The Trial

Dawn and the cursed woman sat face to face.

They looked eachother up and down, searching for any weakness they could take advantage of.

Dawn was sitting on the bears fur with his legs crossed and the rune sword in his right hand.

On the other side of the fire was the cursed elf.

She sat in an elegant posture even with the rope tightly binding her.

After a long silance Dawn finally began the questioning.

"First question. How did you come across me?" Asked Dawn

The elf was silent only for a moment before she answeared.

"We were on the run. When we were sent to this realm we encountered a human village. At first the locals were kind and we thought that the place was safe." She paused for a second and made a bitter expression then continued.

"However after 3 weeks things changed when one night I noticed drugs in our drinks. It turned out they wanted to sell us on the thing called "black market". Luckely there was this forest nearby and we were able to flee. We were not sure if they followed us or not. Because of that we went in deeper and that is when we spotted your house." Concluded the cursed elf.

Dawn stared at her with eyes sharp as knifes, but didnt find anything indicating this was a lie.

"So that is why you went for the kill instead of talking to me." Said Dawn as he laid back to the wall.

"That is correct." Said the elf.

Then suddenly out of nowhere a loud noise came from her stomach.

Dawn raised an eyebrow at this while the cursed elf did not change her expression.

"When was the last time you and the kid ate?" Asked Dawn

"We were surviving on berries and such that the forest gave us." Said the elf.

Dawn then took a deep breath and reached in to his bag and pulled out two wooden plates and spoons.

"When we are done talking I will feed you some stew if you wish." Said Dawn

"That would be most appreciated." Responded the elf.

With his most important question answeared Dawn's mind became somewhat at ease. If the elf says the truth then he was not found by his old enemies, but he had a concearning thought.

"Why did they want to sell them at the black market?"

Only the most evil or powerful knew of the black market and what it was for, but even in that shithole there are rules.

At the top of it all sits "never deal with anything related to the abyss" which was accepted by all.

If someone broke that rule not only will the Inqusition come after you, but the whole force of the black market itself.

"Looks like I need to have a word with them."

With that Dawn moved on to the next question.

"Second question. What is your name?"

Once she heard the question the cursed elf became even more wary of the man in front of her.

To an elf their name meant alot to them. It was what defind them, literary. The elven race can live for a very VERY long time thus their language is always changing.

Because of that it became a language that holds power within it since the newer generation comes up with newer words as an act of defiance against the old.

The older the word the more power they hold.

So when an elf is named the power within the words shape their personalities and strenghts to better fit the meaning behind the words.

Sure for those who do not know the language it would be just a name, but for those that knew the language it told alot about the person.

"Now how will you answear that question?" Asked Dawn in his mind.

The elf had a mixed look on her face.

She was thinking of the possible outcomes of her answear.

She could lie, but there was no guarantee the man won't notice it and then they will be done for.

On the other hand if she were to tell the truth the man could react in a harmful or peacful way.

It was a gamble either way

After thinking long and hard and weighing her choices she answeared.

"My name is Erisha Lynn."

For a single moment Dawn's eyes widened and his mouth slightly opened hearing her response.

Why was a stone cold man such as him so suprised?

It was simple.

The name "Lynn" was one of if not the most ancient word in the elven language.

The word transleted to the human language meant one simple thing.


And it was also the name belonging to elven royalty.

Sweat dripped down from the cursed elfs forehead as she waited for Dawn to respond.

However before he could say anything several footsteps could be heard as a big group of people entered the cave.

The people were all men and wore peasent clothing.

In their hands were pitchforks, axes basicly every tool that could kill another being.

In the front was a bald man that stood out from the rest.

He was of avrage height and his skin was lighter then the men behind him.

He had brown eyes and looked to be in his fourties.

He was wearing a long blue coat padded with some kind of animal fur to protect him from the cold.

The man had a smug look on his face as he scanned the cave and laid his dirty, greedy eyes on the elfs.

"Ahh the merchindise looks to be in good condition. Good job as always Dawn!"

With those words terror crawled its way on to the cursed elfs face as she realised what type of situation she and her sibling were in.

From terror came spite and anger as she returned her gaze at Dawn.

"As our agreement says we shall now take these goods off your hands." said the bald man.

He then waved his hand foward and two of the men behind him began moving towards the two elfs.

But before they could reach them and axe came soaring through the air just an inch from their faces and with a bang got stuck in the wall.

The bald man no longer had a smug look on his face in its stead was now seriousness.

"What do ya think you're doing?" Asked the bald man

Dawn did not answear instead he glared at him.

The bald man wawered and took a step back.

Once he realised what was the problem he smiled.

"So the cats out of the bag. I will not deny it, however that dosen't mean I will answear you."

If eyes could kill the bald man would be dead by now as Dawn did nothing, but stared in to the mans eyes.

They stared at each other for a whole minute then Dawn finally opened his mouth and spoke.

"My deal with you only included humans and for 10 years I have done my part and didn't ask questions. But now you are dealing with The Abyss?"

The bald man hearing Dawn's questioning tone became furious.

"Who are ya to question me you piece of shit huh?! You do what I fucking tell you to do and if I tell you to fucking give me the cursed bitch and the runt then you fucking do it!"

Dawn's face didn't change. His face still had those eyes that were sharp as knifes pointed at the bald man.

He excpected this reaction.

It looked like someone made a request for them which means a cult is on the rise again.

"I think you are mistaking something." Said Dawn as he bagan to stand up.

"You are not my boss, master or anything like that. We only had a deal."

Dawn was now on foot and slowely made his way to his axe that was stuck in the cave's wall.

"The deal was, if you mess up and your product manages to escape in to the forest I would catch them and bring them back to you. In return you will notify me if there is someone who inquiers about me."

Dawn then gripped the handle of his axe and pulled it out of the stone wall.

He locked eyes with the bald merchant and said with a stone cold expression

"The deal was made under the rules of the black market and those rules now apply here.

By the first pharagraph of the law I will now KILL YOU ALL!"