Do it. Hit me

In a barren, snow-covered land, a grim castle loomed atop a mountain, its walls serving as a fortress.

Within the castle's courtyard, armored soldiers patrolled with purpose, their eyes burning with a fierce, red light, a testament to their vampiric heritage.

As they went about their duties, the sound of clashing steel echoed from the second courtyard, where vampires engaged in intense sparring matches to test and hone their strength.

Inside the grim castle, Sirius stood in the throne room, his face set in a stern scowl as he gazed at the throne. "That bastard."

Just then, Kai entered the room. "Master,"

Sirius turned to him with a dull, lifeless tone. "Is she awake?"

His words sent a shiver down Kai's spine, making him hesitate before responding. "No, Master,"

Sirius's eyes narrowed. "Did you sense anyone else in the castle, anyone unusual, besides Davian?" he asked, his tone laced with a hint of paranoia.