Chapter 4

As he burst through the roof Dawn saw the cursed woman and the child being engulfed by shadows just before he collapsed the house.

Not far from the ruined house the cursed woman holding the white child stepped out of the shadows.

The white child shocked and confused by what he has experienced turned to look at his sister, but before he could ask the cursed woman's hand landed on his mouth.

"Quiet!" Ordered the cursed elf.

She then peeked out from behind the tree.

She saw as Dawn slowly started making his way to the top of the rubble.

When he was on top he closed his eyes and steadied his breath.

Letting the sounds of the outside enter his ears and somehow started filtering them to make out the whereabouts of the fuckers who disturbed his peace.

He was living in these woods for 15 years now and was happy to call this place his home, but now that peace has been disturbed and the house that he built with his own two hands have been destroyed.

He was pissed.

Dawn listeaned to the sounds around him for about half a minute then he changed his approach.

"You are a cursed one aren't you? If you were wondering if I noticed then yes, yes I did.

Does the child know what you truly are?"

No response.

"It raises some questions you know. How did you get the child? Did you kidnap him? Are you blackmailimg or mind controlling him? And these are just a few that crossed my mind."

Dawn then stopped again for a few seconds waiting for a response.

When nothing came he continued.

"If the child dosen't know then I will tell them!

The touch of the abbyss is a curse that alteres ones personality aswell not just the physical attributes. Soon the child will see you for the monster you truly are!

You may think you are different but if I caught the child then you would not hesitate to run with your tail between your legs! Abandoning them for your own safety!"

As these word left Dawns mouth a young voice filled with rage roared through the forest.

Escaping from the grasp of the cursed one that now had several black tears trailing down her cheecks the white child began running towards Dawn with rage in his tiny heart.

"TAKE IT BACK!!!" roard the child.

"NO!" Cried out the cursed woman.

As he ran toward Dawn his eyes began glowing with a fiery orange color and when he was about 10 meters away he pointed his palms forward and from them came bursting through a raging tornado of flames.

Dawn saw the attack yet did not move. He chose to remain in the place he was standing.

As the tornado of flames hit Dawn the child screamed in rage while mustering all of his strenght and poured it in to the fire making the tornado even bigger than it already was.

Yet Dawn took the attack head on not moving a muscle, not letting a single scream out.

Soon the child began sweating heavily and the fire slowly stopped flowing from his hands.

He collapsed in to the cold grass and passed out on the spot.

The cursed woman rushed towards the white child and knelt next to them.

She removed her mask and hood allowing all to see her long back hair and pointy ears.

She pulled back the childs hood aswell and then checked for his pulse.

Luckily for them he was not dead, but compleatly exhauated.

Just as she was about to sigh in relif a deep and stone cold voice rang out in the night.

"Huh, so you were elves." Said the deep voice.

The cursed woman flinched and slowely looked up only to see Dawn with his entier body burned black and his hair still on fire.

Yet before the cursed womans very eyes his wounds began to heal at an increadibly fast rate.

The woman could only stare in shock as the man before her compleatly healed from his injuries in a matter of seconds.

As snow began to fall from the sky once more Dawn looked up.

He once again allowed the cold snow to fall on his face.

The cursed one could only muster the coruage to ask one question.

"W- what are you?"

Dawn then looked down at her and answeared.

"Something even worse than you."

Then suddenly with a precise strike the cursed elf fell over her little brother.