
Sirius stumbled back, clutching at the knife lodged in his neck. His eyes went wide with shock, his mind blank for a second.

Seeing him in such a state, Gwyneth immediately flung the door open, fleeing for her life.

"What in the devil's name goes on in that mind of hers?!" Sirius spat out blood, yanking the knife from his neck.

And he vanished, reappearing in an instant, materializing right before her eyes in the grim hallway, his sudden presence sending her into a tailspin of fear.

She screamed, her legs giving out beneath her, and she crumpled to the floor, her chest heaving with ragged breaths.

Sirius stared down at her, his expression grave and dark. Blood trickled from his neck, staining his clothes, and his eyes gleamed with maddened admiration that sent shivers coursing through her veins.

He was really her nightmare!

Just as she was about to scurry away, his squatting form came looming over her.