Chapter 1

It was the beginning of winter.

Most of the trees have already shed their leafs and white clouds blocked the sun.

Deep within a forest a man was chopping up firewood in front of his house.

The house was made from wood and was rough around the edges.

It had glass windows. Two on the front and one on the left and right.

The man wore clothes made from animal fur.

His cap and gloves were made from rabbit fur, the pants and boots from the fur of wolves and his coat from a bear.

He kept chopping wood with his axe silently until suddenly he started chopping the wood faster and with more strenght.

He did so until he split the tree trunk he was chopping on aswell.

He then dropped the axe from his hands.

He was shaking.

A memory flashed within his mind where he was on a battlefield wielding a bloody axe.

The man was taking heavy breaths while his heart rate increased.

But as the first snow hit his face he snapped out of his shock.

Cold sweat dripped from his face.

"Shit, this is the third time this week." Thought the man.

He seemed to be in his fourthies and some parts of his black hair contained white aswell.

The man noticed his axe on the ground and with a grim expression he picked it up.

He looked up to the sky as the snow fell.

"Looks like winter is finally here." Said the man.

With the snow starting to fall the man picked up the firewood from the ground and started walking towards the houses door.

He grabbed the handle on the door and noticed something was wrong with it.

He dropped the fire wood and the grip around the axe in his hand thightend.

The man looked up and started scanning the surrounding area and he found something.

He let go of the handle and made his way toward the woods.

When he was just a few steps away he found what he was looking for.

Crouching down he made a serious expression.

"Footprints" exclaimed the man.

They were barely noticible but those who made them did not try to hide them.

They were leading deeper in to the forest.

Standing up he observed the trees in front of him.

Even though he regularly cuts down the ones surrounding his house they always seem to grow back in a few weeks.

This started about a month ago.

The man had a grimmer face then before as he looked in to the deep forest.

He then turned around and went toward his house once again.

He pushed down the doors handle and opened it.

The houses intirior was just as simple and crude as the outside.

In the right most corner was a bed and a wardrobe, in the middle a square table with four chairs with a lone kandle on it and a fire place in the middle of the back wall.

The man walked up next to the fire place and dropped the fire wood.

He then placed the axe next to his bed.

He took out two black stones from his pocket and started hitting them together.

After some time the wood caught on fire from the sparks and he watched over it.

After it became strong and stable he removed his gloves and placed them on the wooden floor.

He leand near the fire letting his body absorb the heat.

After awhile he stood up from the fire and started taking the rest of his cloths off until he was topless.

His body was a great palace of muscle howewer it was covered with scars.

He looked his body up and down, inspecting the scars with his hand and remembering how he got them.

In the long past, beings from another world came to Gaia.

They called themselfs demons and the place they come from Hell.

They varied in shapes and sizies,but they had one thing in common and those were their horns.

The bigger and more majestic their horns were the stronger they were.

They started a war with the humans because they thought we should serve and worship them like gods.

And they were right to think so since their innate abilitys far suppressed ours.

But facing this threat as if by divine intervension 7 humans who could wield unique powers and mana appeared.

They passed down their knowlage about the magical arts and turned regular soldiers in to manawielding warriors.

With these special individuals the humans were able to match the strenght of the demons.

And a great war began that engulfed both worlds in flames.

And I Luthor Dawn am a survivor of that great war.