sirius breathed madly, glancing back at her as she dashed for the door.

He ran after her. And as soon as Gwyneth realized this, she rushed from the door, running around the large table to the other side and grabbed a knife for the neatly arranged set of knives.

Sirius turned to her, raising a brow. His eyes absorbed every detail. Her wide fear-filled eyes, her heaving chest, her strong grip on the knife.

She was so stunning that for a moment, he felt sorry for her.

"Why don't you call for help?" He asked indifferently, glancing over to the desk.

Gwyneth held the knife with both hands taking a step back. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead, trailing down to her face like tears.

She swallowed.

Sirius tilted his head to the side, letting his hands drop to the sides of the table. Whilst gazing at her with great intensity. Intensity that pierced her soul with a powerful blast of fear and horror.

There was blood on his face. However... However... there was something about this being!

There was madness in his ominous eyes. However.... She could not take her eyes away from that fiery stare.

"Why don't you call for help?" Sirius's smile broadened. "You know that. You know that you will never be able to escape me. You know that I will pursue you to the ends of the world if necessary."

Gwyneth's gaze quivered. "You did follow me into this second life of mine. You are so determined to keep destroying my life."

"My sweet Sunshine, I just destroyed insects that were itching to ruin you. Insects that were hankering to gnaw on your lustful smooth, warm skin."

Gwyneth gritted her teeth. "I will never forgive you for murdering my sister."

"It is unfortunate that you lost the one and only relative in this life who truly loves you." Sirius' eyes dimmed. He was beginning to lose patience with her rage at him for killing her sister. It wasn't his fault. He really did not mean to harm her in any way.

"What can I do to make it up to you?" He asked.

"Get out of my life!" Gwyneth screamed, throwing the knife at him.

To her dismay, he caught the knife by the steel. The tip was only an inch away from his forehead. And her actions did nothing but light up his eyes with burning excitement.

"Why are you so eager to end our little game? It is still so early." He threw the knife squarely at her, grinning while she skittered back towards the door.

"What joy." He ignored her as she bolted from the kitchen and let out a deep, maniacal laugh, all the while watching the knife sink into the wall. Abruptly, his expression darkened, and he vanished from sight.

Gwyneth, gasping for air as she hurried down the steps, decided to go out the main door of the manor to avoid any trouble.

Every step she took became a source of reflection for her. The fear that Sirius was close behind kept pounding unhealthily in her heart. To the point where she stumbled and lost her balance.

Her entire body screamed in agony as she rolled down the stairs again and again until she finally landed on flat ground.

"Ah!" She cried out, coughing loudly and with a piercing scream, rose to her feet.

She staggered to the door, ignoring the pain in her body and the blood that was trickling down her forehead.

Sirius materialized in front of her, bearing a dead serious expression. "It is over, Sunshine."

"It is not." Gwyneth exhaled heavily, tearing a long piece of her robe.

Before Sirius could think about what she was going to do with the cloth, she jumped, threw it over his neck and yanked him with all of her strength. Pulling him down to his knees.

"Now it is over." She whispered breathlessly, tightening her grip on the cloth. Her midnight blue eyes narrowed into stern slits, clashing with his fiery blood red eyes, which oozed unhealthy obsession.

An unhealthy obsession for her.

Gazing up at her, Sirius smiled at the severe, panting expression on her somewhat bruised face. He tilted his head, reflecting on how much he enjoyed watching her from above. He took great pleasure in being beneath her.

If only she realized how much power she had over him. A power that no being could ever have over him.

He was her worshiper. Her stalker. Her demon. Her nightmare.

Whilst she was the source of his insanity.