chapter 5

It was the start of winter yet the snow flooded the land and painted it with white.

In the midst of the trees a rabbit was trying to dig through the thick snow to reach the vegetation below.

However it was unaware of the predator lurking behind it in the snow.

It was a lone wolf.

It must have been chased out of his pack thus now it had to hunt alone.

It had silver fur with a black line stretching from his nose to the end of its tail.

It stared at the unsuspecting rabbit and ever so slowely got closer and closer to it.

Then suddenly langued at it and with a swift bite the wolf killed the rabbit.

The wolf picked up the rabbits corpse by the neck and turned around.

It started looking for a place to safely eat his prey.

With the wolfs grey fur it was easy for him to blend in.

However unfortunately for the wolf his luck would soon run out.

As he was walking a great brown bear suddenly emerged from the woods.

It was most likely attraced by the smell of the dead rabbit.

The bear was 3 times larger than the wolf and it looked like it already ate enaugh to sleep trough the winter.

Yet he still wanted the wolfs prey.

The wolf did not eat for 2 days now and could not afford to lose his prey.

The bear gowled at the wolf as if to tell him to fuck off and leave his food behind.

In turn the wolf growled back and stood his ground.

A foolish move.

The bear let out a loud roar as he charged at the wolf.

The wolf knew he couldn't win with strenght, thus he decided to tire the bear out.

He gripped the rabbit more tightly with his mout and started to run as fast as his starved body could.

The bear came after him with incedible speed crushing everything that blocked his path.

The wolf tried running in zig-zags to confuse the bear, but it hardly affected it.

As they run they came to a frozen river and the wolf tried to cross over it, but in his hurry he slipped.

When he stood up the bear already closed the distance and with his huge body slammed in to the wolf sending him flying through the air.

It landed on the other side of the river and dropped the rabbit's corpse during his flight.

The wolf was now in great pain, his bones were likely cracked.

Yet even with the pain he stood up with unwavering determation.

Refusing to submit, refusing to give up and die.

But it was a futiel effort.

The bear made his way to the wolf looking down as he shaked from the pain.

One could tell at a glance the arrogance off his furry face.

He did not need the food yet still chose to take it because he can.

He was the king, this was his territory thus no one can stand up to him.

Those who do shall be crushed and eaten.

This was the law and yet this lone wolf stood up to him.

Even when he growled he refused to give up his food.

Now he was going to show him how grave of a mistake he has made.

Then suddenly a twig was cracked under a foot.

The bear looked up from the shaking wolf to see a man.

He was tall for a human with wide shoulders.

The man was carrying an axe and some kind of net and a bucket while on his back there was a bag.

The man stopped and looked at the scene before him.

He made his way down to the side of the frozen river and put the things he was carrying down.

The man wore cloths made from differant animals.

The bear recognized the animals and so did the wolf.

The man's clothes were made from their kind.

Nonetheless the bear roared at the man telling him to back off.

At the bears warning the man only smiled and continued to walk towards them.

The bear more furious then ever now that two beings stood up to him in his kingdom charged at the him.

The man stopped and opened his arms wide as if there wasen't a huge bear charging at him.

The bear tried to slam the man away with his body, but was stopped when he made contact with the him.

The bear more shocked then ever stood up on his hind legs and tried to crush the man with his front ones.

The man casually grabbed the bears two front paws and they began a contest of strenght.

"You dare enter a contest of strenght with me?" Thought the bear as he tried pushing the man with all his strenght yet the man didn't budge.

Shocked once again the bear tried to bite the mans head off, but he let go of the bear and back stepped.

The bear not wasting any time rushed at the man trying to continue his assult, but was met with a knuckle to his lower jaw which blown it clean off.

The bear cried out in pain as blood was spilling from his mouth.

But this was a battle so the man didn't give him time to grieve the loss of his jaw and jumped in the air while joining his hands and smashed at bears head, crushing his skull and brain.

Even with his skull caved in the bear still tried to fight but the damage to his brain was too great thus the bear collapsed on to the thick ice, blood painting it crimson red as it flowed out.

The man turned his head and looked at the wolf and stared him in the eyes.

The wolf still shaking from the pain looked back at him not yielding to the man.

Then the man laughed.

"You did great, you stood up for yourself and did not kneel to someone stronger then you. I respect that."

The man then walked back to his bucket and took out a large fish and threw it to the wolf.

Not wasting a second the wolf caught it in the air and began divouring the fish, but he still looked at the man with caution.

The man picked up his axe and walked towards bears corpse.

He then raised it and sliced its head clean off finally killing it.

More blood began to spill out of the corpse as the man crouched down next to it and picked a piece of paper out of his pocket.

He then placed it to the bears neck.

"Ignite" said the man.

Then suddenly flames started bursting through the paper engulfing the bears neck.

The corpses neck was now burnt black and blood stopped spilling out of it.

Then the man packed his thing in to his bag and turned to leave with bears corpse.

"Look out for yourself young one." With these words of goodbye the man dissapeared with the bears corpse in to the snowy woods.